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Nico's More Mineshaft (v1.5.3)

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Nico's More Mineshaft is an add-on that will bring more new mineshaft structures that generate naturally in your world. Every mineshaft had different varieties, lengths, and loots. There are three types of mineshafts: oak wood mineshafts, spruce wood mineshafts, and ancient mineshafts.


Nico's More Mineshaft Logo





Version: 1.5.3


  • Updated for compatibility with Minecraft version 1.21.51.
  • Decreased the generation chance of the station rooms with mob spawners in every type of custom mineshaft.




Oak Wood Mineshaft:

Oak Wood Mineshaft

Oak Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 1

Oak Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 2

Oak Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 3

Oak Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 4

Oak Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 5

  • Generate in Plains, Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Jungle, Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, Stony Peaks, Desert, Savanna, Badlands, Mushroom Fields, Corrupted Forest, Mossy Forest, & Overgrown Jungle underground.

Spruce Wood Mineshaft:

Spruce Wood Mineshaft

Spruce Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 1

Spruce Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 2

Spruce Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 3

Spruce Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 4

Spruce Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 5

  • Generate in Snowy Plains, Windswept Forest, Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Windswept Hills, Cherry Grove, Meadow, Grove, Snowy Slopes, Jagged Peaks, & Frozen Peaks underground.

Ancient Mineshaft:

Ancient Mineshaft

Ancient Mineshaft: Screenshot 1

Ancient Mineshaft: Screenshot 2

Ancient Mineshaft: Screenshot 3

Ancient Mineshaft: Screenshot 4

Ancient Mineshaft: Screenshot 5

  • Generate in all deepslate underground.

Birch Wood Mineshaft

Birch Wood Mineshaft

Birch Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 1

Birch Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 2

Birch Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 3

Birch Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 4

Birch Wood Mineshaft: Screenshot 5

  • Generate in Birch forest, Cherry grove, & Meadow surfaces.



Miner Skeleton

Miner Skeleton

(10 variants)

Miners Skeletons: Screenshot

  • Rarity: Common
  • Behavior: Hostile
  • Mob type: Skeleton, Undead, Monster
  • Spawn only inside the custom mineshafts.
  • Health: 20-32
  • Speed: 0.25
  • It can breathe in Air & Water.
  • It can burn in daylight.
  • It can randomly sit.
  • Drops on death: Bone, Coal, Raw Copper, Raw Gold, Raw Iron, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst Shard, Emerald, Diamond, & XP Orbs.
  • Avoids: Cave Wolf, & Wolf.
  • Aggressive toward: Players, Iron Golem, Snow Golem, Villagers, & Players aggressive tamed mobs.
  • Equipped weapon: Random Pickaxe
  • Equipped armor: Random Helmet
  • Melee Attack Damage: 3
  • It can slowly regenerate their health when they sit or sleep.
  • It can pick up weapons and equip it.
  • It can pick up armor and equip it.


Known Issues/Bugs

Known Issues/Bugs:


Missing Dependencies:
  • Missing dependencies are a very common issue with add-ons; even marketplace add-ons have them.
  • The issue is pointing out that the pack can't find the associated pack (either the behavior or resource pack) of the add-on.
  • This issue doesn't really affect the add-on, because when you apply the add-on pack to your world, the associated pack will automatically apply too.
  • To help resolve this issue, please vote on the bug on Mojang: MCPE-38529
Broken structures generation:
  • The structures may have broken or missing parts when they are generated in the world.
  • Also, some structures end up colliding with other structures when they are generated in the world.




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Add-On Notes

  • Add-on may only be compatible with Minecraft version 1.21.50 or higher.
  • This add-on is NOT using a 'player.json' file.
  • This add-on is mostly compatible with other add-ons.
  • Add-on will work on the realm or server; just make sure you install the correct file and enable the experimental gameplay options correctly.
  • Add-on is not tested yet on the beta and preview versions of Minecraft, so expect some bugs if you are using those versions.
  • Remove the old packs before installing the new version of the packs.
  • If you make a review, gameplay, or showcase about the add-ons, please don't forget to give credit or put the original link (this ModBay page).
  • Do not provide the direct link (mediafire) or any other download link that I didn't provide.


Download Guide

  1. Click the download option below 'Nico's More Mineshaft (v1.5.3) [Behavior]'. It will lead you to the Boostellar site.
  2. On the Boostellar site, find and click 'Click on Ad'.
  3. An ad article will pop up. After 15 seconds, just go back or close the ad page.
  4. On the Boostellar site again, find and click 'Unlock Content'. This will take you to the Mediafire site.
  5. On Mediafire, click the download button to download the file.



  • Toggle OFF the creator setting options, this may prevent some lag in your gameplay and also keep the error logs from popping up.

Disabled Creator Settings

  • Make sure that you download and install both the behavior and resource packs of the add-on.
  • This add-on doesn't need any experimental options to toggle on.
  • Download both the 'Behavior Pack [BP]' and the 'Resource Pack [RP]'.
  • Use the 'Server Pack' just in case the 'BP' or 'RP' don't work on servers or realms.


Download links
Nico's More Mineshaft (v1.5.3) [Behavior Pack]
Nico's More Mineshaft (v1.5.3) [Resource Pack]
Nico's More Mineshaft (v1.5.3) [Server Pack]
Supported versions
14 778
  1. You should Soul sand mineshafts and nether biomes mineshaft. A piglin mineshaft would be amazing
  2. No avatar image CrowHawkins Guest
    Use https://bypass.city/ to get rid or money links.
  3. The thing about putting it on linkvertise AND asking for donations to ko-fi makes you look money hungry. Don't pull the "But you don't HAVE to pay to the ko-fi if you don't want to." Because you have to go on linkvertise to get it.
  4. No avatar image Guest Max Guest
    Is this on another website?
  5. It would be great if some type of miner zombie would be added later (which rarely lets go of its pickaxe that had any enchantments), also a new type of spider 🕷, and that not as many minecarts will be generated, since the skeletons always sit on them (taking into account that you have to wait a few minutes for the structure to be generated, many of them have time to get stuck in the carts)