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Oils & Runes

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The addon adds oil and runes that can be added to the sword. Runes include a chance to cause an instant effect when hit by oil and increase damage to walls and mobs.


To craft an inactivated rune, you need to combine terracotta and iron nugget.
In order to add a rune to a sword, you need to take the activated rune while turning, raise the sword to the right side, and press RMB (hold on your phone).

All rune activation crafts:

In order to activate a rune, you need to take an inactivated rune in your left hand and flint and steel in your right hand and press RMB (hold on your phone), having all the necessary ingredients for activation in the inventory.

  1. Fire runestone = Kauna Unactive Runestone + flint and steel + 1 nether wart + 8 blaze powder
  2. Stun runestone = Isaz Unactive Runestone + flint and steel + 16 packed ice + 32 ice
  3. Weakness runestone = Tiwaz Unactive Runestone + flint and steel + 16 slime balls + 8 strings
  4. Explosion runestone = Iwaz Unactive Runestone + flint and steel + 8 tnt + 1 redstone block
  5. Slowness runestone = Berkana Unactive Runestone + flint and steel + 32 honeycomb

A sword can have a maximum of 2 runes.


Sword with Runes and Oil 20

To add oil to the sword, you need to take the oil at the end with your hand and press RMB (press on your phone).
If the sword already has this oil, then the added one will be added to the existing one.

Sword with Runes and Oil 40

All oils recipes:

All oils are made on brewing stand.

  1. oil base = water bottle + raw porkchop
  2. poison I = oil base + poppy
  3. poison II = poison I + rotten flesh
  4. arthropod I = poison I + leather
  5. arthropod II = poison I + ink sac
  6. beast I = poison I + red mushroom
  7. beast II = beast I + red mushroom block
  8. player = poison I + honeycomb
  9. zombie I = poison I + bone
  10. zombie II = zombie I + beetroot
Download links
Oils & Runes 1.0.0[mcaddon, 210.19 Kb] / Downloads: 3
Supported versions
1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0 1.18.31 1.18.30 1.18.12 1.18.10 1.18.2 1.18.1 1.18.0
1 comment
  1. No avatar image crimson Guest
    As of currently isnโ€™t working on bedrock realms. 1.21.22