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Table 1.3.2 - New Enchantment Added

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Hello, I am ZorroCraft from India. If you tried multiple times but haven't been able to achieve the perfect enchantment, in this addon, you can choose what enchantment you want, including mending!

If you can't understand just check my YT video:

(Includes my other 2 addons, watch from 03:00)

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Advanced Enchantments:

Advanced Enchantments Menu

Vanilla Enchantments:

Vanilla Enchantments Menu

Concept in short:

The Advance Enchantment Table addon adds a new enchantment table with Vanilla and Advanced enchantments. Vanilla requires 25 XP levels, while Advanced needs 50 XP and boosts enchantments +2 levels beyond vanilla, making tools, weapons, and armor even stronger.

You need at least 50 XP levels

How to use:

🛠️ When players interact with the new Enchantment Table, a UI opens with two options:

Enchantment Selection Menu

  1. Vanilla Enchantment – Requires 25 XP levels to access.
  2. Advanced Enchantment – Requires 50 XP levels to access.

✨ Advanced Enchantment System:

🔹 Works like Vanilla enchantments but with a +2 level boost to the maximum enchantment level!
🔹 Example: Sharpness V in vanilla becomes Sharpness VII in Advanced mode.
🔹 Perfect for players looking to enhance their weapons, armor, and tools beyond normal limits.

This addon is ideal for RPG-style gameplay and adds a progression-based enchantment system to make XP levels feel more valuable! 🔥

Updated on February 25

  • Added new enchantment.
  • Player never lose XP glitch fixed.
  • Changed recipe of Advanced Enchantment Table to make it harder.
Changelog for February 24 / Old Update
  • Advanced mode is available for single & multiplayer both.
  • Added over enchantment, more than vanilla level.
  • Added sub UI to access both types: vanilla & advanced.
Changelog for October 26 / Old Update
  • My script API code didn't work on servers or realms, so I added another version for multiplayer.
Download links
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40
2 447
  1. zorrocraft profile avatar zorrocraft Author
    Fixed multiplayer download error.
  2. I’m reaching out to ask if we could indicate that your addon can be used with AutoBE, a merging tool by TheBedrockLab.

    If you're okay with it, could you add this notice to your addon's description:

    AutoBE Integration Notice

    This addon can be used with AutoBE, a merging tool by TheBedrockLab. AutoBE makes it easy to combine multiple addons into one package without manual load order adjustments. Use AutoBE for a seamless and optimized gameplay experience.

    For more info, visit TheBedrockLab

    This helps users know your addon works well with AutoBE. Thank you for considering this!
  3. No avatar image xii jei Guest
    Hello, I'm here again.... I'm wanna ask why I keeps kicking out of my server everytime I use it for the first time......or Everytime I open the Advanced enchantment table it keeps my server turning off...? But It happened once after I Joined your mod pack to my server....hope you can fix that ..... Your mod pack is helping a lot ☺️ and it's so cool 😎
    1. zorrocraft profile avatar zorrocraft Author
      Sound cool , I have no problem if you give credit to all creator & share original mod source
  4. No avatar image xii jei Guest
    I wonder how to craft that enchantment table 😎