No avatar imageBoygamer-g87
Perfect for analog horror video
No avatar imageBoygamer-g87
This is perfect for broken script video survival
No avatar imageGuest Fatih
No avatar imageEndermonster5576
does look like the same thing as java
No avatar imageCapuccino
How do I get the drakes to attack after I've tamed them? I downloaded it today and I'm a bit lost.

Como é que faço para que os drakes ataquem depois de os ter domesticado? Descarreguei-o hoje e estou um pouco perdido
mizzx97 profile avatarmizzx97
Maybe file zip
mizzx97 profile avatarmizzx97
Bro what's wrong with your link?
No avatar imageGuest Sunny
can you please make a bedrock version pls?
No avatar imageLooth
Best mod ever it’s so cool!!!.
Wither Storm profile avatarWither Storm
o The Knocker ele já fez há muito, muito tempo atrás 🤦‍♂️
No avatar imageAlexander
Can you make it an add-on for the marketplace?
No avatar imagethe god
behave yourself