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Yes it is, we will update our guides in the future and supplement them. Thank you! ❤️
No avatar imageFilipBalcarek
You don't have to unzip .zip or .rar. You can just rename from .zip or .rar to .mcworld.
Plueres profile avatarPlueres
I'm very curious what will come in the future. Is there anything you can give away on what features will be added next?
Q profile avatarQ
JS132 profile avatarJS132
Deve ser bom, Vou Compartilhar Textura Anti-Lag aqui
Q profile avatarQ
Glad to hear it!😊
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Thank you! 😍
Q profile avatarQ
Thank you!🥳
Plueres profile avatarPlueres
Very excited to start using it!
MoltenPixelStudios profile avatarMoltenPixelStudios
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