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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - The Addon

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Even wanted to experience how it would like if Metal Gear Rising was in Minecraft? If so, this is the perfect place for you!

About The Addon: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Everything about the Metal Gear Rising! This addon is still on it's very early stage, so there's still more to be added in future!


The addon will be completely changed in the next future updates, so that's why there's a lot of unfinished things at the moment


  • Add-on created by Spike Craft
  • Inspired by the Metal Gear Rising game by Platinum Games

Don't Forget to turn on music!

This Addon Includes:


Note: All of these bosses won't fight you unless you hit them, or you become Raiden (WIP).
Fighting these bosses is almost of an impossible to beat without begin raiden (still not added yet) because the damage they deal doesn't get affected by armor, it's a bug I didn't fix yet, so it's best to use "Raiden Mask" to help you on.



He was two phases, hammerhead will spawn to fight with him, they have 100 health.

Clam Mode:

Sundowner - Clam Mode: Screenshot

Phase 1:

  • Health: 1000
  • He have exploding shields that he sometimes can use to block attacks.
  • This phase attacks are a bit slow.
  • Multiple combat attacks you can find it by yourself.

Sundowner - Phase 1: Screenshot 1

Sundowner - Phase 1: Screenshot 2

Phase 2:

You can get to his phase 2 by either keep damaging him, or by cutting his shields while becoming Raiden (WIP).

  • Health: 700
  • No longer having shields, but getting chance to damage him will be difficult.
  • This phase attacks are faster.
  • Multiple combat attacks, you can find it by yourself.

Sundowner - Phase 2: Screenshot 1

Sundowner - Phase 2: Screenshot 2

Phase 3:

  • Hammerhead Health: 200
  • His last stage before death.
  • Loot: Scissors (Sundowner Weapon)

Sundowner - Phase 3: Screenshot

Jetstream Sam (WIP)

Best to only fight him in flat world for now.

Jetstream Sam

He was three phases, for now you only gonna fight phase 1 style for the whole fight.

Clam Mode:

Jetstream Sam - Clam Mode: Screenshot

The Fight:

Jetstream Sam - The Fight: Screenshot

  • Health: 1600
  • Multiple combat attacks.
  • Attacks are fast.
  • Frequently dodging and parrying.
  • Doesn't immediately attack.

Jetstream Sam: Screenshot 1

Jetstream Sam: Screenshot 2

Jetstream Sam: Screenshot 3

Weapons and Armor:

Scissors (Sundowner Weapon)

Deals 15 damage, but makes your attacks slower, that's what it all about currently.

Scissors: Screenshot

Raiden Mask

At the moment, raiden feature wasn't added yet, so here's this mask you can wear to help you a bit on fighting the bosses.

Raiden Mask: Screenshot

Old Bosses:

These are old bosses if you want to fight too.
Old Jetstream Sam if you want to fight all his three phases
Armstrong, he's unfinished boss, even if he looks like he's done, he will be completely different in future.

Old Jetstream Sam and Armstrong: Screenshot

Showcase Videos:

Updated on November 21

The Worthless Scrap Update!

  • The addon now works on latest versions.
  • New Sam Boss (WIP).
  • Some bug fixes and little improvements/changes.
Download links
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
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  1. No avatar image Randomguyonline Guest
    Bro New Sam Only boss that actually kill Peppino (Player) I guess his Damage is buff then his old one.
  2. No avatar image Randomguyonline Guest
    It funny get this outdated addon Rn will results pretty weird.

    So first thing if spawn sundowner he literally dead and he have low health.Second if summon Armstrong phase 1 he looks fine but mostly stuffs is wrong if defeat him he doing going to phase 2 animation but he never stops... Even you tried remove him with kill @e he just stands there forever.

    And finally it Jetstream Sam it not lot talk about just yeah if summon him he just do standing here if going kill him it won't work he invisible and say intro voice lines and that it No what? Screw Armstrong Sam true Armstrong because he always standing here and never dies! Anyways That it that what happens something broken.
    1. No avatar image Randomguyonline Guest
      Oh forgot mention Armstrong phase 2 he sometimes run around and get him half health he say I mad but he can't hurt you and if kill him he just dead.
    2. Mfs your version is the problem
      1. No avatar image Randomguyonline Guest
        This before the update dummy
        1. Late response. But first of all, you said that when sundowner update was a thing. You're not being specific about the which update either. Second of all, you are being rude and that pissed me of. But aside from that, I apologize for what I said years ago. Idk I was really THAT rude of a person
  3. No avatar image randomguyonline Guest
    Memes. DNA Of The Soul
    1. No avatar image randomguyonline Guest
      Speaking about memes I wonder how monsoon works
  4. No avatar image baller Guest
    metal gear rising
    1. No avatar image randomguyonline Guest
  5. No avatar image Beartrap
    Kids are cruel jack but i love minors
    1. No avatar image randomguyonline Guest
      *Vine boom sfx*
  6. MrSimple profile avatar MrSimple