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Thumbnail: Pingu Armory's THE UN-BEE-LIEVABLE UPDATE V1.0 Go to files

Pingu Armory's is an add-on that focuses its attention on the early-mid part of the game and enriches your and your friends' experience in the game world by enjoying the search and creation of new armor, weapons and artifacts instead of a race for who has the first diamond tools and armor.

You are probably wondering, how to start? At first, you have to look for bees to obtain honeycombs and crystallize them by melting them on a campfire/furnace/smoker.

Crystallized Honey Recipe

After that, combining this new material with some iron nuggets, you can create an armor that resembles a bee, an armor that you can upgrade once you've passed in the mid-game stage, plus a new weapon, but I want this addon to be a surprise, so you won't tell me any other details.

Honey Armor: Screenshot

For those who want a complete guide, I will post a video on my YouTube channel soon...

Terms and conditions:

  • This addon is a vanilla style addon inspired by Minecraft dungeons.
  • It is recommended to be played together with other addons.
  • Yes, I agree to be used in addon packs as long as I have credits.
  • I am waiting for proposals in the comments, but also on YouTube.

(this is an early version of the addon, many things will be modified or changed along the way plus many more things added)

Download links
pinguarmorysv1_0.mcaddon[mcaddon, 155.12 Kb]
my youtube chanel :
Supported versions
  1. This is some good stuff right here.
  2. Beautiful