BNS Shader v2.01 | Minor Update

This Shader Does Not Use The Render Dragon Engine
β₯ New updates will be coming out every two to three weeks. Stay tuned for more!
BNS SHADER V2.01 β€ Minor Update Released
Introducing a beloved 1.18 shader, a game-changer for potato-based devices! This revolutionary shader takes a unique approach to enhance the basic lighting and visual projections, resulting in a significant improvement to your gaming experience. Prepare to be amazed as the colors and ambiance of your gaming world come to life, creating a truly immersive gameplay environment. Whether you're exploring vast landscapes or engaging in intense battles, this shader is designed to elevate your gaming sessions to a whole new level. Say goodbye to dull visuals and hello to an enhanced and vibrant gaming experience with shader!
Sneak Peak Trailer: from ezpnix
Screenshots: by ezpnix
Features: for 1.18 below
- Shadows
- Sky cube maps
- Wave animations
- Dynamic Lighting
- Lifelike sun and moon
- Weather monochrome effect
Changelog Dates: by ezpnix
- Last Updated at: 2023-12-05 01:15:12 by @ezpnix
- New Update at: 2024-05-13 22:41:15 by @YourstewStudios
Updated on May 14
- Fixed the issue where the sky's behavior would select the wrong values
- Fixed an issue where the vines behaved like leaves
- Fixed a problem with some mob animations
1.18 User Update v1.0A - (Released!)
- Optimized the shader
- Resynthesized blocks colors
- Cleaned up some files
- Minor tweaks were made during this last update
- Improved overall links and description
- Minor tweaks and optimizations
- Updated all links to Boostellar
- File has been adjusted
- Most of the features have been revamped
- Shader is now compatible for Render Dragon Engine