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Advanced Fishing BE

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Are you Bored with only Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish & Clownfish
That can be Fished in Minecraft Bedrock?

Do you want New Fish that can be Fished
And Crafted/Cooked into Resources & Foods?

As it is Written, Your Fishing will be Advanced!

This Addon is Based on a Minecraft Java Mod named "Advanced Fishing" made by Nightkosh!

Showcase Video


Resourceful Fish:

Resourceful Fish

This Addon adds 43 New Fish that can be Fished in their Respective Biomes
And Crafted/Cooked into Resources & Foods!

Respective Biomes:

+ 24% Squid
+ 13% Catfish/Pike
+ 2% Explosive Crucian

Ocean & Beach:
+ 24% Angelfish
+ 13% Jellyfish
+ 2% Sponge Eater

Desert, Savanna, Mesa:
+ 24% Sandy Bass
+ 13% Golden Koi
+ 2% Sunfish

Snowy Biomes & Taiga:
+ 24% Snowy Walleye
+ 13% Frost Minnow
+ 2% Glacier Anchovy

Deep Ocean:
+ 2% Abyssal Lurker
+ 1% Angler Fish

+ Y: <50 Specular Snapper
+ Y: <40 Cave Trout
+ Y: <25 Crystal Mullet & Charged Bullhead

+ 24% Piranha
+ 13% Sparkling Eel
+ 2% Mandarinfish

+ 24% Ruffe/Green Jellyfish/Spider Eye
+ 13% Bonefish/Spookyfin
+ 2% Swamp Plaice/Cursed Koi/Zombie Head/Skeleton Skull

Mooshroom Island:
+ 13% Brown/Red Shroomfin

The End Dimension:
+ 24% Ender Shad
+ 13% Pearl Sardine
+ 2% Chorus Koi

Craftable Resources:

Resources Recipes 1

Resources Recipes 2

Resources Recipes 3

Resources Recipes 4

Resources Recipes 5

Resources Recipes 6

With these recipes, Fishing will help your Survival More than Ever!

Cooking Fish:

Cooking Fish Recipes 1

Cooking Fish Recipes 2

All New Fish also are Edible in Raw

But Be Careful, Some are Harmful if Eaten!

Not All Fish are Dangerous to Eat like:

Cave Trout gives Resistance ll For 10 Seconds
Mandarinfish gives you Instant Health ll

Blazing Fishing Pole!

Blazing Fishing Pole

  • Durability: 570
  • Repairable with Blaze Rod & Other Blazing Fishing Pole
  • Uncraftable, Only 5% to Find in Ruined Portal, Nether Fortress & Bastion Remnant in Damaged by +85%

All Nether Fish & Blazing Fishing Pole Won't Burn!

So you Must Fishing in Nether!

Nether Fish Loot



Integrate-able with Azure Culture for a bunch of extra features!

[Enable it byScrolling the Subpacks]

Advanced Fishing Settings



◆ Blazing Fishing Pole Template...

Large chest loot

You'll get the Template Instead of the Usual!

◆ Hooks, Just the Nether Version [Unburnable]

Hook recipes


  • Iron = Obsidian
  • Double Iron = Double Obsidian
  • Golden = Glowstone
  • Redstone = Soul Sand

You need the Tackle Box, Bobber, Fishing Line & Baits from Azure Culture!

◆ Scaling Knives, Just the Resource Version

Live Forms For Most Fish!

Freshwater Fish:

Catfish, Fish Mixed with Cat


Pike, Looks Antique...


Nitric Crucian, Not Literally So

Nitric Crucian

They'll Spawn in Almost Any River

Oceach Fish:

Angelfish, It's Beautiful!


Bluebottle Jellyfish, Safe to Touch?

Bluebottle Jellyfish

Ofc Nope, You'll get Poison!

Bluehead Porifcian, Crustacean As Well

Bluehead Porifcian

They'll Spawn in Ocean & Beach

Desavesa Fish:

Barred Sand Bass, Covered in Sand

Barred Sand Bass

Golden Koi, Wealthbringer Fish!

Golden Koi

Sunfish, Star in Water...


They'll Spawn in Desert, Savanna & Mesa

Cold Fish:

Snowy Walleye, Covered in Snow

Snowy Walleye

Frost Minnow, Swimming Ice Cube

Frost Minnow

Glacier Anchovy, Swimmning Ice Stalactite

Glacier Anchovy

They'll Spawn in Cold & Frozen River

Deep Fish:

Abyssal Lurker, Deep Dweller

Abyssal Lurker

Prismatic Angler, Dark Nightmare!

Prismatic Angler

They'll Spawn in Deep Ocean

Cave Fish:

Specular Snapper, Cave Decorator

Specular Snapper

Carbonic Trout, Tough Fish!

Carbonic Trout

Lazulicanth, Enchant-Fish


Charged Bullhead, Power-Fish

Charged Bullhead

They'll Spawn in Underground Aquifer with Specific Coordinates!

Specular Snapper = Y:50

Carbonic Trout = Y:40

Lazulicant & Charged Bullhead = Y:25

Tropical Fish:

Piranha, Small but Scary!


Don't Worry, They Don't Eats Human

Sparkling Eel, Actually it's Dim

Sparkling Eel

Mandarin Dragonet, Masterpiece!

Mandarin Dragonet

They'll Spawn in Jungle

Swamp Fish:

Ruffe, Tambaqui?


Mud Tuna, Covered in Mud

Mud Tuna

Fluorescent Jellyfish, Just Green...

Fluorescent Jellyfish

Bonefish, Back from the Dead!


Phantasmal Tetra, Wooo...

Phantasmal Tetra

Cursed Koi, Cursebringer Koi!

Cursed Koi

They'll Spawn in Swamp

Mooshroom Fish:

Brown Fungalfin, Chocolate Moldy Fish

Brown Fungalfin

Red Fungalfin, Strawberry Moldy Fish

Red Fungalfin

They'll Spawn in Mooshroom Island

Special Fish:

Magikarp, Burping Magic Karp!


Spawns Anywhere, but Very Rare...



  • Nightkosh for his Port Permission!
  • Some1 for his Fishing Rod!
  • WeeWee for his Unburnable Item!
  • Hachuden for his Biome-Depended Fishing Loot!

Permissions from Nightkosh, Some1, WeeWee & Hachuden:

Permission from Nightkosh

Some1's Permission has been Removed by Himself...

Permission from WeeWee

Permission from Hachuden


> My Discord <

For Addon Progression, Support, Suggestion, Bug Report & Hang-Out!


What's the [with Itemtips]?

This version will provide Itemtips on some items (English Only), example:

Blazing Fish Pole Itemtip

This version is for anyone who wants in-game/more informations about the items

But if you want all the available languages, stay download the normal version...


Required Experimental Features:

Required Experimental Features for the Addon


  • English
  • Deutsch
  • Español
  • Français
  • Bahasa Indonesia [By @Rainbow Dash Cool]
  • Italiano
  • Português
  • Русский
  • 简体中文
  • 繁體中文

◆ Working on 1.17.0+!

Enjoy & Have a Useful Fishing!

Updated on April 13


Added an Integration with Azureculture's 8.0 update
Scaling Knives on Cutting Board

Increased the Min Engine Version to 1.20.30

V7.4 / September 10 / Old Update


Reworked the items!
New code generation, Grouped items, Simpler recipes & Better itemtips

New Integration with Tough As Nails
Snowy & Nether fishes effect temperature when eaten

Updated to 1.20+

V7.3 / July 25 / Old Update


Added a Showcase Video!
For another guide besides this addon page...

◆ Scaling Knife are now Stackable
But the stack amount indicates the item durability

◆ The loots has been Updated so it's compatible with 1.20's

Download links
[Mediafire] Default
[Mediafire] with Itemtips
Supported versions
  1. and... ZhyuRo is also here now!
    1. Cup of Coffee profile avatar Cup of Coffee Author
      I was going to delete this post, but modbay ask my permission for them to post the other addons here too