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The Derpy Golden Apple

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Bored of the same old Golden Apple texture? Are you looking for something more fun? Well, then the Derpy Golden Apple Texture Pack is perfect for you!

Item Textures:

Derpy Golden Apple:

Derpy Golden Apple Item

Derpy Enchanted Golden Apple:

Derpy Enchanted Golden Apple Item

Item Animations:

Derpy Golden Apple:

Derpy Golden Apple Eating Animation

Derpy Golden Apple Eating Animation (POV)

Derpy Enchanted Golden Apple:

Derpy Enchanted Golden Apple Eating Animation

Derpy Enchanted Golden Apple Eating Animation (POV)


  • If the mod is used in a video or showcased please give proper credit. This also applies to let's plays and other videos.
  • Do not upload on other websites without permission from us.
  • Bugs or suggestions can be reported in the comments.
  • Features are subject to change in the future.

Updated on June 06

  • Added support for Minecraft v1.21.0
Changelog for February 28 / Old Update
  • Added support for Minecraft v1.20.60
Changelog for February 03 / Old Update
  • New download file
Changelog for October 28 / Old Update
  • Added support for Minecraft v1.20.30, v1.20.40 and v1.20.50

Thanks for reading. Enjoy the addon!

Download links
Direct Download[zip, 1.87 Kb] / Downloads: 0
Mediafire Download
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80
2 074
  1. Crystlu profile avatar Crystlu
    I'd like to inform you about a bug, the outline of the derpy golden apple isn't really the style of minecraft(the gap stands out too much). What i mean is, it is just black but other outlines like a cooked beef is a darker color of the inside and when i realized this, i also realized that this outline problem bugs me so much, maybe im just too minecrafty. Anyways, i would appreciate if you could fix it and i apologize if i am wasting any time.
  2. Crystlu profile avatar Crystlu
    Derpy golden apple and enchanted golden apple, then make the technoblade porkchop and cooked porkchop and then the rick astley totem.

    I would love to see my idea actually being made lol.
    1. We'll try our best,
      Thanks for the idea.
      Would you like us to make it a separate pack?
      Or as an extension of this pack?
      1. Crystlu profile avatar Crystlu
        Dunno, anything you'd like, maybe seperate.
        1. The Netherite Cube profile avatar The Netherite Cube Author
  3. Hope you enjoy the pack,
    Please report any bugs or tweaks that you would like in the comments.
    1. Crystlu profile avatar Crystlu
      Absolutely great, when i first saw the golden apple i laughed not alot but still and it was even funnier when i was eating enchanted derpy while fighting the wither lol.