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Fresh Moves Bedrock

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Hello everyone, this is a port of Fresh Fresh Player Animations from Java Edition. This pack aims to give the player tons more stunning animations. It also works well with my Fresh Animation.

Features in Fresh Moves: This resource pack overhauls the idle, walking and swimming animation and gives some other details to the player.

Credits: Credits go to TrasTick, Ithan, FreshLX, and ReilnPixel Project. For the eyes, here is proof of permission.

Permission from ReilnPixel Project

Permission from FreshLX

Permission from lthan

So yeah, proof!

Eyes: If you need help with the eyes on your skin, go to my Discord server, Preston's Packs or use the Fresh Moves Wiki.

Fresh Moves Bedrock: Screenshot 1

Fresh Moves Bedrock: Screenshot 2

Fresh Moves Bedrock: Screenshot 3

Fresh Moves Bedrock: Screenshot 4

Fresh Moves Bedrock: Screenshot 5

Fresh Moves Bedrock: Screenshot 6

Fresh Moves Bedrock: Screenshot 7

Fresh Moves Bedrock: Screenshot 8

Additions: Add my Fresh Animation Bedrock for an immersive experience for mobs too.

Updated on January 22

  • All fresh moves eye types work including eyebrows and fixed huge crossbow so yippie :)
Changelog for December 07 / Old Update


  • Added all eyes from Java fresh moves!
Download links
Fresh_Moves_Bedrock_v1.2.7[mcpack, 151.23 Kb] / Downloads: 149
Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30
4 404
  1. Oh also hitting
  2. Can you make an update for the elytra and jumping and croutching
  3. Wow, this texture pack is truly legendary!!!
  4. Why are there some animations of action & stuff, did you steal them?
    1. PrestonSupF profile avatar PrestonSupF Author
      you cant pull animations from actions and stuff beccause they are linked to actions file which damages all mobs their is no stolen code
  5. No avatar image harinezu Guest
    Bruh You just relinked the dynamic eye addon lol, what a thief lol
    1. PrestonSupF profile avatar PrestonSupF Author
      i have permission from dynamic eye creator to uses their eyes look at the comments on their mcpedl post
  6. dynamic eye bi like
    1. PrestonSupF profile avatar PrestonSupF Author
      i have permission from dynamic eye creator to uses their eyes look at the comments on their mcpedl post