ENBS Shader v2.0

An impressive 1.15-1.18 shader that is simple yet a powerful addition to your gaming arsenal. This shader has garnered praise from the gaming community for its seamless performance on low-end devices, providing a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience. Don't let its simplicity fool you, as this shader packs a punch with a range of features that are sure to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. Get ready to immerse yourself in enhanced visuals, improved effects, and an overall enhanced gameplay experience. Say goodbye to lag and hello to a whole new level of gaming with the exceptional 1.18 shader. Prepare to be amazed!
About our shader:
- This shader is under development, so expect some bugs lying around, and kindly report to us your issues.
- This shader is not planning to be in Windows 10 or any consoles any time soon.
- This shader is designed to give an innovative performance friendly experience.
Current Features Available:
- Shadows
- Vibrant fog
- Suns light glare
- Realistic sky cubemaps
- Natural dynamic lighting
- Weather monochromatic effect
- Wave animations for leaves & water & etc
Updated on July 16
- Updated the content page and made some changes with the file.
- Made it neat for the viewers.
- Improved performance.
- Reapplied some things.
- Shader optimization.
- Minor tweaks were made during this last update.
- Improved overall links and description.
- Shader is now stable for old versions.
- Updated all links to Boostellar.
- File has been adjusted.
- Most of the features have been revamped.
- Shader is now compatible for Render Dragon Engine.
- Resummarized description to be clear and clean.
- Made a different download link for the new update.