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Goblin Traders Add-on

Thumbnail: Goblin Traders Add-on Go to files

Surely you have heard of the famous mod "Goblin Traders" created by MrCrayFish. This add-on is a recreation of the java mod and with an addition adding the goblin trader from the end dimension.

The goblins traders, each one is different and trades different things depending on it's type.

"Goblin Trader - Overworld", "Vein Goblin Trader - Nether" And "End Goblin Trader - End".

Among their best trades are "Pickaxes", "Axes", "Shovels" and "Armors" that exceed the base level of the game.


Basic Trades - Goblin Trader

Basic Trades - Goblin Trader

Epic Trades - Goblin Trader

Epic Trades - Goblin Trader 1

Epic Trades - Goblin Trader 2

Basic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader

Basic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader 1

Basic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader 2

Basic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader 3

Basic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader 4

Basic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader 5

Epic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader

Epic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader 1

Epic Trades - Vein Goblin Trader 2

Basic Trades - End Goblin Trader

Basic Trades - End Goblin Trader

Epic Trades - End Goblin Trader

Epic Trades - End Goblin Trader 1

Epic Trades - End Goblin Trader 2

Epic Trades - End Goblin Trader 3

Epic Trades - End Goblin Trader 4

Goblin Traders

The goblin traders are smart, when they stop taking damage, they will eat their favorite fruit and start to recover.

Goblin Trader

Will appear normally in the depths of the caves.

  • Health: ❤ 20
  • Favorite Food: Apple
  • Epic Trades: Pickaxes, Shovels and Axes

Goblin Trader

Vein Goblin Trader

Will only appear in the nether.

  • Health: ❤ 20
  • Favorite Food: Carrot
  • Epic Trades: Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings and Boots

Vein Goblin Trader

End Goblin Trader

It will appear anywhere in the end, both in the end city and in the battle against the dragon.

  • Health: ❤ 20
  • Favorite Food: Chorus Fruit
  • Epic Trades: Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, Boots, Axes and Pickaxes

End Goblin Trader

This addon is translated into all languages available in the game!

  1. "English (US) & English (UK)"
  2. "Deutsch (Deutschland)",
  3. "Español (España) & Español (México)",
  4. "Français (France) & Français (Canada)",
  5. "Italiano (Italia)",
  6. "日本語 (日本)",
  7. "한국어 (대한민국)",
  8. "Português (Brasil) & Português (Portugal)",
  9. "Русский (Россия)",
  10. "简体中文 (中国)",
  11. "繁體中文 (台灣)",
  12. "Nederlands (Nederland)",
  13. "Български (BG)",
  14. "Čeština (Česká republika)",
  15. "Dansk (DA)",
  16. "Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)",
  17. "Suomi (Suomi)",
  18. "Magyar (HU)",
  19. "Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesia)",
  20. "Norsk bokmål (Norge)",
  21. "Polski (PL)",
  22. "Slovensky (SK)",
  23. "Svenska (Sverige)",
  24. "Türkçe (Türkiye)",
  25. "Українська (Україна)"


You need to have activated: Holiday Creator Features

Updated on January 20

  • Updated the download link.
Changelog for October 25 / Old Update

Goblin Trader Add-on Update (1.0.2):

Added 3 unique potions for the Vein Goblin Trader:

  • Potion of Speed III
  • Potion of Regeneration III
  • Potion of Instant Healing III
  • Potion of Night Vision (15min)
Changelog for October 12 / Old Update
  • Fixed trading bugs.
  • Fixed compatibility for version "1.16.100" and later "1.20.30+".
  • Corrected names that were incorrectly specified.
  • Added the list of "All languages" compatible with the addon.
  • 2 New Trades were added to the "End Goblin Trader":
    1. Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency VII, Unbreaking VII, Fortune V and Mending)
    2. Diamond Axe (Efficiency VII, Unbreaking VII, Sharpness V and Mending)
Download links
Download [with ads]
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0 1.18.31 1.18.30 1.18.12 1.18.10 1.18.2 1.18.1 1.18.0 1.17.41 1.17.40 1.17.34 1.17.32 1.17.30 1.17.11 1.17.10 1.17.2 1.17.0 1.16
6 735
  1. Buen mod bro, yo habia probado la version de alylica's goblin traders y este lo complementa genial, que herramientas usaste para crear este addon?
  2. No avatar image mauro Guest
  3. E.D profile avatar E.D
    Work on 1.21.20?
  4. No avatar image porque no se me descargan Guest
    Los mods

  5. Funciona para la versión 1.20.51?
    1. ZyprehX profile avatar ZyprehX Author
      sip y otras versiones mas actuales
  6. Awesome, it will be good to add for an RPG modpack
    1. ZyprehX profile avatar ZyprehX Author
      it could be