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East Asia Conflict - 3D Guns Addon

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Ah, an Asian conflict with asian firearms, huh? Asian firearms?! Yes! We present an addon theme depicting scenarios of East Asian conflicts! Featuring unique firearms from East Asian countries such as QBZ-95, K2, and even the Japanese Type-89!

This addon introduces an engaging, non-mainstream conflict theme, highlighting underrated firearms. We bring 7 main firearms, including QBZ-95, QBZ-191, K2, Type-89, Type-88 Helical Magazine, K7, and PM9.

3D Guns: Screenshot 1

3D Guns: Screenshot 2

3D Guns: Screenshot 3

3D Guns: Screenshot 4

Not only that, you can customize your firearms into different variants using the kit system! Accessible through the firearm locker, by holding specific firearms like QBZ-95/K2/Type-89, you can explore various firearm variants with unique characteristics and stats that you must try!

Selecting the Kit

We also provide options for no-delay damage and normal damage. The significant difference is the no-delay damage option, reducing the damage delay on mobs or players, making your firearm more ammo-efficient. The normal damage option is useful if you want to use other addons like monster addons.

Resolution: Normal-Damage

Resolution: No Delay-Damage

Experimental gameplay:

Required Experiments for East Asia Conflict - 3D Guns Addon

Big thanks to:

  • Mecha
  • Matt
  • Nekozack
  • DaFu
  • MCTvID
  • Infinity Ward

Join us on Discord!

Known bugs:

  • Bug on PM9 tactical reload
  • Type-89 empty reload still has the bullet in the magazine


Setting recommendation: 90 fov, use the new control setting if you are a mobile player, and disable view bobbing.

Updated on February 17

  • Updated the description.
  • Updated the download links.
Download links
Behavior Pack
Resource Pack
Supported versions
4 353
  1. gsif profile avatar gsif
    1.20.60 work ?
  2. Great work!
    1. No avatar image random Guest
      my hero, btw how do you get the guns to fire in project Walker? also I have some mod ideas: 1. add more structures to pw. also can you fix where the the attachment and ammo table aren't showing up on my mcbe. I'm on education edition and other mods work fine just sometime they have missing features. Second mod idea is warfare vehicles like T90, Panzer 4 etc and my last one is German army where it includes uniforms planes tank and ships