Mystic Weapons

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Mystic Weapons are formidable magical weapons, each endowed with unique elemental attributes that their abilities are based on. Weapons and armor are associated with various elemental types.

There are three types of weapons—scepters, mystic swords, and battleaxes—along with an armor set. Each of them can be crafted using an element stone.

Element Stones

Element Stones are rare and valuable items used in the crafting of various Mystic Weapons and Armors. These stones are considered unique and expensive, and they can be acquired through special means such as purchasing them from wandering traders, discovering them in specific chest loot locations, or drops from certain entities.

There are 8 distinct types of Element Stones: Earth, Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Light, and Dark. Each type of stone can be broken down into 4 different shards using a crafting table, as illustrated below.

Element Stones Recipes

Element Stones and Element Stone Shards serve as essential crafting materials for a different Mystic Weapons and Armors. There are three different kinds of weapons: Scepters, Swords, and Battleaxes. Within each of these weapon types, as well as armors, you will find 8 distinct variations, each representing a unique elemental affinity.

Weapon Skills Triggering

All Weapons and Armors possess skills, with most featuring a passive skill, while some have an active skill. The passive skill triggers when a certain condition is met.

An active skill can be manually triggered by the player through:

  • Right clicking in computer/laptop
  • Pressing left trigger in Console
  • Touching and hold in mobile/tablet devices
    • Or tapping interact button

Active skills have cooldowns, which means they can only be used during that time intervals.


Scepters are potent long-range magical weapons, capable of wielding extraordinary abilities.

Scepters will target all entities within 10 blocks radius, excluding 2 blocks radius from the user. If use while sneaking, it will target monsters only, otherwise it will target all entities. Other players can be targeted too, if Friendly Fire (gamerule pvp) is enabled.

Scepters feature only an active skill, and each successful use of this skill consumes 1 level of xp. Scepters are known to have low durability.

Evocation Staff (Earth)

Attack all targets with evocation fangs twice, dealing damage with each attack. The second attack inflict a weakness effect to the targets.

  • Cooldown: 10s
  • Damage: 6/hit

Evocation Staff: Showcase

Hydroburst Scepter (Water)

Unleash a surging wave of water that slightly pushes away all entities it hits, dealing massive damage to them. If the target is on fire, it deals even greater damage but extinguishes the flames upon impact.

  • Cooldown: 12s
  • Damage: 12
  • On Fire Damage: 15

Hydroburst Scepter: Showcase

Tempest Staff (Wind)

Levitate all targets into mid-air, then unleash bursting wind on them, dealing great damage. And upon descent, it causes fall damage.

  • Cooldown: 12s
  • Damage: 10 fall damage

Tempest Staff: Showcase

Frostveil Scepter (Ice)

Encase all targets in ice, dealing a small amount of damage and applying a slow effect. The ice will eventually destroy after a few seconds, dealing additional damage if targets remain inside.

  • Cooldown: 15s
  • Initial Damage: 3
  • On Break Damage: 6

Frostveil Scepter: Showcase

Lightning Scepter (Lightning)

Strike lightning bolt upon all targets twice, each cause damage and scorching all entities on impact.

  • Cooldown: 15s
  • Damage: 5/hit scorching damage

Lightning Scepter: Showcase

Solarflare Scepter (Light)

Strike solar beam at all targets, dealing damage every 0.5 seconds, with the initial hit being more powerful than the subsequent three hits.

  • Cooldown: 10s
  • Initial Damage: 5
  • Subsequent Damage: 2/hit

Solarflare Scepter: Showcase

Necromancy Staff (Dark)

Summon 4 Undeads that attack nearby entities. After 10 seconds, they will detonate, dealing damage within the blast radius.

  • Cooldown: 20s
  • Undead's Damage: 4/hit

Necromancy Staff: Showcase

Undead's Characteristics

  • Players who wear full set of shadow armor won't attack by undead, unless player attack them.
  • Can inflict blindess effect to their target
  • They're like zombie but didn't burn from sunlight
  • When undead has been killed it doesn't give any xp nor loots
  • Can only naturally spawn via Necromancy Staff

Which entity that undead will attack?

Undead will attack entities depending on how they were summon with Necromancy Staff, just like how other Mystic Weapons will select a target.

  • They attack every entities by default, and when summon while sneaking it will attack monsters only.
  • If world's Friendly Fire is enabled, they will also attack player. Otherwise not.
  • When they were summon using a spawn egg or by command, they will target player and monster.

Mystic Swords

Mystic Swords are formidable melee weapons, capable of delivering high damage, and they offer a combination of active and passive skills.
The passive skill of Mystic Swords can trigger with a certain chance upon hitting a target.

Evocation Blade (Earth)

Active: Elevate the wielder and create a pillar of dirt beneath them, ideal for quickly escaping or climbing to higher ground. This ability cannot be used while swimming, gliding, climbing, or flying.

Passive: Attack the target with evocation fang, inflicting damage and weakness effect.

  • Cooldown: 15s
  • Proc Chance: 40%

Blazing Sword (Fire)

Active: Create a fiery path in the designated direction, scorching any entities it comes into contact with.

Passive: Scorch target for a few seconds. If the target has fire resistance, it will be dispelled, nullifying their protection.

  • Cooldown: 8s
  • Proc Chance: 43%

Aqueous Blade (Water)

Active: Purify the user, effectively removing specific negative effects, including extinguishing the user if they are on fire. Effect it can remove are: Fatal Poison, Poison, Hunger, Mining Fatigue, Nausea, and the Wither effect.

Passive: The wielder will lifesteal, restoring health equal to 50% of the damage dealt to the target. If the wielder's health is already full, grants an absorption effect instead, lasting for a duration equivalent to the wielder's damage output in seconds.

  • Cooldown: 25s
  • Proc Chance: 30%

Galeforce Blade (Wind)

Active: Unleash a powerful gust that forcefully propels nearby entities away, dealing small amount of damage.

Passive: Push the target away with a powerful force, then unleash a burst of wind that deals damage to all entities within its impact. The wind inflicts 30% of damage dealt.

  • Cooldown: 20s
  • Proc Chance: 40%

Frostshard Blade (Ice)

Active: Summon a temporary ice wall in front of the user, providing a barrier that obstructs entities and incoming projectiles.

Passive: Immobilize the target for a few seconds, rendering them unable to move. Once the effect ends, inflicted with a slow effect.

  • Cooldown: 5s
  • Proc Chance: 35%

Lightning Sword (Lighting)

Active: The wielder surges forward with the speed of lightning, striking all entities in their path with electrifying blows.

Passive: Apply the 'Electrocuted' effect to the target which last for 10 seconds, dealing damage over time.

  • Cooldown: 10s
  • Proc Chance: 45%

Sunflicker Sword (Light)

Active: Instantly swap places with your target, vanishing in a flash and reappearing at their location. The target must be within a 15-blocks distance.

Passive: Unleash a searing solar beam upon the target, scorching them.

  • Cooldown: 12s
  • Proc Chance: 43%

Cataclysm Blade (Dark)

Active: Unleash the power to draw entities within 8 blocks distance where you aim towards you, enabling closer attack engagement.

  • Select your target by looking at them, then activate this skill to draw them towards you.
  • Capable of pulling multiple entities if they are in close proximity to each other.

Passive: Detonate a target, causing a devastating area-of-effect explosion, dealing widespread damage. During a full moon, the explosion has the potential to destroy blocks within the impact radius and inflicts the blindness effect on all entities caught in the blast.

  • Cooldown: 15s
  • Proc Chance: 40%


Battleaxes are melee weapons known for their exceptional damage output and durability. However, they're skills aren't as potent as other weapons, and are equipped solely with passive skills.

The passive skill of Battleaxes can be triggered with every hit upon the target.

Battleaxes: Screenshot

Terraforge Axe (Earth)

Inflict weakness effect on target for few seconds. Additionally, there's a 50% chance to inflict nausea effect too.

  • Effect Duration: 4s
  • Effect Level: 2

Incinerator Axe (Fire)

Scorched the target, for a few seconds. Additionally, there's a chance to ignite the ground too, where the target is standing.

  • Scorched Duration: 6s

Cerulean Edge (Water)

Inflict mining fatigue effect on target for few seconds.

  • Effect Duration: 4s
  • Effect Level: 2

Galeshatter Axe (Wind)

Levitate the target into the air, then release them, dealing fall damage upon descent.

  • Effect Duration: 2s
  • Effect Level: 4

Frozen Axe (Ice)

Inflict slow effects on target for a few seconds.

  • Effect Duration: 3s
  • Effect Level: 3

Electrosurge Axe (Lightning)

Electrocute a target with a surge of electricity that arcs to nearby entities, dealing half the damage inflicted on the main target.

Luminarax Edge (Light)

Strike the target with radiant energy, randomly teleporting them to nearby locations multiple times. Creating a disorientation, leaving them disrupted and confused.

Abyssal Axe (Dark)

Inflict wither effect on the target for a few seconds. During a full moon, it will also trigger an explosion on the target.

  • Effect Duration: 4s (6s if full moon)
  • Effect Level: 2 (1 if full moon)

Mystic Armors

Mystic Armors serve as protective gear designed to mitigate incoming damage. Each piece of armor corresponds to a different elemental type.

Mystic armors offer two distinct passive abilities, but they only take effect when the wearer has the complete set of the same element. These passives provide benefits to the wearer, and an effect against attackers.

The wearer's passive ability takes effect when specific conditions are met, providing benefits to the wearer. The attacker's passive has a 25% chance to trigger when the wearer is attacked in melee combat, and the effect applies to the attacker.

Mystic Armors: Screenshot

Obstruction Armor (Earth)

  • Wearer: Grants wearer a resistance effect permanently.
  • Attacker: Inflict weakness effect for 12 seconds.

Firaga Armor (Fire)

  • Wearer: Generate magma block over lava surfaces, enabling the wearer to walk on it. This magma block inflicts continuous damage and scorch other entities stepping on it. Additionally, the wearer grants fire resistance effect permanently.
  • Attacker: Scorch the attacker for 12 seconds.

Azurelean Armor (Water)

  • Wearer: Grants wearer conduit power and is immune to the mining fatigue effect while in water.
  • Attacker: Inflict mining fatigue on the attacker for 12 seconds.

Viridescent Armor (Wind)

  • Wearer: Grants wearer double jump ability, allowing them to perform a second jump while in mid-air. Additionally, if wearer is falling from a certain heights, grants slow falling effect, preventing them receive fall damage.
  • Attacker: Levitate the attacker high into the air, then release them to plummet back down, dealing significant fall damage upon impact.

Glacial Armor (Ice)

  • Wearer: Generate glacial ice over water surfaces, enabling the wearer to walk on it. This ice inflicts continuous damage and slows other entities stepping on it. The ice remains intact as long as the wearer is standing on it, unlike ice that are created by the Frost Walker enchantment.
  • Attacker: Inflict a slow effect on the attacker for 12 seconds.

Thundersurge Armor (Lightning)

  • Wearer: Grants wearer speed effect while moving. Additionally, it dispels any slow effects that would otherwise afflict the wearer.
  • Attacker: Unleash a bolt of purple lightning that strikes the attacker, dealing damage equal to 60% of the damage received.

Radiance Armor (Light)

  • Wearer: The armor radiates a bright light, illuminating the surrounding area and serving as a built-in light source for better visibility in darkness. Additionally, it dispels the blindness effect that would otherwise afflict the wearer.
  • Attacker: Randomly teleport the attacker within an 8-block radius and deal damage equal to 50% of the damage received by the wearer.

Shadow Armor (Dark)

  • Wearer: Sneak without moving or performing any action for 5 seconds (or 3 seconds during a full moon) to activate stealth mode. In this mode, both the wearer and the armor become invisible. Instantly activate stealth mode upon receiving the invisibility effect. Stealth Mode deactivates upon performing any action or sprinting.
  • Attacker: Detonate a powerful explosion at the attacker, dealing damage and inflicting blindness effect for a few seconds.


Mystic weapons and armor can be repaired using an Element Stone or Element Stone Shard that matches the element type of the weapon you want to repair. For instance, a fire-type weapon can be repaired with a fire Element Stone or fire Element Stone Shard.

Durability repair amount for weapon:

  • Element stone shard: 15% of max durability
  • Element stone: 70% of max durability

Durability repair amount for armor:

  • Element stone shard: 100 15% of loss durability
  • Element stone: 100 70% of loss durability

The less durability of armor has, the higher durability will be added when repaired.

Combining Items to Repair

You can also combine two of the same weapon or armor to combine their durability. Can be done with anvil, grindstone or crafting table.

Where can you get Element Stones?

Purchase them in Wandering Trader

You can purchase Element Stones for 12 emeralds. The wandering trader sells up to two different kinds of Element Stones, and each type can be purchased up to 4 times.

You can also obtain them as loot from various locations or entities, and here are the odds of chances to acquire them:

Earth Stone

  • Pillager Captain - 100%
  • Woodland Mansion - 75%
  • Abandoned Mineshaft - 20%
  • Desert Pyramid - 10%
  • Stronghold Library - 1%

Water Stone

  • Burried Treasure - 100%
  • Shipwreck - 75%
  • Underwater Ruin - 35%
  • Fishing - 0.01%

Ice Stone

  • Ancient City - 75%
  • Igloo - 50%
  • Underwater Ruin - 15%
  • Snow Village - 10%

Wind Stone

  • End City - 100%
  • Jungle Temple - 20%
  • Shulker - 20%

Light Stone

  • End City - 100%
  • Pillager Outpost - 10%
  • Enderman - 9%

Lightning Stone

  • Charged Creeper - 20%
  • Pillager Outpost - 10%
  • Gift from Cat - 0.02%

Fire Stone

  • Nether Bridge - 50%
  • Ruined Portal - 50%

Dark Stone

  • Phantom - 100%
  • Desert Pyramid - 16%
  • Gift from Cat - 0.02%
  • Enderman - 9%


  • 100% chance you can get any element stone upto 2 pcs. in Monster Room
  • 100% chance you can get any element stone upto 3 pcs. when killing wither boss
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Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0