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This is a simple addon that adds the ability to pickblock blocks with item data, without needing to use a keyboard!

This addon does not require experimental features.

To start off, you will need to get the [Pickblock+] Debug Stick from the creative inventory, at the bottom of the items section.

Pickblock+ Debug Stick

Then you will need to make sure you are in creative mode and have the "admin" tag.

Requires Admin Tag

Then simply hold the [Pickblock+] Debug Stick and right click the block to have it be put into your inventory, NBT data and all!

Whats so special about this? Well, the block keeps all of its data, like sign text, titles, and even the items inside blocks, such as chests!

(Also, so people dont start pointing this out, you can do all this without this addon using a keyboard by hitting ctrl and middle click at the same time, this addon is for those who can't use this feature!)

Community post this solves: Minecraft Feedback page that asks to allow controllers to be able to pickblock NBT data

My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/rNXZH42mtz

Updated on November 04

Pickblock+ v3.0:

  • Now uses stable APIs, no longer requiring beta APIs.
  • Fixed a texture related bug with items over 16x.
  • Fixed minor issues whenever trying to use pickblock debug stick in survival.
Download links
Pickblock+[mcpack, 26.71 Kb] / Downloads: 0
Mediafire Download (all versions)
Discord (addon support/access to beta versions)
Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
  1. How to use it on mobile devices??
    I have done everything in the instructions above
    But I still can't use it
    1. xAssassin profile avatar xAssassin Author
      right click with the debug stick in your hand. use the layout with the use button