X-Ray Alert (Script) (1.21.60)

With this script, you can watch players and see if they are using X-Ray.
Requirements are the tag owner you get it with /tag @s add owner.
Then you get notifications in the chat if a player could use X-Ray.
You must turn on your Beta APIs.
If you join your world, you get automatically your owner rank.
You need it to become X-Ray alerts like this here.
Updated on March 11
- General bug fixes to improve stability and performance.
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.60.
- Fixed some ores that were not working.
- Alerts have a better time to disapear in the chat.
- Updated to support Minecraft Bedrock 1.21.50.
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.40 & 1.20.44.
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.30.
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.20.