Reliquary Reincarnations Addon V3

This addon adds items and blocks based on Java Edition Reliquary Reincarnations mod.
- Creator: Brunum Games
- YouTube
Permission for ModBay:
- Enable Experimental Gameplay and Education Edition
- Addon tested only on mobile and single player mode
Made by a fan
Report bugs and issues in the comments, my YouTube channel or my Discord Server
If you are going to record the addon, give the credits
If you want to add translation of this and/or other addons to your language, contact me on my Discord Server
New Loot Items:
Many things in the addon use new loot items in your crafting. The items are:
- Bat Wing - Bat
- Catalyzing Gland - Creeper/Ghast
- Chelicerae - Spider/Cave Spider
- Eye of the Storm - Creeper
- Frozen Core - Snowman
- Guardian Spike - Guardian
- Molten Core - Blaze/Magma Cube
- Nebulous Heart - Enderman
- Rib Bone - Skeleton/Stray
- Slime Pearl - Slime/Magma Cube
- Squid Beak - Squid/Glow Squid
- Witch Hat - Witch
- Withered Rib - Wither Skeleton
- Zombie Heart - Zombie/Zombie Villager/Husk/Drowned
All these items can be turned into another loot on the crafting table. (Detail for the Guardian Spike that has no function other than the above and for the Witch Hat that can be equipped)
These are items whose only function is to be used in recipes.
Shears of Winter:
Clicking on a block will turn all leaves in a 3×3×3 area (Broken block as center) into air when clicking a block.
Hold the screen breaks blocks that you need to break using shears to obtain while holding the screen (without sneaking). Also affects mooshroom and sheep.
Glowing Water and Glowing Bread:
Glowing Water: It's like a splash potion that kills nearby undead family mobs.
Glowing Bread: Made with Glowing Water, fills all hunger and has great saturation.
Lantern of Paranoia:
Hold on screen to equip 5 torches (you need to have this in your inventory just to let you know), hold again to place (in place of air) on the block you are on and 5 blocks apart (if on the same height block not for air, the torch can be placed up to 2 blocks above)
Sojourner's Staff:
Hold on the screen to equip a torch and hold again to launch a projectile that touches a block to place a torch.
Items that make you hungry:
Hold screen to equip. These are items that give a positive effect along with hunger in compensation.
Angelic Feather: Effect of Slow Falling and Jump Boost II.
Infernal Claws: Fire Resistance Effect.
Kraken Shell: Water Breathing, Night Vision and Speed ​​Effect when completely underwater.
Twilight Cloak:
You gain the Invisibility effect when you equip it.
Altar of Light:
Place 3 redstones, make the block light up, and then it will create a glowstone block instead of air after a while.
Ice Wands:
Ice Magus Rod: Hold screen to equip snowball, hold again to throw.
Glacial Staff: Does the same thing as the Ice Magus Rod but throws the snowball faster and passively turns water and lava into walkable blocks.
Mercy Cross:
When hitting an undead family mob, it deals 12 more damage. Hitting an others mobs does the same damage as an iron sword.
Void Tear:
Combine with 12 possible items while crafting, hold the screen to equip the selected item. Hold the screen sneaking to get it back.
Destruction Catalyst:
Hold the screen to equip gunpowder and click on a block while sneaking to break it into a 3×3×3 area with the clicked block in the center.
Serpent Staff:
Shoot a projectile that causes the slowness effect for 5 seconds and makes neutral mobs "calm".
Salamander Eye:
When held in hand, extinguishes fire and fireballs (such as ghasts throw) in a 3-block radius and extinguishes the player fire.
Fortune Coin:
Hold the screen to activate, when activated, teleports all items and XP to the player within a radius of 5 blocks, when clicking on the ground, teleports within a radius of 15 blocks.
Emperor's Chalice: Place infinite water, hold sneaking screen to change mode, in second mode, click on the block to transform the above block from water to air. In water place mode, hold the screen to have the saturation effect for 20 seconds in exchange for 1 heart.
Infernal Chalice: When in inventory, gain fire resistance effect. Apart from the part of exchanging life for hunger, it does the same as the Emperor's Chalice only with lava instead of water.
More chances to drop items from mobs and can cause effects on hit mobs.
Harvest Rod:
Hold on screen to equip bone meal, hold while sneak to switch to use mode. Hold again to grow crops, harvest and replant in a 5x5 area.
Infernal Tear:
Hold on screen to activate, turns cobblestone, cobbled deepslate, blackstone, granite, diorite, andresite, sand, gravel and rotten flesh into XP.
Rending Gale:
You can hold the screen and equip it with feather, hold while sneak to switch the modes. You can teleport nearby mobs to you by or push the mobs. Click on a block for lightning to appear. Also has a flight mode.
Pyromancer's Staff:
Hold on the screen to equip blaze powder or fireball (Priority is blaze powder) and hold while sneak to switch the modes. Hold again to shoot a small fireball (if in blaze fireball mode) or a fireball (if in ghast fireball mode). Click on the ground to make fire appear (if in flint and steel mode) or burn mobs (if in eruption mode). In no fire mode, do the same as Salamander Eye and extinguish small fireball too.
Ender Staff and Wraith Node:
Hold on screen to equip ender pearl, hold sneaking again to toggle between Ender Pearl (Throw Ender Pearl normally), Ender Eye (Throw Ender Pearl faster) and Wraith Node (Teleports you to selected) modes.
Passive Pedestals and Pedestals:
(Not recommended to place 3d items)
The Passive Pedestals come to display items, for now only the ones in the image below Pedestals are an improved version that serves to make items perform functions:
Vanilla Swords: Deals damage within a 5 block radius
Vanilla Hoes: Plow the soil in 3x3x3
Fishing rod: Fishing when there is a block of water below
Mercy Cross: Deals damage within a 5 block radius, the damage is greater if the mob belongs to the undead family
Magicbane: 4 damage to all mobs on cooldown, mobs that have been hit can give more drops from the addon
Fortune Coin: Teleports neaby items and xp orbs to the pedestal
Shears of Winter: Performs the function that breaks specific blocks and shears animals
Salamander Eye and Pyromancer's Staff (Off mode): Extinguish nearby fire
Harvest Rod: Breaks and replants crops
Glacial Staff: Solidifies water and lava
Rending Gale: Pull/Push mobs according to mode
Holy Hand Grenade:
Hold on screen to throw. Causes an "explosion" that kills most vanilla mobs.
Alkahestry Tome:
- Hold on the screen to charge with redstone, glowstone or glowstone dust (the charge order is 4, 8, 32, 64, 256).
- If you've loaded up to 64, you can take the load off in redstone.
- You can multiply items according to the original mod (as long as you don't exceed 64 result items).
- From other addons it is possible to multiply Mekanism's Tin (Ramcor).
- The gunpowder, gold and iron craftings don't appear if you don't own the item and the book.
Handgun, Bullets and Magazines:
Hold the screen with the Handgun to equip bullets (the magazine that is in the last hotbar slot)
Hold on the screen again to shoot.
- Neutral Bullet: 11 damage on target
- Sand Bullet: 11 damage and the target is blinded for 5 seconds and explodes creepers
- Blaze Bullet: 16 fire damage and the target is on fire
- Exorcism Bullet: 22 damage to undead mobs and 11 to other mobs
- Concussive Bullet: 11 damage and an explosion that doesn't break blocks
- Buster Bullet: 12 damage and a block-breaking explosion
- Storm Bullet: 12 damage and a lightning strike
- Seeker Bullet: 16 damage and teleports to a nearby mob
- Ender Bullet: Same as Seeker but do 22 for 1-3 mobs nearby
When shooting, you receive an Empty Bullet and 4 of them can be converted into a gold nugget.
Hero's Medallion:
- Hold on screen (without sneaking) to store XP (up to 200 levels)
- Hold on screen (sneaking) to get stored XP
Fertile Potion:
Performs an effect similar to Harvest Rod when hitting the ground.
Witherless Rose:
Immunizes the player to the wither effect.
Midas Touchstone:
When in offhand, recovers gold items in the mainhand at the cost of glowstone.
Interdiction Torch:
Pushes nearby mobs away.
Angelheart Vial and Phoenix Down:
Angelheart Vial: When the player takes damage and has a half of their health or less, it drops 3 health points and removes negative effects and breaks
Phoenix Down: Improved Angelic Feather. Activates when the player takes damage and has a quarter of their health or less. Recovers all health, removes negative effects, gives positive effects and returns to Angelic Feather.
The original mod made by P3pp3rF1y and X3n0ph0b3 has the GNU license, I tried to contact one of the creators and I received a response:
Source code (Addon): https://github.com/BrunumGames/Reliquary-BE
Addon Demo Videos (in Portuguese):
V3 Update:
V2 Update:
First Version:
Updated on March 29
V3.5 Update:
- Added version compatible with Minecraft 1.20.70
- It is now possible to place any item on pedestals
- Pedestals now have color variations
- Salamander Eye works correctly on offhand
V3 Update:
- Added Angelheart Vial
- Added Fertile Potion
- Added Interdiction Torch
- Added Midas Touchstone
- Added Phoenix Down
- Added Witherless Rose
- Added Seeker Bullet and Ender Bullet
- Added Magazines
- Change in the way of filling out certain items
- New mode for Rending Gale and Pyromancer Staff
- Bullet damage changed
- Other changes
- Bugs Fixes