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Rotator Block

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A single block with the power to rotate an entire structure.

Rotator Block Animation 1

Rotator Block Animation 2

The rotator is a simple block that is able to rotate the blocks above it to the left or the right.

The direction can be adjusted by interacting with the block.

The rotator will activate via redstone.

Rotator Block: Showcase 1

When spinning slime or honey blocks, all adjacent blocks are also able to be moved!

Rotators have a turn limit of 24 blocks.

Rotator Block: Showcase 2

Note that if a block is rotated into an unmoveable block it will break, this can creat some interesting farms like this!

Rotator Block: Showcase 3


Rotator Block Recipe

Outdated Trailer:

Download links
Rotator Block Rework.mcaddon
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70
1 comment
  1. looks fun