ML SmartPhone
Go to filesChange the weather, day or night, play music, and send money to other players in the game to improve your game and have fun with your friends! An add-on made for you and your friends to have fun, maybe even troll each other!
➔ Appstore
- The Appstore app is used to purchase the other apps available from the add-on using ML Currency addon.
- Bank App is free.
- Camera App is free.
➔ Settings
- This app allows players to delete downloaded apps and remove them from their phones. It also allows players to turn on notifications for the phone or turn them off.
- If the player has an admin tag, then it will show admin settings for servers or realms.
➔ Admin Settings
- This allows players to be able to turn on features for other players in their world.
- Enable TP, Weather, and Time: Allows players to be able to use and download these apps on their phone. By default, it is turned off.
- Always Day toggle: Allows always day to be on or off.
- Gmode: Sets gamemode for admins only using custom buttons.
➔ Store
- The Store app is for players to be able to purchase food, vehicles, hats, and even custom furniture and more.
➔ Bank
- The Bank App allows players to transfer money to other players, deposit money into the account, or withdraw money.
➔ Music App
- The app allows players to listen to custom in game Minecraft music using their phones, just select a song and enjoy.
➔ Time App
- The app allows players to change the time of day. TIME MUST BE ENABLED IN ADMIN SETTINGS IN ORDER TO WORK!
➔ Weather App
- The app allows players to change the weather. WEATHER MUST BE ENABLED IN ADMIN SETTINGS IN ORDER TO WORK!
➔ Teleport App
- The app allows players to teleport to other players. Can be turned on and off.
TP Send Request
- Choose a player you want to teleport to and ask them if it's ok to be teleported.
TPA Request
Admin TPA Settings
- Can be turned on and off:
➔ ML Messaging
- The app allows players to message each other using the comfort of their smartphones.
➔ Calculator
- Fully functional calculator to do your math homework on!
Crafting Recipe
Updated on November 09
- Updated the download links.
- New cover picture and teleport system update.