More Tools Addon (1.21.5)

Vanilla style, 800+ new tools & items. Dive into a richer gameplay experience with this more tools add-on. Fully survival compatible!
Expand your game with 800 more tools & items, and 20 new blocks!
Whether you’re crafting, building, or exploring, this add-on enriches your world with new possibilities, all while keeping that classic vibe intact. The goal of this addon is just to give you that vanilla style vibe—nothing more, nothing less.
More Tools Addon was created with passion for the Minecraft bedrock community!
Non-experimental addon.
Add-on preview!
Some tools you can find in this add-on!
We are getting closer to completely updating the add-on for 1.21! What I got working so far, read down below! Honestly, working on the "More Tools Addon" has been incredibly exhausting and frustrating, thanks to Mojang.
-------------More Tools is now on CurseForge---------------
Update #8 v6.4
- Slime tools now work properly again!
- Right-click any slime tool item and within a 25-block radius, items on the ground will "stick" to you!
- Hard to remake these after the 1.21.20 update, this is more of a "good enough fix for now".
- Fixed most of the following battleaxes abilities (still WIP).
- Blaze, Lightning, Frozen, Echo (Iron, Emerald, and Diamond only give effects!)
- To use the abilities you have, right-click on the mouse or tap on the screen, or shift/sneak right-click or tap on the screen for other abilities.
- Netherite and Ender are a bit tricky to fix right now, hopefully at some point.
- Right-click:
- Right-click:
- Sneak + right-click:
- Right-click:
- Sneak + right-click:
- Right-click:
- Sneak + right-click:
Update #7 v6.3-j7
- Added a welcome message!
- Wearing a full set of magma/frozen armor will work properly again!
- Full Frozen armor set (don't sit too much):
- Full Magma armor set (keep moving):
- Lots of other content log errors fixes.
- Texture for the visinium block update!
Monumental Update #6 v6.3-j6
- Uranium, Enderite, Soul, Celestite, and Onyx blocks are mostly fixed!
- Eating the very cute food swords will give you effects again! (Same effects for all)
- Colored text is now fixed!
- Melon sword is craftable again!
- Name changed to all the cute swords: removed "Iron".
Monumental Update #5 v6.3-j5
- Fixed Bug: pillager raids not starting correctly.
- Flint and Steel work again! (Different fire size area for each tier)
- Steel Ingot can now be used to craft the vanilla flint and steel.
Monumental Update #4 v6.3-j4
- Hammers 3x3 (not 1x3) mining ability is back! (Right-click or tap on the screen)
- The ability will use 25 item durability points! (Unbreaking enchant will work on the ability)
- Fixed some celestite blocks. (Not everything is fixed, just wanted to see what's wrong with it so Celestite is still not working atm)
- Mace recipe updated to match vanilla game.
- Recipe updated for maces, find it in [maces info] lower on this page.
- Upgraded Bench block rotation should work again.
Monumental Update #3 v6.3-j3 (Backup your worlds!)
- All Apples will give effects again!
- Upgrade Bench is back!
Monumental Update #2 v6.3-j2 (Backup your worlds!)
- All Items should have durability again!
Monumental Update #1 v6.3-j1 (Backup your worlds!) (This update is not complete, if you don't feel safe to update to this please wait for the future version!)
- Removed Karambits!
- HCF still required for blocks and other stuff!
- Mace texture updated to match vanilla game.
- Items are now updated so that they do not require HCF (Holiday Creator Features) anymore! (Good enough to show in the game)
- This doesn't mean they are fully working but working good enough to show in the game!
- For now, about 1k item files have been updated so far!
- Expect effects, abilities and durability to come as soon as I manage my time to do so.
Find new ores to craft, like in the vanilla game!
Celestite! A nether and overworld "amethyst" like ore!
Armor trims are available just like in the vanilla game!
Two of the most powerful new items! Enderite is found in the end dimension!
Echo and Warden Tools and Armor!
Enderite Tools and Armor!
Classic tools made out of lapis, emerald, and redstone are available!
Apples with different effects!
Enchanted version of the apple requires the Upgrade Bench block!
Normal apples recipes: (Crafting Table)
In order to create steel ingots, you need to use iron and coal like this and then smelt the new ingot. The tools require a steel stick to be crafted, you can get it by crafting with steel nuggets!
A new powerful crafting table! The Updare Bench! This block will allow you to craft even more powerful tools! Like the Hammers, Scyte, Leviathan Axes and Battle Axes, Maces have different abilities when right-clicking or tapping on the screen for Android/iOS!
Recipe for Upgrade Bench!
Hammers! These are a powerful version of the pickaxe and it can mine 3x3 when right click or tapped on screen!
Recipe example, requires the Upgrade Bench block!
Battle Axe! Recipes require Upgrade Bench!
Echo Battle Axe!
Warden Attack! (Right click or tap on the screen!)
Different ores are available in overworld, nether and the end!
There is a very large selection of tools, ores and armor sets like: aetherium, amber, amethyst, brass, bronze, celestite, citrine, cobalt, copper, enderium, enderite, endstone, glass, glowstone, jade, lonsdaleite, obsidian, onyx, peridot, ruby, lapis, emerald, redstone, platinum, prismarine, sapphire, steel, tungsten, topaz, tourmaline, quartz, blazed quartz, uranium, visinium, warden and echo, etc...
Most of the tool sets are crafted like any vanilla tools and armor! Example below!
- Ruby Armor Texture design by Glicthey | big changes made by me.
- Aetherium Armor Texture design by TheRealSpidey | small changes made by me.
- Onyx Block Texture by Beez.
- Magma, Slime, Glowstone Tools Textures from MoreVanillaTools | small changes made by me.
- Lonsdaleite Block/Ore Texture design by the comunity of SyKoSoFi | contribute here! | small changes made by me.
- Leviathan Axe Decapitator | code idea by Me and Gravel Studios.
- Platinum Tools/Block Textures by Radon.
- Titanium Block/Ingot Textures by NeighborlyFedora.
- Item Durability JаvaScript Code inspired by t17x (t17.x#8541)
Download and Install both the BP and RP .mcpack these contain the necesary data and resources files required by the add-on to work properly! Or just download the .mcaddon file that is full (has both rp and bp)
How to update add-ons properly! See video below!
Watch More Tools Unknown Facts!
Never got made! This was one of the first concepts for the Upgrade Bench Block when I added UI but it required so many recipes and combinations that it was impossible.
Hope you like the add-on!
Updated on February 11
- Improved battleaxe abilities and code.
- Slime tools now work properly again!
- Right-click any slime tool item and within a 25-block radius, items on the ground will "stick" to you!
- Hard to remake these after the 1.21.20 update, this is more of a "good enough fix for now".
- Fixed most of the following battleaxes abilities (still WIP).
- Blaze, Lightning, Frozen, Echo (Iron, Emerald, and Diamond only give effects!)
- Added a welcome message!
- Wearing a full set of magma/frozen armor will work properly again!
- Texture for the visinium block update!
- Most content log errors fixed!
- Added new optional pack: Wandering Trader+
Monumental Update #6 v6.3-j6
- Uranium, Enderite, Soul, Celestite, Onyx blocks are mostly fixed!
- Eating the very cute food swords will give you effects again! (Same effects for all)
- Colored text is now fixed!
- Melon sword is craftable again!
- Name changed to all the cute swords: removed "Iron".
Bug Fix Update!
Monumental Update #5 v6.3-j5
- Fixed Bug: pillager raids not working at all.
- Fixed Bug: custom flint and steel "on_use" sound is back.
- Custom Flint and Steel should work correctly.
- Steel Ingot can now be used to craft the vanilla flint and steel.
Big Update! The most beloved feature of the add-on is back!
- Hammers 3x3 mining ability is back.
- Hammer ability improved now it can mine in the end and nether dimensions compared to the old HCF one.
- Hammer ability will use 25 item durability points.
- Unbreaking enchant will work on the ability.
- Fixed some of the celestite blocks.
- Mace recipe updated to match vanilla game.
- All apples will give correct effects now.
- Upgrade bench block rotation should work again.