How to install Minecraft maps on Windows 10 & 11
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft maps and templates for Windows 10 and 11. We'll walk through the installation of maps in .mcpack, .zip and .rar extensions and templates in

This guide will show you how to install Minecraft maps and templates for Windows 10 and 11. We'll walk through the installation of maps in .mcpack, .zip and .rar extensions and templates in
"The end" dimension got an updated look. This addon updates the most boring part of the game before Mojang.
Seed for Minecraft 1.19 and higher withe the Mangrove Swamp biome near spawn.
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft maps and templates for Android. We'll walk through the installation of maps in .mcpack, .zip and .rar extensions and templates in .mctemplate