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Backpacked Armor | Resource Pack

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Improve the armor model by adding a backpack to add the essence of adventure in the Minecraft world.

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Imagine exploring with a character who doesn't bring anything, it feels like something is missing, right?

So I present a bag to improve the visuals of your Minecraft character, to get better exploration essence, and to give you gameplay satisfaction never felt before.

Well, we have 2 subpacks option:

  • With Armor
  • Without Armor

On this image, you can see the models in 360°

Backpacked Armor Models: 360° View

And here's example when you equip that armor:


Backpacked Armor Models: Front View


Backpacked Armor Models: Back View


Backpacked Armor Models: Right View


Backpacked Armor Models: Left View


Backpacked Armor: Screenshot 1

Backpacked Armor: Screenshot 2

- NOTE -

This is a resource pack, not an addon. So, don't even think to store items there.


When you use the "without armor" subpack, don't give it an armor trim, because armor trim is still visible even when there is no armor (and it's useless).

Default leather armor color (brown) makes the backpack look overlayered by brown color and this happens too for other colors except white. Fix this by coloring leather armor with white dye.


  • You can't share this resource pack direct link, use the MCPEDL/ModBay link instead.
  • You can't make your own loot links for this pack.
  • If you want to showcase this pack, tag my YouTube channel!
  • You can SUBSCRIBE to my channel! 😅


To install this resource pack, you just need to click the file, then choose Open with Minecraft.

- Thanks for downloading -

Download links
Backpacked Armor [Bedrock] | Download
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40
6 698
  1. No avatar image Alvin Guest
    Aku ingin file
  2. No avatar image Alvin Guest
    Backpack and armor
  3. No avatar image Pearleye Guest
    can you download it for java, so yes where?
  4. No avatar image nannae Guest
    It's a pretty amazing texture with exquisite quality. It would be cool if you also modified other parts of the armor."
    1. Hazelntz profile avatar Hazelntz Author
      thank you, maybe you're right. but i want to keep vanilla aspect of minecraft, so i'll make more backpack variant instead modified the armor. hope it will give an option for texture user to choose what backpack models they like
  5. Barcosca profile avatar Barcosca
    Es muy bueno el diseño de esta mochila, podrias hacer varios tipos de mochila y ponerlo en subpaquetes, diseño de mochila como un jetpack, una mochila con paracaídas, mochila moderna, mochila de colores, etc.. Enhorabuena tienes una textura 10/10👍🏻
    1. Hazelntz profile avatar Hazelntz Author
      thank you, actually I also planned it exactly as you said. There will be more backpack variations in the future although it will take me a while to do it 👍