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VHS EFFECT [Semi Abandoned]

Thumbnail: VHS EFFECT [Semi Abandoned] Go to files

VHS Effect is a texture that adds a nostalgic touch to the game, making it feel more eerie and atmospheric. It's perfect if you want to play with a retro vibe. I recommend setting the FOV (Field of View) to "76" or "89" for an even better experience.

Image 1

- Menu Demonstration: Here's a small preview of the menu. I know it might not look perfect here, but in the game, it'll be much better.

Menu Demonstration

Image 2

- In-game: So, what do you think now? You love it, right? I’m glad you do!

In-game: Screenshot 1

In-game: Screenshot 2

In-game: Screenshot 3

Let's get to the important part:

If you're playing on PC, make sure to play in full-screen mode, as the effect won’t work properly otherwise. If it doesn’t work on your PC or Android, let me know and I'll try to fix it.


⚠️Very important⚠️

The texture like VHS OVERLAY may not be compatible with the resolution so it is important that you lower the resolution and etc.


Updated on October 31

  • 🥳 New LOGO! 🥳
Changelog for October 25 / Old Update
  • What's new in the version: it adds a television screen, only it removes the VHS information, but if you like the other one better, install the old one.
Download links
VHS 1.5 (TV effect, no VHS info)
Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0
13 332
  1. No avatar image Boygamer-g87 Guest
    Perfect for analog horror video
  2. No avatar image EVANGELION Guest
    I play on an Android device, a Motorola Edge 30, but it doesn't appear in full screen, it appears cut off at both ends.
    1. MissSusta profile avatar MissSusta Author
      Possibly it is the size of the screen, sorry, for 2.0 maybe I will fix it so that the effect is larger
  3. Can you make an another vhs filterinecraft texture. With a camcorder
    1. MissSusta profile avatar MissSusta Author
      mhmmmm, Let's see xd, I don't know if I'll do it maybe when I have time :]
  4. No avatar image zMiguelzin0 Guest
    Oloco,é isso que eu precisava,agora só falta algum modpack que deixa o bioma iguais a do minecraft ALPHA
  5. PabloC14 profile avatar PabloC14
    Please can you make a Scanlines texture pack? This one looks awesome
    1. MissSusta profile avatar MissSusta Author
      I don't promise anything, but maybe I will :}
      1. No avatar image IDK-MINECRAFT Guest
        Which Link Should I Use?
        "VHS" Or "VHS 1.5"
        1. MissSusta profile avatar MissSusta Author
          You can use any of them, the difference is that there are different types of effects 👍