Fake Ores Addon

Do you want to troll your friends while mining? Well, this addon is for you!! It's because this addon adds fake ores!! The fake ores can also be used as decorations and it's very cool!!
Let's start now, shall we?
Troll Your Friends!!
The fake ores look very identical to normal ores in Minecraft. It can definitely troll your friends while you guys are mining!!
These fake ores are craftable. You're just gonna need an amethyst and a normal Minecraft ore (deepslate ores don't work).
You will get 16 fake ores after crafting!!
Make Your Own Ores!!
You can make your own ores using this addon because the ores just work like a vine in Minecraft (but you can't climb on it).
You can stick it in the wall and ceiling.
These new fake ores can also be used as decoration.
Fake Ores Addon Showcase Here:
Updated on January 12
v1.5.8 Update
- Fixed the icons of the Addon not working
- Reduced the file size of the Addon
v1.5.6 Update
- Fixed The Ores Are Now Craftable
- Reduced The File Size Of The Addon
- Fixed some issues in the addon
v1.5 Update
- Fixed The Hand Icon Of The Ores.
- Fixed The Fake Ore Hand Bug
- The Addon is not laggy anymore