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More Fences Addon

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Are Fences in Minecraft too boring to you? Well, this Addon is for you!! Its because this Add-on added more Fences in Minecraft!! This Addon Added 42 new Fences for you and your friends to enjoy!!

Let's start now, shall we??

42 New Fences!!

42 New Fences Logo

This Addon Added 42 New Fences and these are:

  1. Amethyst Fence.
  2. Blackstone Fence.
  3. Blackstone Fence.
  4. Calcite Fence.
  5. Cobblestone Fence.
  6. Crying Obsidian Fence.
  7. Deepslate Fence.
  8. Dirt Fence.
  9. Dripstone Fence.
  10. Emerald Fence.
  11. Endstone Fence.
  12. Glowstone Fence.
  13. Gold Fence.
  14. Ice Fence.
  15. Iron Fence.
  16. Lapis Fence.
  17. Moss Fence.
  18. Packed Mud Fence.
  19. Netherite Fence.
  20. Netherrack Fence.
  21. Obsidian Fence.
  22. Prismarine Fence.
  23. Quartz Fence.
  24. Sandstone Fence.
  25. Sculk Fence.
  26. Shroomlight Fence.
  27. Snow Fence.
  28. Soul Soil Fence.
  29. Tuff Fence.
  30. Brick Fence.
  31. Bedrock Fence.
  32. Green Bamboo Fence.
  33. Stonebrick Fence.
  34. Basalt Fence.
  35. Cobbled Deepslate Fence.
  36. Mud Fence.
  37. Raw Iron Fence.
  38. Raw Gold Fence.
  39. Raw Copper Fence.
  40. Pearlescent Froglight Fence.
  41. Verdant Froglight Fence.
  42. Ochre Froglight Fence.

This Addon Added a lot of Fences for you to enjoy!!



All of the Fences on this Addon are craftable and easy to get in survival Minecraft!!

Texture Pack Compatibility!!

Texture Pack Compatibility

This Addon is also compatible to any type of texture packs!! So if you want to use texture packs while using this Addon, you can now!!

More Fences Addon Showcase Here:

Download links
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Supported versions
1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10