On this map, you will find a lot of lucky blocks in buildings that resemble lucky blocks. You can play on the map both alone in singleplayer mode and with friends in multiplayer mode.

On this map, you will find a lot of lucky blocks in buildings that resemble lucky blocks. You can play on the map both alone in singleplayer mode and with friends in multiplayer mode.
Are you a big fan of Horror Maps? Well, this Minecraft Horror Map is for you! This Minecraft Horror Map is one of the unique Horror Maps you will ever play!
On this map, there are 3 types of difficulty: easy, medium and hard. You can easily choose the difficulty using a menu, you have checkpoints, and it's a multiplayer map (your friends can join in).
A map-based adventure in which you have to climb a tower. To do this, you have to search for objects that will give you access to the rest of the tower.
Do you want to play Kick The Buddy? But in Minecraft? Well, this map is for you! If you didn't know Kick The Buddy, Kick The Buddy is a popular mobile game.
Parkour on the 9 different planets, which represent the solar system, each world has a different difficulty and duration between each planet.
This addon offers a map pack for PvP lovers, boss battles, and all things combat. The aim is to provide free, pre-set maps for Minecraft players. I’ve added some cool features to a few maps.
OneBlock is a void game like skyblock, but there is only single block to survive. If this block is destroyed, a new block will appear with a certain rarity.
Do you want to play old Minecraft versions but they're not compatible with you or you're too lazy to downgrade your Minecraft? Well, this Minecraft map is for you!!