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Hammer Time

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This addon is based on the Minecraft Java mod of the same name, adding hammers that mine in 3x3, swords that deal area damage, axes that break the whole wood by breaking a block, and shovels that mine the dirt in 3x3, etc.

Experimental Options👾

  • Does not require any experimental options.


You can use it with almost any addon, as this addon DOES NOT USE PLAYER.JSON, so it will be compatible with almost any addon, and you can easily put it at the end if you want.

Update V2.0

In this update, the use of experimental gameplay was removed, the JаvаScript code for all tools was improved, and compatibility with enchantments for the hammer, such as:

  • Fortune
  • Silk Touch was added.

The functionality of the axe when breaking wood blocks was also improved. Below, I will show videos of the current functionality of the tools.

Netherite items are now crafted this way:

Netherite Great Sword Recipe



The Hammer Time addon has a total of 5 new tools that will help you in your survival world. Among them are hammers, giant swords, giant axes, hoes and shovels. These new tools will help you break faster and more efficiently the blocks you chop.

As I said, there are 5 new super tools that can be made of many types of materials, among them are diamond, iron, obsidian, netherite, redstone, lapis lazuli, gold, wood, stone and emerald. Each one varies in durability and speed of breaking the blocks.

All Hammer Time items in the creative inventory

Recipe Example:

This is just an example with a material, for the rest of the materials the same recipe is used.

Amethyst Hammer Recipe

Amethyst Shovel Recipe

Amethyst Great Sword Recipe

Amethyst Sickle Recipe

Amethyst Great Axe Recipe

Updated on February 28

  • Compatibility with current versions of Minecraft.
Changelog for October 15 / Old Update

In this update, the use of experimental gameplay was removed, the JаvаScript code for all tools was improved, and compatibility with enchantments for the hammer, such as:

  • Fortune
  • Silk Touch was added.

The functionality of the axe when breaking wood blocks was also improved.

Changelog for August 11 / Old Update
  • Fixed a bug with the texture of one of the items.
  • Fixed a bug with one of the hammers when chopping 3x3.
  • Fixed a bug with the mega hoe when trying to pick.
Changelog for July 22 / Old Update
  • Fixed bug with redstone and lapis lazuli hammers.
Changelog for June 20 / Old Update
  • Updated to support Minecraft v1.21.0.
Changelog for May 27 / Old Update
  • Updated to support Minecraft v1.20.80.
Changelog for April 04 / Old Update
  • Updated to support Minecraft v1.20.7x.
Download links
Hammer Time BH V2.4.5.mcpack
Hammer Time RS V2.5.5.mcpack
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40
5 907
  1. Hi I would like too know if we can make your addon compatible with our tool.

    Which is AutoBE - Made By TheBedrockLab.

    If so add this too your description please.

    AutoBE Compatibility Notice

    This addon is fully compatible with AutoBE, a tool developed by TheBedrockLab for merging Minecraft Bedrock Edition addons into one convenient package without requiring manual load order adjustments. You can use AutoBE to seamlessly combine this addon with others, ensuring an optimized and conflict-free gameplay experience.

    For more information about AutoBE and to enhance your Minecraft experience, visit TheBedrockLab.
  2. No avatar image gehb Guest
    doesn't work
  3. No avatar image احمد Guest
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