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Have you ever thought why ore's texture have so many minerals in there, but not when we mined it? Or maybe you just want more drop from an ore? This addon was made to answer your question! Perhaps...


Have you ever thought why ores' texture have so many minerals in there, but not when we mined it?

This addon might be your answer!

New Ore Drops

This addon add new drops from the respective ores, which are:

Raw Iron Nugget

Guaranteed to drop at least 1 from Iron Ore, depending on the subpacks, you either need 4 or 9 to get Raw Iron.

Raw Iron Nugget

Raw Gold Nugget

Guaranteed to drop at least 1 from Gold Ore, depending on the subpacks, you either need 4 or 9 to get Raw Gold. Can be smelted into a Gold Nugget.

Raw Gold Nugget

Raw Copper Nugget

Guaranteed to drop at least 1 from Copper Ore, depending on the subpacks you either need 4 or 9 to get Raw Copper. Can be smelted into a Copper Nugget.

Raw Copper Nugget

Copper Nugget

Diamond Shard

Sometimes drops from Diamond Ore, depending on the subpacks, you need either 4 or 9 to get a Diamond.

Diamond Shard

Coal Lump

Either 1 or 2 pieces of it will drop from Coal Ore! You can use it to smelt 2 items or craft 4 of them to get a Coal.

Coal Lump

Condensed Lapis

It has a 60% chance to drop from Lapis Lazuli Ore. Put it on the crafting table to get 1 Lapis Lazuli. Using Sandpaper, you'll sometimes get a Gold Nugget.

Condensed Lapis

Redstone Crystal

It has a 50% chance to drop from Redstone Ore. Put it on the crafting table to get 1 Redstone Dust.

Redstone Crystal

(Known Bug: You'll likely get this by breaking a placed redstone dust)

Emerald Shard

Sometimes drops from Emerald Ore, depending on the subpacks, you need either 4 or 9 to get an Emerald.

Emerald Shard

Quartz Piece

It has a guaranteed chance to drop at least 1 piece from Nether Quartz Ore. Crafty 3 of it to get a Nether Quartz.

Quartz Piece

Metal Scraps

It has a guaranteed chance to drop at least 1 scrap from Ancient Debris. Combine 8 of them and 1 obsidian to get an Ancient Debris.

Metal Scraps

Other Items


Put Redstone Crystal or Condensed Lapis in the offhand slot, then right click the Sandpaper to get more contents.



  1. Raw ore blocks can be smelted to their cooked variants.
  2. Coal Ore has 5% chance to drop a Diamond Shard.
  3. Netherrack and other Nether Ores have 5% chance to drop Metal Scraps.

Updated on June 10


  1. Diamond Shard (Texture Changed)
  2. Condensed Lapis (Texture Changed)
  3. Redstone Crystal (Texture Changed)
  4. Sandpaper (Texture Changed)

Good News:

  1. Yay, I finally added back id_ID and es_ES back, feel free to use those other two languages.
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Version 1.5
Supported versions
  1. VineArc profile avatar VineArc Author
    Oh shot, I'm doing typo in the coral part, it should be coal 😅
  2. VineArc profile avatar VineArc Author
    Oh yeah, there is 1 think I forget to mention. Use en_US language to make sure the addon is working (it use command to detect the item name). Next update gonna be 3 languages support (id_ID, en_US, es_ES). 😉