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Fast Totem V3.3 (no player.json)

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Equip a new totem of undying or shield without opening the inventory to survive a few more seconds in your world! You only need to right-click or hold the screen and release it with the totem or shield equipped in your main hand.

This add-on offers a convenient way of using undying totems and shields! With just a simple click or touch, you can instantly swap them from your main hand to your off-hand without pausing the game. This feature, which resembles the “F” key option in the Java Edition of the game, allows you to access your totem and shield faster during critical moments. This add-on is also fully compatible with other player.json file-based add-ons, so you can enjoy it with your favorite mods. Moreover, it only requires Beta APIs experiments to be enabled to work, so you can start using it right away. Whether you’re fighting in a raid, exploring ancient cities, or having a friendly PVP match with your friends, this add-on will enhance your gameplay experience and give you an advantage.

Fast Totem: Demonstration

Additional Features:

  • Fast Shield Equipment:
    Move your shield to your offhand faster than never! No matter what item you have in your offhand, they will swap. You can turn on/off this feature with !config command menu

Fast Shield Equipment: Demonstration

  • Totem Activation Alert:
    You can turn on an alert that will be shown every time a player uses a totem, you can globally turn it on/off or change the message with !alert command or locally turn it on/off with !config menu command.

Totem Activation Alert: Demonstration

  • Totem First Activation Alert (a.k.a "achievement")
    You can turn on an alert that will be shown the first time a player uses a totem, you can globally turn it on/off or change the message with !achievement command or locally turn it on/off with !config menu command.

Totem First Activation Alert: Demonstration

Custom Commands (alert, achievement, config, help):

  • !help: shows the full command list which provides the usage of each command
  • !config: enter the user configuration interface
  • !alert: configure the totem activation alert settings, this command has 3a parameters:
    • set: allows you to change the alert message, every "{player}" written in the message will be replaced by the name of the player that activated the totem
    • reset: reset the alert message to the default value
    • show: allows you to chose if either show or not the alert message
  • !achievement: settings of the totem first activation alert (or achievement), this command has 3 parameters:
    • set: allows you to change the alert message, every "{player}" written in the message will be replaced by the name of the player that activated the totem
    • reset: reset the alert message to the default value
    • show: allows you to chose if either show or not the alert message

IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to have the "TS:Admin" to be able to edit the alerts. You can add it by using /tag @s add "TS:Admin"

Custom Commands List

Settings Menu:

  • Allows you to turn on/off the fast totem, fast shield and alert messages. The player's local settings will always be above the global settings.

Settings Menu Demonstration


This addon only needs Beta APIs to work.

Required Experiments for Fast Totem Addon

Updated on July 20

  • Added support to 1.21
v3.1 / November 03 / Old Update

Fast Totem Addon Version 3.1:

  • This version, which includes new customizable features, is only compatible with Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.40+
  • Fast totem, fast shield and all alerts are now turned ON by default
    • You will be able to turn it off at any time.
    • Also, you can edit the alert message using !alert, note that you must have the "TS:Admin" tag to use it. (/tag @s add "TS:Admin")
    • Also, you can edit the achievement message using !achievement, you must have the "TS:Admin" tag to use it.
  • Fixed a chat issue that makes the custom commands works when you put a whitespace before the command prefix "!"
  • Updated to 1.20.40
v3 / October 03 / Old Update

Fast Totem Addon Version 3:

  • This version, which includes new customizable features, is only compatible with minecraft bedrock 1.20.30+
  • Now, only the fast totem will be available by default, you can turn on each feature at every time
  • Activation alerts:
    • Activation alerts are now deactivated by default, by using the custom available command (!config) you will be able to turn it on. Also, you can edit the alert message using !alert, note that you must have the "TS:Admin" tag to use it. (/tag @s add "TS:Admin")
  • Achievement or first activation alerts:
    • Achievement alerts are now deactivated by default, by using the custom available command (!config) you will be able to turn it on. Also, you can edit the alert message using !achievement, you must have the "TS:Admin" tag too.
  • !config menu:
    • With the !config menu you will be able to see a new interface which will allow you to turn on/off every feature.
v2.2 / Old Update

Fast Totem Addon Version 2.2:

  • Added support for minecraft bedrock 1.20
  • The addon won't work with minor versions
v2 / Old Update

Fast Totem Addon Version 2:

  • Now, you can also swap your shield to your offhand!
  • Totems and shields will preserve their data when swapped! (name, ID and lore!)
  • Swapping is now possible if your offhand is also in use, you will just get the item in your offhand in your mainhand and the totem/shield will pass to your offhand!
  • Totem sound is now played to all the players in the world
Download links
Fast Totem 3.3.0-beta (1.21)
Fast Totem 1.0.0-release (1.20.30+)
Supported versions
1 019
  1. What is that font u r using??!
    1. NxmbersCib profile avatar NxmbersCib Author
      You can find those fonts and more on Blockbench Minecraft Title Generator plugin! Head to my discord server if you need assitance.