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Poke's Fantasy Expansion (PFE)

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An addon that adds 700+ things & expands the endgame of Minecraft!

Have you ever wanted to have an addon that expands the Minecraft endgame?

Well, you're in luck because with this addon has that and so much more!

There is a Wiki. It is actively being worked on.
Wiki Link: https://pfewiki.gitbook.io/home


This pack is translated from English but does support other languages. Sorry if this causes any translation issues for non-English speakers.

Things marked with (WIP) are a work in progress and not yet finished.

Have any questions, ideas, feedback, or bugs? You can join the Discord Server!

I am aware of other sites reuploading this addon. ModBay, CurseForge, MCPEDL & GitHub are the only official ones.

Note for content creators: You are allowed to make any content using my addon.


PFE: Decorative Blocks

PFE: Ores

Updated on December 26


This was made for Minecraft Version: 1.21.50+

No experimental toggles are required!

Items & Armor: 🔨

  • Added Snowflake Pottery Sherd
  • Added Present Pottery Sherd
  • Added Tree Pottery Sherd
  • Added Calendar
  • Added Gift Box:

    • Functionally the same as a bundle.
    • You can only see/select a max of 4 items at a time when hovering over it.
    • Other storage items will only count as 1 item.
  • Added the ability to set a blacklist to the Haxels:

    • You can set a blacklist on an item level.
    • You can access the config by crouching & using the Haxel.
    • This means you can have different Haxels with different blacklists.
    • By default, these blocks are on the blacklist (these ones can be removed in the config).
    • Chest
    • Barrel
    • Budding Amethyst
    • Monster Spawner
    • Trial Spawner
    • Vault
    • Bed
  • Adjusted rarity of some items:

    • Pottery Sherds: common → uncommon
    • Floppy Disk: common → epic
    • Nebula Core: common → epic
    • Nebula Armor: common → epic
    • Windzooka: common → uncommon
    • Blazooka: common → uncommon

⬜️ Blocks & Ores: 💎

  • Red present can now drop:

    • Snowflake Pottery sherd
    • Tree Pottery sherd
    • Present pottery sherd
    • Gift box

⚖️ Balancing: 🛠

  • Adjusted Nebula Logger's vein mining:

    • Will now vein mine any block that can be broken with an axe.
    • It will only break the same type of block as the one you broke.
    • Capped the vein mining at 256 blocks per break.

🎨 Textures & Sounds: 🔈

  • Retextured Speed Boots.
  • Adjusted some sounds to have some pitch variation:

    • Battleaxe - Use
    • Quest - Get info
    • Quest - Complete
    • Med Ring - Use
    • Cassette - Use
    • Calibrated Blocks - Calibrate
  • Changed the Dodge spell's use sound.

🐛 Bug Fixes: 🔧

  • Med Ring's Use Particles no longer spawn at a 90° rotation.
  • Fixed an issue that caused you to sometimes be unable to sit on bottom-half PFE slabs.

🏠 Structures & Other:

  • Begun to rework the LTUs going forward:

    • LTUs will now be automatically enabled according to your system's time.
    • In the next few updates, I will be adding a variety of different holidays/events to this.

      • If you have any suggestions, let me know in the Discord.
    • Added Calendar:
    • Using it, you are able to configure:
    • Time zones:

      • By default, the time will be set to UTC.
      • This can affect when certain events/birthdays will happen.
    • Birthday:

      • Players will get a message in chat when it's someone's birthday.
    • Sometimes during events and/or holidays you may see a "Claim Gift" button.

⚙️ Technical Changes: ⚙️

  • Updated Block, Item, & Entity's BP format_version to 1.21.50.
  • Reduced beforeEvents/afterEvents usage:

    • This should improve overall performance when using items or placing/breaking blocks.
Download links
[1.21.40+] PFE v1.2.3[mcaddon, 2.62 Mb]
[1.21.50+] PFE v1.2.4[mcaddon, 2.61 Mb]
[1.21.50+] PFE v1.2.5[mcaddon, 2.64 Mb]
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40
25 405
  1. is it updated to 1.21.40?
  2. No avatar image Paula Guest
    Hola me gusta mucho la espada de nebulosa jajajajja pero como o donde puedo conseguir el núcleo para craftear las espadas y armaduras??
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      El núcleo de nebulosa se puede fabricar en la mesa de trabajo.
      The nebula core can be crafted in the crafting table
  3. No avatar image Guest Fernando Guest
    Como se usa el generador de adoquines?
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      El generador de adoquines coloca adoquines encima cuando se alimenta con piedra roja (nota: debido a un problema, el generador de adoquines siempre estará activado hasta que se solucione el problema)

      También se puede encontrar más información sobre los bloques de automatización en la wiki
      the Cobblestone generator places cobblestone above it when powered with redstone (note: due to an issue, the cobblestone generator will always be activated until the issue is fixable)

      More info about the automation blocks can also be found on the wiki
  4. No avatar image arya pratama Guest
    how to get fast banished star except with pickaxe deep breaker?
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      I have seen some people use a combination of the cobble gen & block breaker with the crafter to automate the banished stars
  5. No avatar image just a fan Guest
    Hi! I love your mods, I use a lot of them along with the carnage series. I have been wondering this for a while, How do you use cassette tapes? They don't work in a jukebox, additionally, what is the wiki name?
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      the cassette works by just interacting with it (Right-click, LT, L2, ZL) (note: you need to have in-game music on to hear it) (they are basically a way to control what music is playing)

      the wiki can be found near the top of the ModBay post (I can't post the link in the comments)
  6. No avatar image greg Guest
    How do you use the cobblestone generator?!?! thanks :)
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      You power it with Redstone

      (Note: in 1.2.2 there was a bug that broke the automation blocks. a temporary fix was added in
  7. samisom profile avatar samisom
    with the max enchanted void armours still the logger one shot me and the listener one shot me to from so far and I can't aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kill it
    1. samisom profile avatar samisom
    2. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      Bosses will automatically despawn after 30 minutes of being loaded in

      you can also name them with "despawn", and they will despawn instantly (seeing how it's the listener / logger you may not be able to name it before it kills you)

      I hope this helps
  8. No avatar image lileon Guest
    Hello poke its me again the new version the one with the logger is all buggy
    I can't find any ores the spawns in survival won't work
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      Make sure Holiday Creator Features is off & Beta API is on

      you might need to delete then re-import the pack again if that doesn't work

      (Keep in mind ores only generate in newly generated chunks, if you're using an old world; you'll need to go further out to find the ores)
  9. No avatar image guest tom Guest
    Only Experimental : Beta APIs?
  10. No avatar image guest tom Guest
    Ele funciona na versão 1.21.1
  11. No avatar image guest leandro Guest
    Onde acho o comerciante de cosméticos?
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      O Cosmetic Trader é vendido pelo Token Trader, mais informações podem ser encontradas no wiki
      The Cosmetic Trader is sold by the Token Trader, more info can be found on the wiki
  12. items icon not show
    I use chinese language
    can you check it out?
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      If you are using version 1.2.0+

      - the "Holiday Creator Features" Expirmental toggle needs to be off
      - the "Beta Api's" Expirmental toggle needs to be on
  13. No avatar image guest italo Guest
    Ele funciona na versão 1.20.80??
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      v1.1.9 ainda é compatível com 1.20.80
      v1.1.9 is still compatible with 1.20.80
  14. Raigin profile avatar Raigin
    Os Haxels não estáo funcionando na nova versão do mod, estava somente com o beta api, biomas experimentais e o reajuste de trabalho ca com aldeões ligado, também possua outros mods no mundo,mas todos só precisavam da beta api Ativa (Haxels are not working in the new version of the mod, it was only with the beta api, experimental biomes and the readjustment of work with villagers turned on, there are also other mods in the world, but all They just needed the beta api
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      Não consigo replicar o problema na versão atual.

      O que há de errado com os Haxels? (você não consegue ver a textura? você consegue minerar normalmente com eles? ou não consegue usar a habilidade)

      Em que plataforma você está?

      Quais são os outros addons que você tem?
      I am unable to replicate the issue in the current version.

      What is wrong with the Haxels? (can you not see the texture? can you mine normally with them? or can you not use the ability)

      What platform are you on?

      What are the other addons that you have on?
      1. Raigin profile avatar Raigin

        Advanced Storage Network,

        Alchemistry Energy1.2.1 PFE RP

        ,Vampire Craft

        Lootr Bedrock (Unofficial Port) RP V1.3.0,

        Raiyon's More EnchantmentsW1.1 1.21+

        Esses são os mods quê estão no mundo
        O problema com o item é que quando eu uso não acontece nada, ele apenas fica en recarga para poder usar novamente,mas a recarga passa muito rápido e ele não quebra nem normal e nem com a abilidade dele
        1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
          Ainda não consigo replicar o problema.

          Talvez tente atualizar o PFE para a versão beta mais recente ( Corrigi vários possíveis problemas de compatibilidade nessa versão

          Além disso, isso pode ajudar:
          Link Wiki para o Ametyhst Haxel (todos funcionam da mesma maneira)
          I'm still unable to replicate the issue.

          Maybe try updaing PFE to the latest beta ( I fixed bunch of potential compatibility issue in that version

          Also this might help:
          Wiki link for the Ametyhst Haxel (They all work in the same way)
  15. Why does the old package weigh 7 Mb, while the newer one weighs 3?
    1. ItsMePok profile avatar ItsMePok Author
      The biggest reason why was the sound files were converted from .wav to .ogg in v1.2.0 (this had almost no noticeable difference in audio quality, while cutting the total download in half)

      there have also been small things here and there that has also made a small difference in it
      1. Ah ok. I noticed that in many mods the audio files weigh quite a bit