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Botany Pots 2.5.2 | Mineral Seeds!

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Botany Pots can grow trees and crops automatically. So that you can use your time to do other things. But you still get production. And you can grow anywhere. Any amount is as much as you want.

Addon Introduce!

This add-on brings content from the Java Edition - Botany Pots from DarkhaxDev. This add-on has some content adjusted to make it suitable for Bedrock Edition but keep original vibe.

Botany Pots by DarkhaxDev - Original

- How it works?

You can interact the pot with any block that can grow trees or crops. After that, you can plant what you want!

All Blocks for Botany Pots: Screenshoot

- How many crops can grow?
- How can I get a pot?
  1. Break 5 Clay Blocks
  2. Burn 5 Clay Blocks to Terracotta
  3. Craft with 5 Terracotta and 1 Hopper

Botany Pot Recipe

All Botany Pots

- Required Experiments
Addon Videos

- Addons Supported (2):

All addons on this list have been approved by creators.


1. Can I use in my map/packs/more...? Yeah, Sure!


Latest Update 2.5.2 | 31 / May / 24
  • Added: Mineral Seeds Addon
  • Fixed: Crops infinity interact

All Changelogs Here!

Download links
📥 | Download (2.5.2)
📄 | Changelog (2.5.0 - 2.5.2)
Supported versions
1 939
1 comment
  1. PlusFreeze profile avatar PlusFreeze Author
    Everyone, Preview Update 2 will update next saturday!