Armoury Offense (1.21.30+ Fix!)

This add-on adds various medieval cannons and weapons to your game. All of the weapons have crafting recipes and can be used in survival and multiplayer. Have fun blowing each other up with the Armoury Offense Addon!
- Normal Cannon (Cannonball type: normal cannonball)
- Slime Cannon (Cannonball type: slime cannonball)
- Sheep Cannon (Cannonball type: sheep cannonball)
- Volley Gun (Cannonball type: normal cannonball)
Cannons can be loaded by right-clicking with their respective cannonball and then fired using a flint and steel.
The Volley Gun can be loaded with up to 5 cannonballs.
It will also deal damage to any mobs that stand on the spikes in front of it.
The cannons can also be moved around by right-clicking with an empty hand.
Additionally, there are boat versions for the normal, slime and sheep cannons that can float on water.
Battering Ram
It can also be moved by right clicking without sneaking.
Fire Bucket
When right-clicking while holding the Fire Bucket, you can throw water, which will extinguish an area of fire.
Crafting Recipes
Updated on September 26
v1.2.0 Bugfix Update for 1.21.30:
- Removed need for experimental toggles.
- Fixed bugs that prevented addon from working after removal of HCF.