Outfitted Mobs Texture Pack | Dressed Up Mobs
This texture pack contains the skins of the mobs, where each mob's skin now has a costume on its default skin. Most of the common mobs have suits over their skin.

This texture pack contains the skins of the mobs, where each mob's skin now has a costume on its default skin. Most of the common mobs have suits over their skin.
Ever wanted Dynamic Light just like Java's Optifine? Well, this add-on is for you because it makes every light source emit real light in your chestplate.
This addon focuses on adding items crafted from copper ore, such as armor and tools. They are simply extensions for the copper ore.
Surely you have heard of the famous mod "Goblin Traders" created by MrCrayFish. This Add-on is a recreation of the java mod and with an addition adding the goblin trader from the end
"Recurrent Complex" by the author Ivorius is a unique Minecraft mod that adds intricate structures to the game, enhancing the landscape of the Minecraft world.
This music pack features an incredible collection of songs that perfectly blend with Minecraft's original soundtrack.
If you've ever been looking for a lightsaber mod/resource pack/addon, you've found it! All lightsaber has its own crafting recipe, also there is custom GUI for lightsaber workbench.
Spiders lack variety in Minecraft, this pack changes that. Now you can encounter all types of spider colors, biome-dependent spider variants, and cave spider variants, as well as some rarer
Do you need simple and streamlined medieval furniture? Feudal Furniture is the mod you need, in it you will find more than 390 pieces of furniture with a simple and original Minecraft style.
Do you want to get resources easily in Minecraft? But you're too lazy to get it? Well, this Add-on is for you! It's because with this Addon, you can now duplicate any blocks and items in Minecraft!