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Java MobCap for Bedrock

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A mod/script that increases the generation of mobs, being very similar to the generation of mobs in Minecraft Java, which will make the mobs farms work much better...

# How does it work:

By activating this mod/script in your world or realm, the generation of mobs will increase until more than 70 monster-type mobs are generated, which will make the mob farms work much better, it will even make farms work that only worked in Minecraft Java, such as enderman farms.

You can use the !mobCapInfo command to find out how many mobs there are in the world.

!mobCapInfo Command

The speed and distance at which the mobs are generated depends on the simulation distance that is configured in your world, the higher it is, the farther and faster the mobs are generated, and the lower it is, the slower and closer the mobs are generated.

Simulation Distance Slider

It seems that the nether mobcap already generates more than 70 mobs by default, so this script does not affect it.

Warning, this mod is not recommended on medium- and low-range mobile devices as it generates lag due to the number of mobs, which is why Minecraft bedrock has a low mob generation limit to avoid generating lag.

It works well in multiplayer, and there is a different mobcap for each dimension.
There is a small error with the trial chambers but we will try to fix it in the next update.

# Screenshots:

Java MobCap: Screenshot 1

Java MobCap: Screenshot 2

Java MobCap: Screenshot 3

Java MobCap: Screenshot 4

# Showcase video:

# How to install:

  • Download and install the behavior pack.
  • Activate the behavior pack in your world settings.
  • Activate the "Beta APIs" option for the correct functioning of the addon.

Required Experiments for Java MobCap Addon

By Effect99

Updated on December 17

  • Update for Minecraft 1.21.20+++
  • Now you should use the command /scriptevent mobcap:info true to know the number of monsters in the world.
Changelog for July 12 / Old Update
  • The addon works correctly again in Minecraft 1.21
  • Small changes
Changelog for March 16 / Old Update
  • The addon works correctly again in Minecraft 1.20.70
Download links
JavaMobCap (.mcpack) (Behavior Pack) (1.21+)
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
2 544
  1. I wish i can used this great addon on my Realm if it can workout with BetaAPI
  2. No avatar image volltraa Guest
    Please update v 1.20.60
  3. No avatar image gamer Guest
    the addon is great, but it would be better if the mobs also spawn faster
  4. Hello, I wanted to see if something could be repaired in this addon, what happens is that when using "java mobcap" this causes the "TRIAL SPAWNER" block to generate all the mobs at once, and also causes the Trial spawner The reward is given to you at that moment, without the player having defeated or killed any generated Mob, which causes all the mobs to be generated in one second and for them to be able to grab the items generated in that second by the trial spawner.

    And in ominous events, more mobs are supposed to spawn (I've proven this in vanilla minecraft, and they come out with diamond swords, armor, and new patterns on their armor), but with java mobcap enabled, ominous events only spawn 6 Normal mobs without armor or weapons, what is new in 1.21 does not apply, and also the same error that generates the Mini wave of one and the reward appears without you killing the corresponding ones
  5. Please update the addon to the latest version of Minecraft (1.20.81)

    [2024-05-10 16:21:30:299 ERROR] [Scripting] Plugin [§lJava §cMobCap 1.0.1] - module [§lJava §cMobCap 1.0.1 - 1.0.0] requesting invalid module version [@minecraft/server - 1.10.0-beta].
    Available versions:
    @minecraft/server - 0.1.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.0.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.1.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.2.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.3.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.4.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.5.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.6.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.7.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.8.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.9.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.10.0
    @minecraft/server - 1.11.0-beta
  6. What about the passive mobs?
    1. 👀, yes
    2. Effect99 profile avatar Effect99 Author
      For now it only works on monsters but in the next update I will add an option to make it work on passive mobs.
      1. Excellent "‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️
  7. You should create a version or a section in plugin settings for the low end (low mid-range and low-range mobile devices), which changes from 70 to 40 mobs / monsters
    1. Effect99 profile avatar Effect99 Author
      Of course, I will do that but for now if anyone experiences lag when using the addon you can try using the command "!mobCapLimit: 1", that will generate less than 45 monster type mobs. I didn't add it to the description because it doesn't work very well.

      You can also try reducing the simulation distance to 4 to make the mobs disappear faster.
      1. Effect99 profile avatar Effect99 Author
        If you set the "!mobCapLimit: 200" survival becomes more fun, it's like a monster apocalypse 😂
        1. Jajajaja 🤣😅😆😁
  8. I have a question, this addon also affects the Mobs spawner blocks, I mean that due to the latest mcpe updates, the Mobs spawner block was modified in the feature that it cannot spawn mobs/monsters, with light level 💡 1 or higher, only at light level 0 zero, and I want to know if this addon affects the Mobs generator in terms of light level, since it would be great if it were like it was before
    1. Effect99 profile avatar Effect99 Author
      Are you sure of this? I just checked the files in the "spawn_rules" folder of Minecraft 1.20.60 and most monsters spawn between 0 and 7 light levels, like in most previous versions of Minecraft.

      The only thing the addon does is trick the game's mob spawner into thinking it hasn't spawned enough mobs.
      1. That was my doubt, thank you very much "‼️
      2. If I'm sure, it does not generate Mobs with light levels like 3 or 4, it can only do so at light levels of 0, it is a change in the Mob spawner, a change that affects the fun in the vanilla game and the fun with addon and esteuctiss and dungeons