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Better Mobs, Hardcore++

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Well, as all people know, Minecraft is a sandbox. It is a very diverse and rich game with many things like blocks, entities, mobs, items, etc. In these blocks and mobs, there are two things that make Minecraft so stylishly richer, but the others are still like a charged creeper (explodes a player with a full diamond set). Today I show you the addon, which also helps mobs to become stronger.


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  • Zombie, Creeper, and Husk now are like sUpErMaN.

  • Llama, Pig, Salmon, and Cod can now spawn with more scale.

  • If an Allay is dead, it will change to Vex.
  • You can ride a Horse, a Llama, a Donkey, or a Mule. (WITHOUT USING A SADDLE)

// If you use a saddle, your mob will increase speed and jump height.




Another popular creature in the game is a skeleton with a bow. In the game's default version, this creature will pull arrows and shoot the player at long range.

But in this addon, Skeleton will have a difference:

This skeleton is very clever:

  • It chooses a bow if its target is far away and wields a sword if the target is close to it.
  • If the player is attacked by it while it holds a sword, it will cause a weak effect. When a skeleton spawns, it will be able to have different sizes; the larger it is, the rarer it is.

  • Skeleton will be able to ride a zombie if it sees it (50% chance).

Wither Skeleton

Wither Skeleton

Wither Skeleton

From now on, the wither skeleton will have a skeleton-like mechanics.




Zombie is a common creature and also the most difficult creature at night.

  • In this addon, it's like a warrior stopping the player, it also allows skeletons to ride on it.
  • It increases the rate of baby zombies and can pick up blocks and items.
  • They can climb. // When a player attacks it, it also increases its running speed.

  • When they spawn, sometimes they get levels. The higher the level, the more power and loot will increase.

  • When villagers are killed by zombies, they will definitely become zombie villagers.




From now on, they won't get burned, their speed in the water is very fast.




Being a nightmare in real life, the spider in the game plays the role of horses on the battlefield. In this addon, it's like a real horse* :)

  • When they spawn, they can get:
    + Speed (40% chance)
    + Strength (20% chance)
    + Regeneration (20% chance)
    + Invisibility (20% chance)
    // Use command: /summon spider ~~~ Speed to summon the spider with a corresponding effect.
  • The moon spider will appear only on the night of the full moon with a higher amount of health, damage, and magic than normal spiders. // Killing it will produce "delicious food"
  • In addition, on the night of the full moon, 100% of the spiders will often have children riding on them, such as the vindicator, skeleton.




From now on, the husk will have a zombie-like mechanics.




Minecraft's most famous mob, created from the bug of a pig... But from now on, they will explode faster! // 0.1 seconds
+ Reduced time to BOOM!!!
+ They will explode almost instantly if activated by flint and steel.

In the video, the explosion time has not been reduced to 0.1 seconds.

Hoglin and Zoglin



Hoglin and Zoglin

When they attack, they will apply a slow effect to the person they hit.




They will have the same levels as Husk and Zombie:

The higher is the level:
+ More health
+ Throws the potion faster



  • An extremely weak creature in the game, but the level of discomfort is at the top of the game. In this addon, it's like a ghost.
  • With blinding on approach, increased damage, and increased flight speed - these things make the phantom a real phantom.



  • Massive creatures appear and spread nightmares for players on raids in Minecraft. Right now, that nightmare will be greatly enhanced in my addon:

  • The amount of health can range from 100 - 150. Ravagers will be very large & rare. The hitbox will now be equal to the Java version's hitbox.
  • Damage output will now be 20. If the player uses a shield when it attacks, it will be stunned, and they will be healed.
  • When Raid has an evoker on him, 100% of that ravager is in large form.




The second most popular and second highest damage melee creature in Minecraft raids.

+ The nature of the vindicator is very complete with disabling the player's shield, high health, and high damage. But for me, that's still not enough =)

+ When spawning, there will be a very rare chance to form a Vindicator boss; the amount of damage and health are increased. // Standing near people will be blind.




Enderman will kill you if you look at it. // Reduced look time from 5.0 => 1.0

Being the slenderman of Minecraft - a complete mob in all aspects, if you stand near Enderman when he is angry, you will be blind.

Full changelog of this addon:

You can change subpacks: "Hardcore + realm" or "Hardcore no realm support".

Download links
Supported versions
1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.30 1.18.10
1 comment
  1. With 1.21 large packs of wolves will come and in more biomes, it would be great if The Wild Wolf ๐Ÿบ is hostile and attacks players at night, just like the spiders in vanilla Minecraft (clearly the tamed wolf would not do it) This feature would be great, as would adding the ๐Ÿ”Š howling sound that used to be in minecraft java but was never used