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Naruto Cosmetics Mod

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Modification of various headbands from Naruto. This mod has several village headbands currently available: Leaf (Konoha), Sand, Cloud, Fog (mist) and Rock (stone). There are also some special cosmetics, such as Tobi Mask (orange), Yamato Protector and Obito Glasses (child)

I present to you a mod that adds a lot of Naruto cosmetics to the world of Minecraft! In this modification you will see quite a lot of beautiful Headbands, with a good model. I hope you enjoy playing with my mod!

Currently only 2 colors are available: Blue and Grey, and 3 Specials, but 2 or more colors will be added in the next update.

This mod will receive stable updates as long as it is version 0.1.

In the future, I plan to add different swords or something!

All Items:

All items that are still in the modification:


Village Headbands

Leaf Village:

Blue Leaf Village

Black Leaf Village


Blue Sand Leaf

Black Sand Leaf


Blue Cloud Leaf

Black Cloud Leaf

Mist (Fog):

Blue Mist Leaf

Black Mist Leaf

Rock (Stone):

Blue Rock Leaf

Black Rock Leaf

Special Cosmetics!

Yamato Protector:

Yamato Protector

Tobi Mask:

Tobi Mask

Obito Glasses:

Obito Glasses

If you want to get them, use this command:

"/give @p na:" it will show you a list of all items, or take them from the creative inventory:

Naruto Cosmetics Mod items in the Creative Inventory

Screenshots of the Addon from the Game:

Blue Colors:

Screenshot of Blue Colors

Gray Colors:

Screenshot of Gray Colors

Orange Headbands:

Screenshot of Orange Headbands

Yellow Headbands:

Screenshot of Yellow Headbands

Special Cosmetics:

Screenshor of Special Cosmetics

Changed icons for special cosmetics:

Icons of Special Cosmetics

New Headbands description:

Stone Headband Description

Cloud Headband Description

Konoha Headband Description

Mist Headband Description

Sand Headband Description


  1. Do not post this mod as your own, modified without my permission.
  2. This mod is made specifically for MCPEDL.com and ModBay.org. No one and no site can distribute it.
  3. If the mod is used in videos, maps and such, leave a link to this page, not a direct link to Mediafire.

Updated on October 21

  • Fixed the download links.
Changelog for November 21 / Old Update

v1.0 Update:

  • Added orange and yellow colors for heabands.
  • Added improved item descriptions.
  • Added new icons for Special cosmetics.
Download links
Resource Pack v1.0 (With ads to support me)
Behavior Pack v1.0 (With ads to support me)
All versions (No ads)
Supported versions
1.19.40 1.18.0