MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
Qual é a sua versão do jogo? Certifique-se de ativar todas as opções de teste nas configurações mundiais e baixe o complemento no link apropriado para a versão do jogo.
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
Wow bro great idea & addon 🧡🔥
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
Make sure that you downloaded the addon from the link that suits your minecraft version and make sure you activate the experimental buttons from the world settings.
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
I'm sorry for that , I have updated the link and waiting for ModBay to accept the changes.
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
حبيبي والله بحذف جدة بالتحديث الجاي 🧡
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
بكرا بيحسوا بقيمته 💔😟
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
مود عقيم 🧡🧡🔥🔥
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
Amazing addon like always 🧡 people wanted something like this for ages
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
I have updated it , waiting for ModBay to accept the new post thanks for using the addon 🧡
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
Muito obrigado e haverá uma grande atualização para isso no futuro
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
I'm planning to add this feature , but I can't find an efficient way to do it so I will make it in the hard way
MZ3G profile avatarMZ3G
I tried it with the 1.20.51 update and it works , try downloading the addon again using the 1.20.50 link , if it didn't work also there is a big update coming soon. Thanks a lot for choosing this Addon 🧡