Better Axolotls - Axolotls Reimagined!

This resource pack makes axolotl models smaller to make them a little more realistic with the real world! It also adds several special Axolotl variants.
- Creator: Parzival_
- Parzival_ Discord Server
Discord Server | Planet Minecraft
Nametag Variants are all inspired from:
- Green Axolotl by VeryMinty
- Baby Alligator by Minzukich
- Axolotl Elder Guardian by Yoler_Toons
- 04AM’s Axolotls Remastered Texture Pack
Note: No textures or assets are stolen from the links mentioned above; they were only inspirations in making this amazing pack.
Default Axolotls
They have the same textures, but differ from the normal ones in smaller sizes.
Nametag Textures
Several special Axolotl variants are available:
- Guardian
- Green
- Ender
- Crocodile
Put a Name Tag or Spawn Egg on an Anvil.
Rename it like this: "Ender." Make sure the first letter of the name is uppercase, be aware of the spaces, and don't include the quotes ("").
Use the nametag on a Baby or Adult Axolotl and finish!
In-Game Screenshots:
Comparison of Axolotl sizes with a Crafting Table:
Crocodile and an Ender axolotl variants:
Updated on February 13
- Updated description and thumbnail