BluEmerald profile avatarBluEmerald
DT try not to make something amazing ( impossible )
.ModGenius profile avatar.ModGenius
DT. profile avatarDT.
Yes, I've seen this once. Fortunately the screen parameters are properly for a vast majority.
SuperLlama88888 profile avatarSuperLlama88888
Wow, this is amazing! Very smart way of doing it!
No avatar imageTempo
My thing is that when I aim down sight it is off and not center so aiming is hard
Plueres profile avatarPlueres
This feels VERY very familiar, like i've seen it somewhere before
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
Yep, I just deleted it because it's pointless I suppose lol
Gabriel Aplok profile avatarGabriel Aplok
Hello! πŸ€“
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
I made a discord for some reason
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
I made a discord!
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38