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[2.4.1] Alylica’s Advancements - Garden Awakens

Thumbnail: [2.4.1] Alylica’s Advancements - Garden Awakens Go to files

Ever want to play with addons but don’t want to lose out on achievements? Wished Bedrock had all the advancements Java did?

Well, this is the pack for you. This addon includes as many of the original Java advancements as I could fit into it! 109 as of v2.4.1.

How Advancements Work :

How Advancements Work

You will gain advancements as you play the game and complete certain requirements, a message will be broadcasted across the chat for all players when one is reached (see above image).

Notably, there are also Goals and Challenges. Goals are much like normal advancements (but appear yellow on the UI!). But challenges have a dark purple colour and play a special sound once completed! They also award XP!

Advancements :

Advancements are split into 6 categories, with 5 representing a different aspect of the game and the last being extra goals added by me, Alylica!

Completed Advancements List

You can view your progress in collecting advancements by using the 'Book of Advancements' item (Crafted with a Book and Amethyst Shards!).

If you click on a tab, you can see all advancements. Clicking on an advancement will show you all its info.

Advancement Info

Book of Advancements


Where is [X] Advancement???

Some advancements just couldn't be included due to Bedrock limitations, but I will work to include as many as I can in future versions.

Why is [X] Advancement Different???

Again, some advancements like ‘Enchanter’ are different simply due to the limitations I have. But I will work on making these in parity when I can.

How do I remove/add advancements?

To add an advancement, the command:

  • Function adv/name/grant

And to remove a function use the command:

  • Function adv/name/revoke

Replace the blue highlighted text with the name of the advancement (duh)

What Experiments do I need?

  • None!

Is it Multiplayer??

  • Yup!

Thats all, I hope you enjoy using my addon!


  • Alien Edds - Toast UI

For more, join my Discord to see what i'm working on or ask for help with my addons!

Updated on February 13

Version 2.4.1:

  • Java-Parity with the Toast Notifications:
    • Wider display then before.
    • Now features an icon.
  • Added a way to clear all advancements:
    • Just run the command 'function adv/revoke_all'.
  • 'Fruit on the Loom' now has a new icon to reflect updated game textures from 1.21.30.
  • Fixed an issue where unoxidised, waxed copper would not count for the 'Wax Off' advancement.
Version 2.4.0 / January 19 / Old Update

Version 2.4.0:

  • New advancements!
    • Subspace Bubble
    • Sniper Duel
    • The Healing Power of Friendship!
    • Little Sniffs
  • Added new popups when earning an advancement.
  • Tweaked the colour of 'challenges' in the Book of Advancements to improve readability.
  • Adjusted some advancements.
  • 'Take Aim' now requires you to hit a mob with an arrow.
  • 'A Throwaway Joke' now requires you to hit a mob with a tridents ranged attack.
  • 'Ol Betsy' now requires you to use a crossbow.
  • Fixed an issue regarding biome related advancements where they would grant to multiple people at once.
  • Fixed 'I Speak for the Trees' not being visible in the book of advancements.
  • Fixed improper capitalisation of 'Who Needs Rockets?'
Version 2.3.0 / December 06 / Old Update

Version 2.3.0:

  • New advancements (achievements tab)!
    • The Garden Awakens... (Enter the Pale Garden)
    • Timber!!! (Destroy a natural Creaking Heart)
    • I speak for the trees (Obtain a Creaking Heart)
    • Is it a... Tree? (Look at a Creaking through a spyglass)
    • Pure of Heart (Collect a resin clump)
  • 'A Wild World' now needs the player to collect a Pale Oak Sapling.
  • 1.21.50+ required.
Version 2.2.3 / October 26 / Old Update

Version 2.2.3:

  • Updated scripts to support Minecraft 1.21.40, the most recent version.
  • No longer requires experiments.
Version 2.2.2 / September 24 / Old Update

Version 2.2.2:

  • Updated scripts to support Minecraft 1.21.30, the most recent version!
  • Fixed issues with certain advancements not granting in survival or adventure mode.
Version 2.2.1 / August 18 / Old Update

Version 2.2.1:

  • Updated scripts to support Minecraft 1.21.20, the most recent version!
Version 2.2.0 / June 17 / Old Update

Version 2.2.0:

  • Updated to support MC version 1.21.0!
  • 10 New Advancements:
    • Is it a Bird?
    • Is it a Balloon?
    • Is it a Plane?
    • Wax On
    • Wax Off
    • Under Lock and Key
    • Revaulting
    • Who Needs Rockets?
    • Blowback
    • Over-Overkill
  • Advancements now updated to support 1.21:
    • Monster Hunter (Breeze/Bogged)
    • Monsters Hunted (Breeze/Bogged)
    • Crafting a New Look (Flow Trim/Bolt Trim)
    • Furious Cocktail (Infested/Oozing/Weaving/Wind Charged)
    • How Did we Get Here? (Infested/Oozing/Weaving/Wind Charged/Trial Omen/Raid Omen)
  • All advancements are now script based.
  • This means they are more performant, but there may be some subtle changes here and there.
  • Updated some advancements to be more java accurate.
  • Glow and Behold now requires you to actually use the ink.
  • With Our Powers Combined is now considered a challenge.
  • Brand new 'hidden' advancement icon.
  • If a 'hidden' advancement is a challenge, it gets a special icon.
  • Pack No longer edits vanilla mob files meaning there is much less incompatibility issues.
  • Fixed some issues with certain pages of the advancements book not showing.
  • Certain foods from 'A Balanced Diet' do not carry over.
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  1. No avatar image Aggaintheagga Guest
    If you can add “Is it a… tree?”, why can’t you add “Is it a bird/balloon/plane?”
  2. Buen mod namas falta ponerle en español y estaría genial
  3. No avatar image sergio Guest
    Puedes poner en español