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MechanicalCraft | Golem Upgrader

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MechanicalCraft adds some machines that make your Minecraft gameplay easier. The addon is 99% compatible with other addons unless they modify zombie villager. The addon has some incomplete items, but none of them can be obtained in survival, so don't worry they won't change your gameplay.


  • The addon supports English and Chinese.
  • I'm running out of ideas, If you have one, share it in the comments and rate the addon.
  • Chinese translation credits: bilibiliMC.pineapple
  • You can follow the progress of the addon on the YouTube channel MechanicalCraft.
  • Some items like villager DNA are documented on the pages below, so check them out!

The addon supports english and chinese.


Golem Upgrader

Crafted with using radiator

Golem Upgrader


Crafted using crafting table.


The heater doesn't will turn cobblestone or stone bricks into lava.

Infested blocks are immune to Heater.

Fire Amulet

Obtained by crafting (radiator).

While being off handed, the amulet will provide you fire resistance.

Fire Amulet

Steel-Tungsten Ingot

Crafted by mixing 2 tungsten dust and 1 steel ingot (crafting table). This ingot allow you to craft some items.

Tungsten Dust

Obtained by melting Tungsten dioxide in a blast furnace. This dust will enrich your armours and ingots.

Wolframite Ore

It's a uncommon and hard ore, it can be mined with steel pickaxe+ and will drop Wolframite.

Wolframite Ore


Obtained by crafting.


Dirt, sand and red sand can give you ore nuggets

Coal can give you coke and creosote (used as fuel)

Gravel can give you Flint and ore nuggets.

Feel free to suggest more

This is the most important coal inside the addon, coke is used in every non vanilla ore obtainment. Coke can be obtainment through the toolsmith villager or by melting coal (normal furnaces only).

Oxides are items used in craftings and ores obtainment.

  • Ferrous oxide: Can be obtained by melting one iron nugget (Normal furnaces).
  • Lead monoxide: Can be obtained by melting galena (Normal furnaces only, blast furnaces will turn galena into lead).

Lead ingot can be obtained by melting galena (blast furnace only), or via the complex method:

(Use these items in a Metallurgical furnace)

  1. Ferrous oxide
  2. Lead monoxide
  3. Coke
  4. Limestone
  5. Collect using a bucket.
  6. Transform into ingots using the ingot mold.

Lead Ore


Galena is a common ore that can only be mined with steel pickaxe+ (Including diamond and magnetite pickaxe).

Galena Ore


For now, there are 2 components (Copper wires and bronze gear). They are used in machines craftings and will be used in manual crafting (upcoming crafting method)

Componets Table


Can be crafted using the radiator.

Holding it with your offhand will repel every projectile.

Holding it with your mainhand will attract every item.


Magnetite Tools

Magnetite tools (axe and pickaxe) are weaker than steel tools and both have 1700 durability. They have the ability to increase the collect range (4 blocks distance) while being hold.

Magnetite Axe

Magnetite Pickaxe

Magnetite Fragment

Magnetite fragment is a mineral that can be obtained through using raw iron into an Extractor (isn't guaranteed).

Magnetite Fragment in Hand

It can be used to make lodestone:

Lodestone Recipe from Magnetite Fragments


Bronze is a metal similar to copper, but with a golden/yellow appearance. Bronze can be obtained by combining tin, copper and coke in a metallurgical furnace.

Video tutorial:


Tin ingots can be obtained by using a blast furnace or metallurgical furnace (cassiterite + coke)

Video tutorial:


Cassiterite Ore is a common ore and can be found above deepslate. Cassiterite can be mined only with iron pickaxe+

(Cassiterite ore has no deepslate version)

Cassiterite Ore

Steel Armor

Each steel armor piece has 1 more point of armor than the diamond armor

(Steel helmet has 1 more armor point than diamond helmet...)

Its durability is equivalent to netherite.

Steel Armor

Steel Tools

We have three steel tools (pickaxe, axe and sword), there is no plan to add steel shovel or hoe, but I plan to make other types of tools.

All vanilla type steel tools are as good as diamond tools and have the durability of netherite tools.

Steel Axe

Steel Pickaxe

Steel Sword

Obtaining Steel

Written process:

  1. Mine calcite (It can be found in amethyst geodes).
  2. Using the extractor (Purchased from wandering trader) and calcite, you can get lime stone.
  3. Buy a converter and coke (coal) from a tool smith villager. (Coke = 3-7 emeralds, Converter = 20 emeralds).
  4. Activate the smelting furnace with a coal block, place 1 coke, 1 iron ingot and 1 limestone and then collect the pig iron with a bucket. You will also get a slag, keep it.
  5. With a converter, click using a coke, then pig iron, limestone and slag.
  6. If you do everything right the converter will close, after 1-2 minutes you will get a steel ingot.

Video tutorial:


Obtained from tool smith villager.



Obtained by crafting using the radiator.


Villager DNA

Used in clone machine.

Villager DNA Recipe


Allows you to heal zombie villagers without the need to use golden apples and weakness potions.

Antidote Recipe

Antidote in Brewing Stand

Hell Anvil

Obtained by crafting.

Hell Anvil

Gold Dust

Obtained by crafting (mortar only).

Gold Dust


Obtained by crafting.

Mortar and Pestle

Potent Freezer

Obtained by crafting.

Potent Freezer


Obtained by crafting.


Dimensional Pearls
Charged Coal

You can also view the guides inside Minecraft!

MechanicalCraft: Guides

Metallurgical Furnace

Obtained by crafting (Now the furnace is 100% block, to interact just click on it).

Metallurgical Furnace

Ingot Mold

Obtained by crafting.

Ingot Mold

Magnetic Hopper

Obtained by crafting.

Can also be activated using charged coal.

Magnetic Hopper

Melting Furnace

Obtained by crafting.

Melting Furnace

Security Camera

Obtained by crafting.

Security Camera


Obtained by crafting.



Obtained by crafting.



The extractor can only be obtained by trading with the nomad merchant.


Clone Machine

Can be obtained by crafting, crouching will unlock the button to collect the machine.

Clone Machine

Experience Machine

Obtained by crafting.

Experience Machine

Required Experiments:

Enable all experimental options.

Required Experiments for MechanicalCraft Addon

I recommend using older 1.20 versions to avoid some bugs.

Updated on May 27

  • Added the Iron golem upgrader.
  • Added two new recipes using the Radiator and recycler.
  • Fixed not being able to repair ugraded iron golems.
Changelog History
Changelog for May 20 / Old Update
  • Added the Heater.
  • Addes tungsten bucket into survival mode (It's a crafting item, it doesn't work as a normal bucket).
  • Fixed Component table not showing on creative menu.
  • Fixed magnet breaking some machines.
Changelog for May 16 / Old Update
  • Added Steel-tungsten ingot.
  • Added Fire Amulet.
  • Added new radiator recipe.
  • Added Tungsten bucket (Not implemented completely and not at survival).
Changelog for May 13 / Old Update
  • Added Wolframite ore.
  • Added Wolframite.
  • Added Tungsten Dioxide.
  • Added Tungsten Dust.
Changelog for May 07 / Old Update
  • Added centrifuge
  • Added Creosote (used as fuel)
  • Added new way to get ore nuggets and coke.
Changelog for April 13 / Old Update
  • Added Lead Monoxide
  • Added Ferrous Oxide
  • Added new Coke obtainment method (No longer dependent on villagers)
  • Added Molten Lead Bucket
  • Added Lead obtaiment through the Metallurgical furnace and ingot mold process
Changelog for April 08 / Old Update
  • Added Galena
  • Added Lead
  • Added Tin-Lead Solder (no pratical uses for now)
  • Added Chainmail
  • Added craftings for every chainmail armour piece (using Chainmail).
Changelog for March 29 / Old Update
  • Added Components Table
  • Added Copper Wires
  • Added Bronze Gear
  • Changed Some Machine Recipes (Clone Machine and Magnetic Hopper).
Changelog for March 19 / Old Update
  • Added Magnetite Pickaxe
  • Added Magnetite Axe
  • Added Steel itens into the Recyler (Steel armor pieces and tools)
  • Changed the Magnetic hopper recipe (now uses one magnetite fragment)
Changelog for March 13 / Old Update
  • Added Magnetite Fragment
  • Added alternate Lodestone recipe
  • Added new Extractor interaction with raw iron (results in iron nugget or magnetite fragment)
Changelog for March 09 / Old Update
  • Added Bronze
  • Added Converter
Changelog for February 18 / Old Update
  • Added Transmuter
  • Removed Entity Analyzer
Changelog for November 27 / Old Update
  • Added Hell Anvil
  • Added new recipes
Changelog for November 05 / Old Update
  • Added Gold Dust
  • Added new recipes
Changelog for October 23 / Old Update
  • Added Entity Analyzer
  • Added new Mortar and Pestle recipes
Changelog for October 13 / Old Update
  • Added Mortar and Pestle
  • Added new recipes
Changelog for October 08 / Old Update
  • Added Potent Freezer, Potent Freezer guide and missing crafting recipes
Changelog for October 04 / Old Update
  • Added Charged Coal
  • Added missing guides in the Minecraft help tab
  • Added guides for items that are not mentioned in machine guides
Changelog for October 01 / Old Update
  • Added Forcefield
Changelog for September 30 / Old Update
  • Changed in odds for some machines
  • Rebalanced some machines
  • Added Radiator
  • Added Dimensional Pearls
  • Fixed bugs
Changelog for August 20 / Old Update
  • Added Metallurgical Furnace
  • Added Ingot Mold
Download links
Download - Lootlabs [MCADDON]
Supported versions
4 878
  1. No avatar image Guest Red Guest
    Can you make it downloadable through here? Thanks
  2. yeah I can't download it
  3. Sabiour profile avatar Sabiour
    Amazing addon but I hope they’ll update Minecraft soon so that the cameras work for all versions