Sorting Wand (Chest Sorter)

Are your chests messy and you have never bothered to organize them because it is too much of a task? Are you looking for an easy way to organize your items? This addon is just for you!
With the new item called the Sorting Wand, you can organize your chest easily! With 1 use of this wand, your chest will turn from this.
to this!
It is easy to craft the wand.
Crafting Recipe:
Sorting Wand:
How to use:
- Sneak and Hold the sorting wand then interact with any containers.
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Updated on August 23
- Updated code for 1.21.20
- Use custom components for sorting wand to sort chest
- Optimized sorting code.
- Added message when addon is active in world and console.
- Now supports 1.20.80 and above.
Version 1.20.30.X Stable:
- Now uses gametest 1.20.30 stable, meaning it won't break anymore when there is a Minecraft update.
Version 1.20.0.X Version 3:
- Fixed error when sorting sometimes.
- Reverted back to old code 1.19 but improved to work for 1.20.
Version 1.20.0.X Version 2:
- Fixed sorting function being applied to all items.
- Updated addon gametest code for 1.20.
- Updated addon gametest code for 1.19.80.
- Updated addon gametest code for 1.19.70.
- Updated addon gametest code for 1.19.60.
- Updated addon gametest code for 1.19.50.
- Updated addon gametest code for 1.19.40.