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Legends Skin Pack [16 skins!] Superman, Technoblade, Batman, etc.

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The Legends Skin Pack includes 14 skins as of now. It features some famous people, including those who do not belong to the Minecraft community. Some of the skins are Ronaldo, Messi, Technoblade, Dream, COD Ghost, Loki, etc. The pack is in the form of an "mcpack," so all the skins will be imported together into Minecraft. You can find the skins in the Dressing Room section and apply them individually. The skins will be usable and visible in multiplayer and on servers, too.

If you have previously downloaded this pack and just want to update it, you simply have to import the mcpack normally, and the previous pack will be updated to the latest one.

Comment below if you want any skins to be added to the pack.


Added New skins of Superman/Clark kent and Wonder Woman/Princess Diana

Compatibility: These Skins works in singleplayer and as well as in servers and multiplayer.


  • Please do not copy or paste the pack on any website without my permission.
  • Do not copy Any skin pack and use it for your own project without my permission.
  • Don't claim yourself as owner of this texture pack.
  • If you are making video on this texture (then thank you) Then be kind to give credits.

My Discord username - grumm7613


Ghost GOD Skin

MrBeast Skin

Technoblade Skin

Captain America Skin

Joker Skin

Markiplier Skin

Dream Skin

Thor Skin

Loki Skin

Batman Skin

Iron Man Skin

Cristiano Ronaldo Skin

Messi Skin

Haaland Skin

Updated on October 28

  • Added Superman/Clark Kent and Wonder Woman/Diana Princess skins
  • Fixed The Batman Skin
  • Skins are now sorted well
Download links
Legends Skin Pack
Legends Skin Pack v2
Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.0