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Weapon Combiner

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Weapon Combiner addon lets you mix regular weapons with rare stuff to make super strong custom ones. Imagine taking a regular sword and adding something special like a totem of an undying or enchanted golden apple to it. Boom! You get a unique sword that's way stronger, lasts longer, or even has cool powers. With the Weapon Combiner, you can get creative with your gear, making it just how you like for your Minecraft adventures. So, upgrade your weapons, have fun experimenting, and get ready to crush it in the blocky world!

"No Experimental Features"

"No Player.json"

"No Functions"






Scythe Recipes

  • Increased damage compared to the normal sword version it was made from.

Player with Godapple Netherite Scythe: Screenshot


Hammer Recipes

  • Interacting with the weapon summons lightning on every entity in 4 block radius.

Player with Netherite Hammer: Screenshot


Mace Recipes

  • Freezes any mobs that got hit with it.

Player with Amethyst Netherite Mace: Screenshot


All Swords

All Hammers

All Maces

All Axes


  • Custom Crafting Block - The Materia Conflux serves as the core for combining weapons with special materials.

Materia Conflux: Screenshot

  • Weapon Infusion System - Combine weapons with materials to unlock special abilities.
  • Upgrade Mechanic - Enhance existing special weapons to add new effects.

Amethyst Netherite Sword Stats

  • Randomized Abilities - Each crafted weapon gains unique abilities from a predefined set.
  • Dynamic Gameplay - Custom weapons provide buffs, special attacks, and unique interactions.
Combineable Items

Combineable Items

How It Works:

  • Players use the Materia Conflux block to fuse specific materials with weapons.
  • Upon fusing, weapons gain unique properties, including passive, active, and on-hit abilities.
  • Players can further enhance weapons by adding additional abilities, up to a maximum of six per weapon.
  • If a player removes their weapon from the crafting block, the original material is returned.

Weapon Combinations & Abilities:

Each weapon gains three types of abilities:

  1. Passive – Always active while holding the weapon.
  2. Active – Activated by interacting.
  3. On-Hit – Triggers when hitting enemies.

Below is a breakdown of each material and the abilities granted when combined with a weapon:

Amethyst Shard
  • Passive: Regen buff when holding.
  • Active: Interact to gain a Health Boost.
  • On-Hit: Weakens foes upon hit.
  • On-Hurt: AoE WEAKNESS On Hurt.
Beacon "Nether Star"
  • Passive: Speed buff when holding.
  • Active: Grants multiple buffs.
  • On-Hit: Stuns enemies.
  • On-Hurt: Summon LIGHTNING On Hurt.
Camouflage "Oak Leaves"
  • Passive: Small speed buff when holding.
  • Active: Grants temporary invisibility.
  • On-Hit: Inflicts Darkness effect.
  • On-Hurt: Blind Nearby Foes.
Crying Obsidian
  • Passive: Removes Poison and Wither effects.
  • Active: Grants a buff at the cost of some health.
  • On-Hit: Inflicts fatal poison.
  • On-Hurt: Apply Slow & Resistance.
Echo Shard
  • Passive: Small resistance buff when holding.
  • Active: Summons warden spirits.
  • On-Hit: Causes blindness.
  • On-Hurt: Apply KNOCKBACK on Hit.
  • Passive: Small jump boost.
  • Active: Bounces foes away.
  • On-Hit: Causes levitation.
  • On-Hurt: Leap Upwards Instantly.
Enchanted Golden Apple
  • Passive: Immunity to all debuffs.
  • Active: Summons divine lightning.
  • On-Hit: Grants temporary invincibility (2 sec).
  • On-Hurt: SMITE Nearby Undead Enemies.
Magma Block
  • Passive: Fire resistance when holding.
  • Active: Summons fireballs.
  • On-Hit: Sets foes on fire.
  • On-Hurt: Set Nearby Foes on FIRE.
Rabbit Foot
  • Passive: Jump boost when holding.
  • Active: Doubles jump height.
  • On-Hit: Causes bounce effect.
  • On-Hurt: Gain SPEED Boost.
Redstone Dust
  • Passive: Gains high speed when hurt (Cooldown: 4 sec).
  • Active: Boosts mining speed.
  • On-Hit: Grants strength buff.
  • On-Hurt: Gain SPEED Boost.
Heart of the Sea
  • Passive: Swimming buff when holding.
  • Active: Grants water breathing.
  • On-Hit: Slows enemies.
  • On-Hurt: Summon RESISTANCE Buff.
  • Passive: Explosion resistance.
  • Active: Creates explosions.
  • On-Hit: Causes a small explosion..
  • On-Hurt: Summon BLINDNESS FIELD.
Totem of Undying
  • Passive: Absorption buff when holding.
  • Active: Converts hunger into healing.
  • On-Hit: Instantly heals self upon hit.
  • On-Hurt: Summon RESISTANCE Buff.
Wither Rose
  • Passive: Wither resistance.
  • Active: Applies Wither effect to nearby mobs.
  • On-Hit: Inflicts Wither effect.
  • On-Hurt: Summon AoE WITHER.

Lucky Block

Lucky Block:

Lucky Block Variants

More Details


Lucky Block Loots 1

Lucky Block Loots 2

Lucky Block Loots 3


Lucky Block Recipe (Variant 1)

Lucky Block Recipe (Variant 2)

Lucky Block Recipe (Variant 3)


Q: What are DLCs?

A: DLC is more content for the addon that adds more content with a twist from the main addon. That's why they are not a part of an update and are DLC.


Gow Weapon DLC

How To Download:


6 new God Weapon with insane abilities made with the combined weapons.

Gow Weapon DLC Weapons: Screenshot

1. Amethyst Gods Sphere:

Amethyst Gods Sphere

  • Interact to do a huge dash damaging foes behind.
  • Hit an entity to slow it.
  • Passive buffs.
  • 12 attack damage.

Player with Amethyst Gods Sphere: Screenshot


Amethyst Gods Sphere Recipe

2. Beacon Gods Blade:

Beacon Gods Blade

  • Interact to shoot light beams dealing damage to the entity they hit.
  • Passive buff of a beacon.
  • Hit a mob to burn it.
  • 11 attack damage.

Player with Beacon Gods Blade: Screenshot


Beacon Gods Blade Recipe

3. Deepdark Gods Crusher:

Deep Dark Gods Crusher

  • Interact to shoot sonic boom at target.
  • Passive buffs.
  • 13 attack damage.

Player with Deep Dark Gods Crusher: Screenshot


Deep Dark Gods Crusher Recipe

4. Crying Gods Sword:

Crying Gods Sword

  • Interact to sacrifice your life to get buffs.
  • 11 attack damage.

Player with Crying Gods Sword: Screenshot


Crying Gods Sword Recipe

5. Ender Gods Wand:

Ender Gods Wand

  • Interact to teleport on huge distance instantly.
  • Hit mobs to knock them back.
  • 6 attack damage.

Player with Ender Gods Wand: Screenshot


Ender Gods Wand Recipe

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1. In the case of link sharing. You should give the ModBay link.

2. You should not upload this addon on any other website without my permission.

3. In the case of content creation, you should give the ModBay link in the description.

This error:
"The property '/metadata/generated_with' is not used for this type of content. The field will be ignored."
Is normal and shouldn't cause any issues with the addon!

Updated on February 27

Update Log v1.11:


  • New And Improved Weapon Cooldown:
    - Each weapon's abilities have different cooldowns for different abilities.
  • New Additional Abilities to all 159 weapons [On Hurt]:
    - So, a new way to make over 5000+ different weapons.
  • Performance Boost:
    - No uses of scoreboards.
v1.10 / January 30 / Old Update

Update Log v1.10:

  • New block: Materia Colfux.
  • New and Improved Weapon Cooldown:
    • Each weapon's abilities have different cooldowns.
  • 3 additional abilities to all 159 weapons:
    • So, a new way to make over 1000+ different weapons.
  • Performance boost:
    • No uses of scoreboards.
  • Template, traders, and combo crafters were removed.
v1.9a / November 21 / Old Update

Update Log v1.9a:

  • Better trading system to fix the lags in the one before.
  • Fixed bug with netherite and diamond lucky block.
v1.9 / September 26 / Old Update

Update Log v1.9:

  • 5 items fixed.
  • All god weapons cooldown fixed.
  • Compatibility with the main addon.
  • DLC working for 1.21+
Download links
//- Weapon Combiner Main [BP] -//
//- Weapon Combiner Main [RP] -//
Weapon Combiner [God DLC] .BP.
Weapon Combiner [God DLC] .RP.
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0
5 059
  1. if the link not found, try using apk from playstore, its work for me
  2. God Items dont give passive effects
  3. samisom profile avatar samisom
    please update to 1.21