Demon Lord Vanilla Boss

This mod only includes behavior because its items use vanilla textures. The boss it adds can only be summoned, is very tanky and deals heavy damage. Also, it can heal every 2 and 30 minutes, and even break blocks!
- Wither Skeleton
- ??? (Easter Item) "Head"
- Netherite Chestplate "Chest"
- Netherite Leggings "Legs"
- Netherite Boots "Feet"
- Netherite Sword (Fire Aspect II) "Main Hand"
- Health Boost (Level 44 = XLV)
- Resistance (Level 3 = IV)
- Strength (Level 6 = VII)
- Speed (Level 2 = III)
Passive Skills:
- Heal (Instant Damage I) every 120 seconds
- Ultimate Heal (Instant Damage V) every 1800 seconds
- Can Walk Above Water And Lava
- Can Break Blocks Close To It
- Summons the Demon Lord
- Obtained by smelting the Nether Star
Showcase Video:
Updated on March 24
Demon Lord V2
- Stronger demon lord
- New item textures
- New recipes