Infinity Blade

The Original Infinity Blade Addon I Created. This adds yet another overpowered weapon. Models and Textures Used Made By Nongko (Java) And Ported to Bedrock By FieryAbyss.
Infinity Blade:
The Infinity Blade is yet another overpowered sword that surpasses all before! Before I get into the moves, I will tell you how to craft it! This crafting is special as it does not use a crafting table. Instead, you will need to throw the components on the ground in a pile. The items needed will be: 1x Block of Gold, 1x Block of Diamond, 1x Nether Star. Once you throw all the items on the ground, a cool formation of spinning blades will appear. Stand back and admire them in awe for a while. The blades will disappear, and blue lightning will strike the ground, summoning the Infinity Blade.