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Armored Illagers

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This Addon Allows illagers to rarely spawn wearing armor!

The mentioned illagers are Zombie Villager, Witch, Pillager, Vindicator & Evoker

Now there is a Bit Of Difficulty added into the raid...

The illagers that able to rarely spawn wearing armors are:

โ—† Zombie Villager:

  • Same as Zombie, Leather tier -> Diamond tier
  • Also, Iron Sword/Shovel

โ—† Witch:

  • Leather tier -> Iron tier

โ—† Pillager:

  • If a Follower, Leather tier -> Iron tier
  • If a Captain, Chainmail tier -> Iron tier

โ—† Vindicator:

  • If a Follower, Leather tier -> Iron tier
  • If a Captain, Chain tier -> Iron tier

โ—† Evoker:

  • Leather tier -> Iron tier


Armored Illagers Example: Screenshot


Required Resource:

โ—† Villager-like Mobs Armor

Villager-like Mobs Armor: Screenshot

This resource is required in order the armor weared by the illagers to be rendered/visible



Required Experimental Feature:

Required Experiments for Armored Illagers Addon

โ—† Working on 1.20.10+!

Enjoy the Raid!


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Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10