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This pack was made for bringing the fun into Minecraft with a nice Fire look! This Pack "Terror16x" was made to bring people a amazing pack that can compete with some 32x and 64x packs.


Sorry for the mid quality but the below is my friend showing a early version of the pack in PVP!


These are some of the pvp items! There are many more though this is just a brief!

Pvp items.

This is the main menu screen, which btw also has custom sounds.

Screenshot of main menu.

This pack also has low red demon fire!

Red demon fire.

The food items were not changed much but I am really proud of how the golden apple came out (you cant see it that well because its a bit blurry)

Food items.

We also have a custom Hotbar with Selector & Custom sky! which im sure you probably noticed on the new main menu screen :)

Hotbar, selector and custom sky.

We have some amazing custom ore blocks! And respawn anchors + crying obsidian!

Custom blocks.

This pack also shows how much food bar filling and saturation you will get from each food.

This pack also has custom item names for most pvp items and the Beef Jerky!

Food bar filling.

We also have the diamond, iron, gold, netherite and chainmail armor (in that order) displayed here, ignore the armor stand that is a WIP!

Armor sets.

This pack also has a custom crosshair

Custom crosshair.

Enjoy the pack!

Download links
Download (Linkvertise)
Discord (you can download here too)
Download (YOUTUBE)
Supported versions
  1. No avatar image Yaseen
    Great texture pack! The color theme is very nice. This is perfect as it doesn't produce any lag because it sticks to 16x.
  2. Teutonic Terror profile avatar Teutonic Terror Author
    I'm aware the linkvertise download is marked unsafe by some antiviruses, don't worry im adding another download link that is currently under moderation, you can also download via my discord server. The linkvertise download is safe aslong as you only click "Free Access w/ Ads" and follow those steps. In the future I will try not to use linkvertise.
    1. Teutonic Terror profile avatar Teutonic Terror Author
      the download was denied, I recommend downloading via linkvertise or my discord, im so sorry!