
More Tools Addon (1.20 Update!)

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This addon brings 40+ armor types to your game, over 1k tools and items and 20+ new decorative blocks to play with. Feel free to enjoy these items in survival as you like. The goal of this addon is just to give you that vanilla vibe nothing more nothing less. Fully survival compatible!

Created with passion for minecraft bedrock community!

Check out my Youtube channel if you want :)

NOTE: If your doing a review, you are allowed only to use this ModBay / MCPEDL add-on page link. Don't hurt me with direct links to mediafire! HAVE RESPECT FOR WHAT I DO!

NOTE: This addon was posted on ModBay / MCPEDL! You are not allowed to publish this on other websites or applications without my permission.

NOTE: You can't steal/reuse the code or textures in without my permisson!

Table of Contents


Permission for ModBay

Permissions for Modbay

Experimental Options

NOTE: Enable these EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this add-on!!!

Required Experimental Options for the Addon

Add-on Description/Documentation

Book with List of Tools

Update Preview!

v5.9wip Update Celestite

v5.9wip Update 12.09.2023 - 27.09.2023

Bug Fixes! (Nothing new for now, just bug fixes for 1.20.30 and up)

v5.9 Bugfixes 1

v5.9 Bugfixes 2

v5.9 List of Items 1

v5.9 List of Items 2


  • Most Item colored names should display corectly now!
  • Most Items should be in the right category now!
  • Most Food Items should work on servers now!

----===URGENT UPDATE===----

Do not use the add-on in the latest preview/beta, because Mojang broke something, and not all items are loaded anymore, only a few. If it makes it into the main release without the problems being fixed, I am sorry for your survival world. The best thing to do is to test the add-on before entering the world in a new one! That's good advice after any Minecraft update. The problem seems to be on Mojang end, so probably little I can do to fix it, but I'll start to do some research and try to come up with a solution. Either way, if I find something, it's not going to be ready before the main Minecraft release. MC 1.20.15 is safe, upcoming versions idk.

New! Celestite! (Balanced pack only, OP pack discontinued)

Celestite is very rare found in overworld in Celestite Geodes and nether (more common) | diamond like | good durability / damage

Celestite Blocks and Items

Celestite Shards are obtained by mining the cluster, just like vanilla Minecraft!

Some Geodes are bigger than Minecraft ones!

Celestite Geode

New! Can be used as amethyst shard in most amethyst related recipes!

Armor Example:

Celestite Armor Recipe Example

Tools Example:

Celestite Tools Recipe Example


Celestite Spyglass Recipe


Celestite Block Recipe

v5.8r2-r3 Update Armor Trims (Beta/Preview only)

v5.8r2 Update 11.08.2023 | v5.8r3 Update 25.08.2023

New! Armor trims are here! (Balanced Pack Only)

Updated most of the armors from the balanced pack to support trims for now in Minecraft v1.20.30.20!

New Armor Trims

Info! All vanilla trim templates and colors are supported by most armors if you find some that don't work let me know!

New! Upgrade the add-on diamond tools with netherite the same way as vanilla!

New Diamond Tools Upgrade to Netherite

Warning! Don't use the add-on on your main survival world, test it in a new one!

Note! The mod items (gems/ingots) are not yet available as colors for armor trims and I didn't add any new trim templates! Vanilla templates are working for now!

OP pack will support these hopefully soon I need more time! May be the last update to that version anyway!

v5.8r1 Update Tourmaline Textures + 1.20 Support!

v5.8r1 Update 02.08.2023

Update! Hello everyone, I started to work on a workaround for armor trims and I managed to get them working but due to a new minecraft preview and now main version update my workaround is now broken and not working because of that armor trims are not available yet sorry!

Warning! 1.20 Support. I did my best! Due to the large amount of files it is hard to find the exact cause of some crashes and bugs. I hopefully fixed most of the recipes and food items problems

Fixed: hopefully most of the food/apples/carrot/recipes crashes.

New Plan (Remaking the add-on) The best course of action moving forward in my opinion will be to just remake the entire add-on based on the new features, believe it or not it is just easier than updating every file. Also I will discontinue the OP version.

I will try to do my best to maintain the existing pack items/blocks/armor compatibility and this will mean that when you update a world to the new (remake) version of this add-on the items/armor/blocks should not dissapear(atleast thats what I hope I can achive)

Tourmaline Texture Updated!


Old Tourmaline Textures


New Tourmaline Textures

Upgrade Bench

Some recipes in this addon require the use of Upgrade bench. To craft it, you will need:

  • Iron Ingot x3
  • Block of Iron x3
  • Smithing Table x1
  • Netherite Ingots x2

Craft Recipe for Creating Upgrade Bench

New UI for Upgrade Bench (optional)

PC users are recommended to install the package with the new UI for Upgrade Bench and use it together with the addon's resource package.

UI Packet for Upgrade Bench

In the screenshots below you can see the difference while you are using new UI packet for Upgrade Bench:

New UI for Upgrade Bench

Gemstone Wandering Trader (optional)

Install this option to add a Gemstone Wandering Trader to the game.Gemstone Wandering TraderGemstone Wandering Trades Example

Upgraded Ore Generation

All the materials that are presented below can be found in the generation of the world. Below in this article we will describe where each of the materials is generated. In the screenshot below, you can see how and where the ores are generated. Some data may be outdated.

Map for Ore Generation

This is Overworld. For example 24, -16 means from Y level 24 to -16.

Ore Distribution List

More Sticks

You will need new sticks to craft some new tools:

Full List of New Sticks

Craft recipes for sticks

Scroll to the recipe:

Craft recipe for Bronze Sticks:

Craft Recipe for Bronze Sticks

Craft recipe for Steel Sticks, use Steel Nuggets:

Craft Recipe for Steel Sticks

Craft recipe for Quartz Sticks, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Quartz Sticks

Craft recipe for Mossy Sticks, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Mossy Sticks

Craft recipe for Ender Sticks, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Ender Sticks

New Materials


Echo is the best material in the game in both original / balanced packs.

Warden Preview

The armor glows in the dark. But it will not glow brighter from enchantment.

Warden Armor Glowing

Echo ingots is very hard to craft, it requires you to go:

  • in Ancient City for Echo Shards and Sculk Catalyst
  • in The End for Enderite ingots
  • in Nether for Netherite ingots

Craft recipe for Echo ingots, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Echo Ingot

Echo and Quartz Echo tools will be added to the game:

Full List of Echo Tools

Full List of Quartz Echo Tools

Craft recipe for Echo tools, it requires Crafting Table and Echo Shards. Effects:

  • Strength II

Craft Recipe for Echo Sword

Craft recipe for Quartz Echo tools, it requires Upgrade Bench and Echo Shards. Effects:

  • Speed II
  • Strength V

Craft Recipe for Quartz Echo Sword

Use Echo ingots for craft amour, it requires Upgrade Bench. Effects:

  • Resistrance V (requires full set of armor)

Craft Recipe for Echo Armor

More information about Echo/Warden armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 20
  • Knockback Resistance: 6 / 2
  • Toughness: Not yet / Not yet
  • Durability: 4500 / 2850
  • Powder Snow Protection: Not yet / Not yet
  • Effects: Yes / Yes
  • Piglin Protection: Yes / Yes

Echo Armor Models

By the way, try Echo Battleaxe โ€” a special axe with a Sonic Boom.


Tungsten ore generation:

  • Generation Level Y: -55 to -42
  • Variants: Stone, Deepslate
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Tungsten Preview

To get a Tungsten ingot, you need to smelt the ore or raw tungsten:

Melting Tungsten Ore

Melting Raw Tungsten

Tools from Tungsten will be added to the game:

Full Set of Tungsten Tools

Recipe example for Tungsten sword:

Craft Recipe for Tungsten Sword

Armor from Tungsten will be added to the game:

Full Set of Tungsten Armor

Recipe example for Tungsten armor:

Craft Recipe for Tungsten Armor


Uranium Ore

Uranium ore generation:

  • Vein size:
    • Overworld: 1-6
    • Nether: 1-8
  • Generation level Y:
    • Overworld: -44 to -60
    • Nether: 70 to 20
  • Variants: Tuff, Netherrack
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Uranium Preview

Uranium tools and armor effects:

  • Standing near a full set of Uranium armor will give Nausea III within 7 blocks
  • Uranium tools will give Poison II effect on attack for 5 secconds

Nausea Effect from Uranium Armor

To purify uranium ore, you need to use a furnace. The ore can be of two variants, and when you melt it, you will get different:

  • from Tuff Uranium ore you will get Uranium ignot
  • from Nether Uranium ore you will get Uranium scrap

Smelting Nether and Tuff Uranium Ores

Uranium Scrap is used in Refined uranium crafting. This requires Sulfur Dust and Upgrade Bench.

Craft Recipe for Refined Uranium

Melt Refined uranium in a furnace to get a Uranium ingot.

Melting Refined Uranium to Ingots

To craft the tools, you will need a quartz stick and an Upgrade Bench.

Recipe Example for Uranium Sword

Uranium armor does not require an Upgrade Bench. Recipe example:

Recipe Example for Uranium Armor

More information about Uranium armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 18
  • Knockback Resistance: idk / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 2300 / 312
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: Nausea III / Nausea III
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Uranium Full Armor Set

You can also try Uranium Hammer.


Jade Ore

Jade ore generation:

  • Vein size: 1-9
  • Generation Level Y: 110 to 10
  • Variants: Netherrack
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Jade Preview

Recipe example for Jade sword:

Craft Recipe for Jade Sword

Recipe example for Jade armor:

Craft Recipe for Jade Armor

More information about Uranium armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 19
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.4 / 0.1
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 510 / 370
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Jade Armor Models

You can also try Jade Hammer.


Aetherium Ore

Aetherium ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-8
  • Generation Level Y: 120 to 0
  • Variants: Endstone
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Aetherium Preview

To get an Aetherium ingot, you need to smelt the ore:

Melting of Aetherium Ore

Recipe example for Aetherium sword:

Craft Recipe for Aetherium Sword

Use Aetherium to craft a dagger:

  • Aetherium Dagger with Stick and Craft table
  • Ender Aetherium Dagger with Ender stick and Upgrade Bench

Craft Recipes for Aetherium Daggers

Recipe example for Aetherium armor:

Craft Recipe for Aetherium Armor

More information about Aetherium armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 19
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.5 / 0.52
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 1340 / 1300
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Aetherium Armor Models

You can also try Aetherium Hammer.


Lonsdaleite Ore

Lonsdaleite ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-6
  • Generation Level Y: 120 to 0
  • Variants: Endstone
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Lonsdaleite Preview

To get an Lonsdalite scrap, you need to smelt the ore:

Craft Recipe for Lonsdaleite Scrap

To craft Lonsdaleite gemstone, you will need Lonsdaleite scrap and diamonds. You can use Upgrade Bench as well as regular one:

Craft Recipe for Lonsdaleite Gemstone

You will need a stick and a pair of Lonsdaleite gemstone to craft a sword from Lonsdaleite:

Craft Recipe for Lonsdaleite Sword

Also you can use Lonsdaleite gemstone to craft a dagger:

Craft Recipe for Lonsdaleite Dagger

For Lonsdaleite armor enough to use Lonsdaleite gemstones in the recipe:

Craft Recipe for Lonsdaleite Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of armor from Lonsdaleite:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 20
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.25 / 0.1
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 520 / 484
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Lonsdaleite Full Armor Set


Enderium Ore

Enderium ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-7
  • Generation Level Y: 120 to 0
  • Variants: Endstone
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Enderium Preview

To get an Enderium ingot, you need to smelt the ore:

Enderium Ore Smelting

Enderium and Ender Enderium tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Enderium Tools

Full Set of Ender Enderium Tools

Also you can use Enderium ingot to craft a dagger:

Craft Recipes for Enderium Daggers

Recipe example for Enderium armor:

Craft Recipe for Enderium Armor

Recipe for Enderium sword:

Craft Recipe for Enderium Sword

Recipe for Ender Enderium pickaxe, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Ender Enderium Pickaxe

Characteristics of a complete set of armor from Enderium:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 20
  • Knockback Resistance: 1 / 0.6
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 1120 / 998
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Enderium Full Armor Set


Visinium Ore

Visinium ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1 - 8
  • Generation Level Y: 120 to 0
  • Variants: Endstone
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Visinium Preview

To get an Visinium ingot, you need to smelt the ore:

Melting of Visinium Ore

Recipe example for Visinium sword:

Craft Recipe for Visinium Sword

You can use Ender Sticks in crafting for more damage, a bit more durability and enchantability. Requires Upgrade Bench:

Visinium Craft Recipe Example with Ender Sticks

You can use Quartz Sticks in crafting for a lot more durability and damage. Requires Upgrade Bench:

Visinium Craft Recipe Example with Quartz Sticks

You can use Steel Sticks for the highest durability. Requires Upgrade Bench:

Visinium Craft Recipe Example with Steel Sticks

Recipe example for Visinium armor:

Craft Recipe for Visinium Armor

More information about Visinium armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 19
  • Knockback Resistance: idk / 0.5
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 2300 / 440
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Visinium Full Armor Set

You can also try Visinium Hammer.


Amber Ore

Amber ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-7
  • Generation Level Y: 80 to 64
  • Variants: Stone
  • Requires Smelting: No
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Amber Preview

To get an Amber, you need to smelt the ore:

Melting of Amber Ore

Recipe example for Amber sword:

Craft Recipe for Amber Sword

Also you can use Amber to craft a dagger:

Craft Recipe for Amber Dagger

Recipe example for Amber armor:

Craft Recipe for Amber Armor

More information about Amber armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 14 / 14
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 135 / 120
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Armor Set of Amber Armor

You can also try Amber Hammer.


Cobalt Ore

Cobalt ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-10
  • Generation Level Y: 115 to 30
  • Variants: Netherrack
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Cobalt Preview

To get an Cobalt ingot, you need to smelt the ore or raw Cobalt:

Cobalt Ore Smelting

Recipe example for Cobalt sword:

Craft Recipe for Cobalt Sword

Recipe for Cobalt armor:

Craft Recipe for Cobalt Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Cobalt armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 19 / 17
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 580 / 340
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Cobalt Full Armor Set


Platinum Ore

Platinum ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-8
  • Generation Level Y: 122 to 64
  • Variants: Stone
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Platinum Preview

To get an Platinum ingot, you need to smelt the ore:

Platinum Ore Smelting

Recipe example for Platinum sword:

Craft Recipe for Platinum Sword

Recipe for Platinum armor:

Craft Recipe for Platinum Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Platinum armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 18 / 14
  • Knockback Resistance: No / 0.3
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 210 / 170
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Platinum Full Armor Set

You can also try Platinum Hammer.


Sapphire Ore

Sapphire ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-8
  • Generation Level Y: 16 to -48
  • Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
  • Requires Smelting: No
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Sapphire Preview

To get an Sapphire, you need to smelt the ore:

Sapphire Ore Smelting

Recipe example for Sapphire sword:

Craft Recipe for Sapphire Sword

Recipe for Sapphire armor:

Craft Recipe for Sapphire Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Sapphire armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 18 / 17
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 1530 / 500
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Sapphire Full Armor Set

You can also try Sapphire Hammer or Sapphire apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption II (2:00), Regeneration II (0:10), Fire Resistance (0:30)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:45)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance (5:00), Saturation (8:00), Health Boost II (2:00)

Sapphire Apples

You can also try Sapphire carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). The crafting recipe doesn't work, maybe it's a bug.

Sapphire Carrot Effect


Titanium Ore

Titanium ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-8
  • Generation Level(Y): -40 to -48
  • Variants: Deepslate
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Titanium Preview

To get a Titanium ingot, you need to smelt the ore:

Titanium Ore Smelting

Steel Titanium and Titanium tools will be added to the game:

Steel Titanium and Titanium Tools

Recipe for Titanium sword:

Craft Recipe for Titanium Sword

Recipe for Titanium armor:

Craft Recipe for Titanium Armor

Recipe for Titanium Steel Pickaxe, required Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Titanium Steel Pickaxe

Characteristics of a complete set of Titanium armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 14
  • Knockback Resistance: idk / 0.6
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 2300 / 350
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Titanium Full Armor Set


Enderite Ore

Enderite ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1 - 8
  • Generation Level Y: 120 to 0
  • Variants: Endstone
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Enderite Preview

Full set of Enderite armor now emits particles:

Particles for Enderite Armor Set

To get an Enderite ingot, you need to melt ore or craft it with Upgrade Bench from the following items:

  • Eye of Ender
  • Ender Pearl x3
  • Netherite Scrap x3

Two Ways to Get Enderite Ingots

Tools from Enderite will be added to the game:

  • Damage range: 12-15
  • Durability: High

Set of Enderite Tools

Recipe example for Enderite sword, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Enderite Sword

Recipe example for Enderite armor:

Craft Recipe for Enderite Armor

More information about Enderite armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 20
  • Knockback Resistance: 2.5 / 1
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 1830 / 1450
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: Yes / Yes

Full Set of Enderite Armor

You can also try Enderite apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption II (2:00), Regeneration III (0:25), Health Boost II (1:20), Strength III (1:20), Speed II (0:60), Fire Resistance (2:00)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption V (4:20), Regeneration V (0:55)โ€Œ, Health Boost IV (4:20), Haste IV (3:20), Strength V (4:20), Speed IV (3:20), Jump Boost V (3:00), Fire Resistance (6:20), Resistance V (6:20), Slow Falling IV (1:20), Conduit Power III (1:20), Night Vision IV (3:20), Water Breathing (5:00)

Enderite Apples

You can also try Enderite Hammer, Karambit, Leviathan Axe, or Scythe.


Peridot Ore

Peridot ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-9
  • Generation Level Y: 16 to -32
  • Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
  • Requires Smelting: No
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Peridot Preview

To get a Peridot, you need to smelt the ore:

Melting of Peridot Ore

Recipe example for Peridot sword:

Craft Recipe for Peridot Sword

Recipe example for Peridot armor:

Craft Recipe for Peridot Armor

More information about Peridot armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 17 / 17
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 560 / 512
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Peridot Armor

You can also try Peridot apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Jump Boost II (0:30)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance (5:00), Night Vision (2:30), Jump Boost IV (2:00)

Peridot Apples

You can also try Peridot carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Peridot Carrot


Ruby Ore

Ruby ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-7
  • Generation Level Y: 8 to -60
  • Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
  • Requires Smelting: No
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Ruby Preview

To get Ruby, you don't need to smelt the ore. Just destroy the Ruby ore block.

Ruby Tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Ruby Tools

Recipe example for Ruby sword:

Craft Recipe for Ruby sword

Recipe example for Ruby armor:

Craft Recipe for Ruby Armor

More information about Ruby armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 19 / 19
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 1600 / 617
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Ruby Armor

You can also try Ruby Hammer or Ruby apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption II (2:00), Regeneration II (0:10), Health Boost (0:60)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:45)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance II (5:00), Strength III (2:00), Health Boost III (2:20)

Ruby Apples

You can also try Ruby carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). The crafting recipe doesn't work, maybe it's a bug.

Ruby Carrot Effect


Zinc Ore

Zinc ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-7
  • Generation Level Y: 64 to 48
  • Variants: Stone
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Zinc Preview

To get a Zinc, you need to smelt the ore:

Melting of Zinc Ore

Zinc Tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Zinc Tools

Recipe example for Zinc sword:

Craft Recipe for Zinc Sword

This addon doesn't add Zinc armor, only tools.


Tin Ore

Tin ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-10
  • Generation Level Y: 160 to 72
  • Variants: Stone
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Tin Preview

To get a Tin, you need to smelt the ore:

Melting Tin Ore

Recipe example for Tin sword:

Craft Recipe for Tin Sword

Recipe example for Tin armor:

Craft Recipe for Tin Armor

More information about Tin armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 14
  • Knockback Resistance: idk / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 2300 / 91
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Tin Armor

Rose Gold

Rose Gold Ore

Rose Gold ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-15
  • Generation Level Y: 115 to 10
  • Variants: Netherrack
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Rose Gold Preview

To get a Rose Gold, you need to smelt the Ore or Raw Rose Gold:

Two Options of Melting to Get Rose Gold

Also you can make Rose Gold using Copper and Gold, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Rose Gold Ingot

Recipe example for Rose Gold sword:

Craft Recipe for Rose Gold Sword

Recipe example for Rose Gold armor:

Craft Recipe for Rose Gold Armor

More information about Rose Gold armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 12 / 12
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 230 / 165
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: Yes / Yes

Full Set of Rose Gold Armor

You can also try Rose Gold apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Haste II (0:60)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance (5:20), Health Boost (1:30), Haste IV (2:30)

Rose Gold Apples

You can also try Rose Gold carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Rose Gold

You can also try Rose Gold Hammer.


Silver Ore

Silver ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-9
  • Generation Level Y: 80 to 24
  • Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Netherrack (deepslate variant was disabled)
  • Requires Smelting: No
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Silver Preview

To get Silver ingot, you need to smelt the ore or raw variants:

Silver Ore Smelting

Also you can get Silver ingot by crafting copper, gold and zinc ingots:

Craft Recipe for Silver Ingot

Silver tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Silver tools

Recipe example for Silver sword:

Craft Recipe for Silver Sword

Recipe for Silver armor:

Craft Recipe for Silver Armor

You can also craft Silver Plate and use it instead Chestplate. It is less durable, requires less silver ingots for crafting, but more enchantable.

Craft Recipe for Silver Plate

Characteristics of a complete set of Silver armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 17 / 16
  • Knockback Resistance: No / 0.2
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 320 / 125
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Silver Armor

You can also try Silver Hammer.


Citrine Ore

Citrine ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-12
  • Generation Level Y: 48 to -8
  • Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Citrine Preview

To get Citrine, you need to smelt the ore:

Melting Citrine Ore

Recipe example for Citrine sword:

Craft Recipe for Citrine Sword

Recipe for Citrine armor:

Craft Recipe for Citrine Armor

More information about Citrine armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 13 / 13
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 430 / 325
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Citrine Armor

You can also try Citrine apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Slow Falling II (0:30)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance (5:00), Slow Falling IV (2:00), Saturation (3:00)

Citrine Apples

You can also try Citrine carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Citrine Carrot


Topaz Ore

Topaz ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-8
  • Generation Level Y: 30 to -24
  • Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
  • Requires Smelting: No
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Topaz Preview

To get Topaz, you need to smelt the ore:

Topaz Ore Smelting

Topaz tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Topaz Tools

Recipe example for Topaz sword:

Craft Recipe for Topaz Sword

Recipe for Topaz armor:

Craft Recipe for Topaz Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Topaz armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 18
  • Knockback Resistance: idk / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 2300 / 280
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Topaz Armor

You can also try Topaz carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Topaz Carrot

You can also try Topaz Hammer.


Tourmaline Ore

Tourmaline ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-7
  • Generation Level Y: 24 to -16
  • Variants: Stone, Deepslate, Andesite, Diorite, Granite
  • Requires Smelting: No
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Tourmaline Preview

To get Tourmaline, you need to smelt the ore:

Tourmaline Ore Smelting

Tourmaline tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Tourmaline Tools

Recipe example for Tourmaline sword:

Craft Recipe for Tourmaline Sword

Recipe for Tourmaline armor:

Craft Recipe for Tourmaline Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Tourmaline armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 19
  • Knockback Resistance: idk / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 2300 / 340
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Tourmaline Armor

You can also try Tourmaline carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Tourmaline Carrot

You can also try Tourmaline Hammer.


Onyx Ore

Onyx ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-5
  • Generation Level Y: 80 to 20
  • Variants: Netherrack
  • Requires Smelting: Yes
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Onyx Preview

To get Onyx, you need to smelt the ore:

Onyx Ore Smelting

Onyx Quartz and Onyx tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Onyx Quartz Tools

Full Set of Onyx Tools

Recipe example for Onyx sword:

Craft Recipe for Onyx Sword

Recipe for Onyx Quartz pickaxe:

Craft Recipe for Onyx Quartz Pickaxe

Recipe for Onyx armor:

Craft Recipe for Onyx Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Tourmaline armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 19 / 19
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 1670 / 450
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Craft Recipe for Onyx Armor

You can also try Onyx apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Blindness (0:15)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance III (6:00), Resistance (5:00), Mining Fatigue (0:30), Blindness (0:20) Slow Falling II (2:00)

Onyx Apples


Sulfur Ore

Sulfur ore generation:

  • Vein Size: 1-14
  • Generation Level Y: 90 to 10
  • Variants: Netherrack
  • Requires Smelting: No
  • Required Tools: (none yet)

Sulfur Preview

You can use Sulfur Dust to craft Gunpowder or Refined Uranium (requires Upgrade Bench):

Two Options to Use Sulfur Dust

Blazed Quartz

For crafting Blazed Quartz tools you may be need:

  • Nether Quartz
  • Blazed Rod
  • Blaze Powder

Blazed Quartz Preview

Blazed Quartz tools will be added to the game:

  • Damage range: 6-16
  • Durability: High

Full Set of Blazed Quartz Tools

Recipe example for Blazed Quartz sword:

Craft Recipe for Blazed Quartz Sword

Recipe for Blazed Quartz armor:

Craft Recipe for Blazed Quartz Armor

More information about Blazed Quartz armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 20
  • Knockback Resistance: idk / 0.9
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 2300 / 1020
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / Yes

Full Set of Blazed Quartz Armor

You can also try Blazed Quartz Hammer, Karambit, or Scythe.

New Materials: Alloys


Steel can be received in 2 steps:

  1. Craft Carbonized Iron Ingot: 1 Coal and 3 Iron Ingots
  2. Melt the Carbonized Iron Ingot and give Steel Ingot

Craft Recipe for Steel Ingot

Review of Steel:

Steel Preview

Steel tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Steel Tools

Recipe example for Steel sword, requires Steel sticks:

Craft Recipe for Steel Sword

Steel nugget is necessary for craft Steel sticks. Craft recipe for Steel nugget:

Craft Recipe for Steel Nugget

Recipe for Steel armor:

Craft Recipe for Steel Armor

More information about Steel armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 17 / 16
  • Knockback Resistance: 2.3 / 0.4
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 310 / 286
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Steel Armor

You can also try Steel apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Slowness (0:15), Resistance (0:60)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance IV (6:00), Strength III (0:60), Slowness II (0:18)

Steel Apples

You can also try Steel Hammer, Karambit, or Scythe.


Use this craft recipe to get Brass ingot:

Craft Recipe for Brass Ingot

Review of Brass:

Brass Preview

Brass tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Brass Tools

Recipe example for Brass sword:

Craft Recipe for Brass Sword

Recipe for Brass armor:

Craft Recipe for Brass Armor

More information about Brass armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 15 / 14
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 240 / 221
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Brass Armor


Use this craft recipe to get Bronze ingot:

Craft Recipe for Bronze Ingot

Review of Bronze:

Bronze Preview

Bronze tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Bronze Tools

Recipe example for Bronze sword:

Craft Recipe for Bronze Sword

Recipe for Bronze armor:

Craft Recipe for Bronze Armor

You can also craft Bronze Plate and use it instead Chestplate. It is less durable, requires less bronze for crafting, but more enchantable.

Craft Recipe for Bronze Plate

More information about Bronze armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 13 / 13
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 150 / 134
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Bronze Armor

Modified Materials

Soul (Sand & Soil)

Soul Sand and Soul Soil

Soul preview:

Soul Preview

Soul tools and armor effects:

  • Standing near a full set of Soul armor will give Weakness II within 6 blocks
  • Soul tools will give Wither I effect on attack for 15 secconds

Weakness Effect from Soul Armor

To get Souls, you need to smelt Soul sand or Soul soil:

Soul Sand and Soul Soil Smelting

Soul ingot craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Soul Ingot

Soul block glow in the dark with the 4 light level. Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Soul Block

Soul tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Soul Tools

Recipe example for Soul sword:

Craft Recipe for Soul Sword

Also you can use Soul ingot to craft a dagger:

Craft Recipe for Soul Dagger

Recipe for Soul armor:

Craft Recipe for Soul Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Soul armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 19 / 16
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 180 / 87
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: Yes / Yes
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Soul Armor

You can also try Soul apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Wither (0:08), Nausea II (0:50)
  • Effects Enchanted: Wither II (0:08), Nausea III (1:20), Weakness IV (0:25), Darkness (0:45), Resistance VI (5:40)

Soul Apples


New Amethyst tools and armor:

Amethyst Preview

Amethyst and Amethyst Quartz tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Amethyst Tools

Full Set of Amethyst Quartz Tools

Recipe example for Amethyst sword:

Craft Recipe for Amethyst Sword

Recipe for Amethyst armor:

Craft Recipe for Amethyst Armor

More information about Amethyst armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 20
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.5 / 0.5
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 845 / 650
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Amethyst Armor

You can also try Amethyst apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Regeneration III (0:30), Absorption (2:00)
  • Effects Enchanted: Strength IV (3:40), Regeneration V (2:00), Risistance III (5:20), Fire Resistance (5:00), Absorption V (3:40)

Amethyst Apples

You can also try Amethyst Hammer.


New Lapis tools and armor:

Lapis Preview

Lapis and Lapis Quartz tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Lapis Tools

Full Set of Lapis Quartz Tools

Recipe example for Lapis and Lapis Quartz sword:

Craft Recipe for Lapis Sword

Craft Recipe for Lapis Quartz Sword

Recipe for Lapis armor:

Craft Recipe for Lapis Armor

More information about Lapis armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 19 / 18
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.3 / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 600 / 450
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Lapis Armor

You can also try Lapis apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Night Vision (0:60)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance (5:00), Invisibility (2:00), Night Vision (3:00)

Lapis Apples

You can also try Lapis Hammer, Karambit, Leviathan Axe, Mace, or Scythe.


New Lapis diamond armor and Diamond quartz tools:

Diamond Preview

Diamond quartz tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Diamond Quartz Tools

Recipe examle for Diamond quartz sword:

Craft Recipe for Diamond Quartz Sword

Recipe for Lapis diamond armor:

Craft Recipe for Diamond Lapis Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Lapis diamond armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 20
  • Knockback Resistance: idk / 0.4
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 2300 / 670
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Diamond Lapis Armor

You can also try Diamond apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption II (2:00), Regeneration II (0:15), Health Boost (1:20), Strength II (1:20)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption V (3:00), Regeneration V (0:45)โ€Œ, Health Boost II (3:00), Speed III (1:40), Strength IV (3:00), Jump Boost IV (2:00), Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance IV (5:00)

Diamond Apples

You can also try Diamond carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Diamond Carrot

You can also try Diamond Hammer, Battle Axe, Flint and Steel, Karambit, Leviathan Axe, Mace, or Scythe.


New Netherite tools:

Netherite Preview

New stats for Netherite Armor:

  • Protection: 20
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.4
  • Toughness: 3
  • Durability: 500
  • Powder Snow Protection: No
  • Effects: No
  • Piglin Protection: Yes

Full Set of Netherite Armor

You can also try Netherite apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption II (2:00), Regeneration III (0:15), Health Boost II (1:20), Strength II (1:20), Fire Resistance (1:20)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption V (3:00), Regeneration V (0:45)โ€Œ, Health Boost III (3:00), Haste III (3:20), Strength V (3:00), Speed IV (3:00), Jump Boost IV (3:00), Fire Resistance (6:20), Resistance V (6:20)

Netherite Apples

You can also try Netherite Hammer, Battle Axe, Flint and Steel, Karambit, Leviathan Axe, Mace, or Scythe.


You can try Iron apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Resistance (0:60)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Strength II (2:00), Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance (5:00)

Iron Apples

You can also try Iron Hammer, Battle Axe, Leviathan Axe, Mace, or Scythe.


New Netherrack tools:

Netherrack Preview

Netherrack tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Netherrack Tools

Recipe example for Netherrack sword:

Craft Recipe for Netherrack Sword


Now you can find Netherrack Copper Ore variant. It is more difficult to mine in Nether than Overworld.

Netherrack Copper Ore

New Copper tools and armor:

Copper Preview

To get an Copper ingot, you can smelt the Netherrack Copper Ore as well:

Copper Ore Smelting

Copper tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Copper Tools

Recipe example for Copper sword:

Craft Recipe for Copper Sword

Recipe for Copper armor:

Craft Recipe for Copper Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Copper armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 10 / 10
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 125 / 110
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Craft Recipe for Copper Armor

You can also try Copper apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Resistance (0:60), Nausea (0:15)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Nausea (0:20), Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance III (5:00)

Copper Apples

You can also try Copper carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Copper Carrot

You can also try Copper Hammer, Karambit, or Mace.


New Redstone tools and armor:

Redstone Preview

Redstone and Redstone Quartz tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Redstone Tools

Full Set of Redstone Quartz Tools

Recipe examples for Redstone and Redstone Quartz sword:

Craft Recipe for Redstone Sword

Craft Recipe for Redstone Quartz Sword

Recipe for Redstone armor:

Craft Recipe for Redstone Armor

More information about Redstone armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 13 / 12
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.2 / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 220 / 124
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Redstone Armor

You can also try Redstone apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (0:60), Regeneration (0:08), Speed (0:30)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (2:30), Resistance II (2:30), Haste III (2:00), Speed III (2:00)

Redstone Apples

You can also try Redstone Hammer, Karambit, Leviathan Axe, Mace, or Scythe.


New Quartz tools and armor:

Quartz Preview

Quartz and Quartz steel tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Quartz Tools

Full Set of Quartz Steel Tools

Recipe example for Quartz sword:

Craft Recipe for Quartz Sword

Recipe for Steel quartz sword, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Steel Quartz Sword

Recipe for Quartz armor:

Craft Recipe for Quartz Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Quartz armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 20 / 19
  • Knockback Resistance: 2.4 / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 980 / 820
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: Yes / Yes

Full Set of Quartz Armor

You can also try Quartz apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption II (2:20), Regeneration III (0:60), Fire Resistance (3:00)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:30), Regeneration V (2:00)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:10), Resistance V (5:30), Speed II (1:30), Strength V (2:40)

Quartz Apples

You can also try Quartz Karambit and Leviathan Axe.


New Prismarine tools and armor:

Prismarine Preview

Prismarine and Ancient Prismarine tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Prismarine Tools

Full Set of Ancient Prismarine Tools

Recipe example for Prismarine sword:

Craft Recipe for Prismarine Sword

Recipe for Ancient Prismarine sword:

Craft Recipe for Ancient Prismarine Sword

Recipe for Prismarine armor:

Craft Recipe for Prismarine Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Prismarine armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 15 / 15
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.4 / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 380 / 335
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Prismarine Armor

You can also try Prismarine apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Water Breathing (0:60)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance II (5:00), Water Breathing (2:30), Conduit Power III (2:00)

Prismarine Apples

You can also try Prismarine Hammer, Leviathan Axe and Scythe.


New Emerald tools and armor:

Emerald Preview

Emerald and Emerald Quartz tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Emerald ToolsFull Set of Emerald Quartz Tools

Recipe example for Emerald sword:

Craft Recipe for Emerald Sword

Recipe for Emerald Quartz sword:

Craft Recipe for Emerald Quartz Sword

Recipe for Emerald armor:

Craft Recipe for Emerald Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Emerald armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 18 / 19
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.01 / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 431 / 350
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Emerald Armor

You can also try Emerald apples. Check out the section about apples to find out the crafting recipe. Characteristics:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Hunger Points: 5 / 4
  • Effects: Absorption (2:00), Regeneration II (0:05), Villager Hero (0:60)
  • Effects Enchanted: Absorption IV (2:00), Regeneration V (0:30)โ€Œ, Fire Resistance (5:00), Resistance (5:00), Health Boost II (5:00), Villager Hero II (3:00)

Emerald Apples

You can also try Emerald carrot. This will restore 7 hunger units and give an effect Absorption III (1:00). Craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Emerald Carrot

You can also try Emerald Hammer, Karambit, Leviathan Axe, Battle Axe, Mace or Scythe.


New Glass tools and armor:

Glass Preview

To get Glass ingot, you need to smelt the Glass block:

Glass Block Smelting

Glass and Shattered Glass tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Glass Tools Full Set of Shattered Glass Tools

Recipe example for Glass sword:

Craft Recipe for Glass Sword

To craft upgraded Glass tools you will need Shattered Glass shard:

Craft Recipe for Shattered Glass

Recipe for Shattered Glass sword:

Craft Recipe for Shattered Glass Sword

Also you can recycle Shattered Glass:

Recycle for Shattered Glass

Recipe for Glass armor:

Craft Recipe for Glass Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Glass armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 11 / 11
  • Knockback Resistance: No / No
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 25 / 18
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Glass Armor


New Frozen tools and armor:

Snow Preview

Frozen tools and armor effects:

  • A full set of frozen armor will turn water to ice blocks
  • Frozen tools will give Slowness V effect for 5 secconds on attack

Set Effect of Frozen Armor Effect of Frozen Tools

Frozen tools will be added to the game.

Full Set of Frozen Tools

Recipe example for Frozen sword:

Craft Recipe for Frozen Sword

Recipe for Frozen armor:

Craft Recipe for Frozen Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Frozen armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 14 / 15
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.8 / 0.1
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 300 / 185
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Frozen Armor

You can also try Frozen Battle Axe.


New Obsidian tools and armor:

Obsidian Preview

Obsidian and Crying Obsidian tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Obsidian Tools Full Set of Crying Obsidian Tools

Recipe example for Obsidian sword:

Craft Recipe for Obsidian Sword

Recipe for Crying Obsidian sword:

Craft Recipe for Crying Obsidian Sword

Recipe for Obsidian armor:

Craft Recipe for Obsidian Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Obsidian armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 18 / 17
  • Knockback Resistance: 5.5 / 0.8
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 1560 / 530
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: No / No
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Obsidian Armor


New Magma tools and armor:

Magma Preview

Magma tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Magma Tools

Magma tools in your hand will give Fire Resistance effect:

Fire Resistance Effect of Magma Tools

Recipe example for Magma sword:

Craft Recipe for Magma Sword

Recipe for Magma armor:

Craft Recipe for Magma Armor

Characteristics of a complete set of Magma armor:

  • ORIGINAL / NERFED (balanced)
  • Protection: 19 / 18
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.6 / 0.6
  • Toughness: No / No
  • Durability: 460 / 420
  • Powder Snow Protection: No / No
  • Effects: Yes / Yes
  • Piglin Protection: No / No

Full Set of Magma Armor

Magma Cream

New Magma Cream tools:

Magma Cream Preview

Magma Cream tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Magma Cream Tools

Magma Cream tools in your hand will give Fire Resistance effect:

Fire Resistance Effect of Magma Cream Tools

Recipe example for Magma Cream sword:

Craft Recipe for Magma Cream Sword


New Glowstone tools:

Glowstone Preview

Glowstone tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Glowstone Tools

Recipe example for Glowstone sword:

Craft Recipe for Glowstone Sword


New Slime tools:

Slime Preview

Slime tools will be added to the game:

Full Set of Slime Tools

Slime tools wills stick items to you if you right click:

Sticking Effect of Slime Tools

Recipe example for Slime sword:

Craft Recipe for Slime Sword

New Tools and Weapons

Try Leviathan Axe, Battle Axe, Echo Battleaxe, Mace, Hammer, Thor Hammer, Scythe, Karambit, or Food Swords.Full List of New Tools and Weapons

Leviathan Axes

This is a tool for lovers of chopping trees. List of Leviathan Axes

You can completely cut down a tree:

  • Use short click on mobile
  • Use left click on Windows 10/11

Showcase for Leviathan Axe

Leviathan axes characteristics
  • Gold: 10 dmg, 280 uses
  • Redstone: 10 dmg, 621 uses
  • Iron: 11 dmg, 1089 uses
  • Prismarine: 11 dmg, 1588 uses
  • Lapis: 12 dmg, 2454 uses
  • Emerald: 12 dmg, 2545 uses
  • Diamond: 13 dmg, 2921 uses
  • Quartz: 14 dmg, 2854 uses
  • Netherite: 14 dmg, 3856 uses
  • Enderite: 15 dmg, 4090 uses

Craft recipe for Leviathan axes, it requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Leviathan Axes

But to get the Netherite leviathan axe, you need to use the Smithing table:

Upgrade Diamond Leviathan Axe to Netherite

Battle Axe

Battle axes have special abilities. A description of the effects and crafting recipes can be found on the main page of the addon ยซBattleaxeยป.

List of Battle Axes

Echo Battleaxe

Echo Battleaxes deserves special attention.

  • Damage: 45
  • Max durability: 4520
  • Effects: Resistance II, Strength II

When you right-click (long press on mobile) it will do the Warden Sonic Boom attack to the nearest target within 15 blocks does 19 damage points.

Showcase for Warden Sonic Boom

Recipe example for Echo Battleaxe:

Craft Recipe for Echo Battleaxe


This is an improved pickaxe with special properties.

List of Mace Tools

Ore mining is faster than pickaxe. You can also crack stones or bricks:

  • Use short click on mobile
  • Use left click on Windows 10/11

For example:

  • Use mace on Stone and you will see Cobblestone
  • Use mace on Cobblestone and you will see Gravel
  • Use mace on Stone Bricks and you will see Cracked Stone Bricks

Showcase for Mace Ability

Mace tools have the following characteristics:

  • Gold: 9 dmg, 316 uses
  • Redstone: 9 dmg, 679 uses
  • Copper: 9 dmg, 780 uses
  • Iron: 10 dmg, 1170 uses
  • Lapis: 11 dmg, 2523 uses
  • Emerald: 13 dmg, 2612 uses
  • Diamond: 12 dmg, 3011 uses

Craft recipe example for Mace:

Craft Recipe for Mace


This is a powerful Hammers with ability. There will be 26 of them in the game, among them the Thor Hammer.

List of Hammers

Use the Hammers to destroy a 3x3x3 cube:

  • Use short click on mobile
  • Use left click on Windows 10/11

This only works at the next height:

  • Overworld Y: from 312 to -51
  • Nether Y: from 115 to 12

Showcase for Hammer Ability

Hammers have the following characteristics:

Damage and durability of Hammers
  • Gold: 7 dmg, 398 uses
  • Redstone: 7 dmg, 775 uses
  • Copper: 7 dmg, 860 uses
  • Rose Gold: 8 dmg, 1000 uses
  • Amber: 7 dmg, 1060 uses
  • Platinum: 8 dmg, 1154 uses
  • Iron: 8 dmg, 1245 uses
  • Silver: 10 dmg, 1355 uses
  • Uranium: 9 dmg, 1450 uses
  • Steel: 8 dmg, 1555 uses, requires Steek Stick to craft
  • Topaz: 9 dmg, 1650 uses
  • Prismarine: 9 dmg, 1722 uses
  • Lapis: 9 dmg, 2678 uses
  • Emerald: 10 dmg, 2790 uses
  • Tourmaline: 10 dmg, 2830 uses
  • Amethyst: 10 dmg, 2999 uses
  • Jade: 10 dmg, 3058 uses
  • Sapphire: 10 dmg, 3076 uses
  • Ruby: 11 dmg, 3089 uses
  • Diamond: 10 dmg, 3124 uses
  • Visinium: 10 dmg, 3500 uses
  • Blazed Quartz: 11 dmg, 3742 uses, requires Blaze rod to craft
  • Netherite: 11 dmg, 4064 uses
  • Aetherium: 11 dmg, 4120 uses
  • Enderite: 12 dmg, 4275 uses, requires Ender Stick to craft

Craft recipe example for Hammer, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Hammer

Thor Hammer

Thor Hammer is the coolest hammer! Summon Lightning and kill the enemies.


  • Durability: 4520 uses
  • Damage: 12 dmg
  • Ability: lightning

To strike with lightning:

  • Press 2 seconds on mobile, or press it longer to few strikes
  • Use right click on Windows 10/11

Showcase for Thor Hammer Ability

Craft recipe for Thor Hammer, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Thor Hammer


This is an improved hoe.

List of Scythes

Use the scythe to till the ground. The Scythe allows you to till a large area.

Showcase for Scythe Ability

These Scythes make farmland areas 3x3 blocks:

  • Gold: 8 dmg, 289 uses
  • Redstonte: 8 dmg, 550 uses
  • Iron: 9 dmg, 1032 uses
  • Steel: 9 dmg, 1245 uses, requires Steel Stick to craft
  • Prismarine: 10 dmg, 1579 uses

These Scythes make farmland areas 5x5 blocks:

  • Lapis: 10 dmg, 2456 uses
  • Emerald: 11 dmg, 2544 uses
  • Diamond: 11 dmg, 2790 uses
  • Blazed Quartz: 13 dmg, 3450 uses, requires Blaze rod
  • Netherite: 12 dmg, 3789 uses. The crafting recipe doesn't work, maybe it's a bug
  • Enderite: 13 dmg, 4070 uses

Craft recipe example for Scythe, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Diamond Scythe


This is a weapon with additional effects.

List of Karambits

Characteristics and effects
  • Copper: 4 dmg, 131 uses, strikes the target with lightning. The craft recipe doesn't work, maybe it's a bug
  • Gold: 3 dmg, 25 uses, Haste III (0:05)
  • Redstone: 4 dmg, 142 uses, Speed IV (0:05)
  • Steel: 6 dmg, 280 uses, Resistance II (0:05)
  • Lapis: 6 dmg, 1130 uses, Invisibility II (0:05)
  • Emerald: 6 dmg, 1224 uses, Hero of the Village II (0:15)
  • Diamond: 6 dmg, 1432 uses, Strength II (0:05)
  • Quartz: 7 dmg, 1680 uses, Strength II (0:05), Instant Health
  • Netherite: 7 dmg, 1845 uses, Strength II (0:05), Regeneration II (0:05). The craft recipe doesn't work, maybe it's a bug
  • Blazed Quartz: 8 dmg, 2378 uses, Strength III (0:05), Fire Resistance, Instant Health II and some fire magic
  • Enderite: 9 dmg, 2689 uses, Jump Boost III (0:05), Absorption II (0:05)

Craft recipe example for Karambit, requires Upgrade Bench:

Craft Recipe for Diamond Karambit

Blazed Quartz Karambit has a separate craft recipe:

Craft Recipe for Blazed Quartz Karambit

To get a Netherite Carambit, use the Smithing table:

Upgrade Diamond Karambit to Netherite Karambit with Smithing Table

New items

Try Totem of Piglin Protection, Cheese, Sandwich, Orange, Apples, or Flint and Steels.

All New Items

Totem of Piglin Protection

To protect yourself from piglins, take it in your hand a Totem of Piglin Protection. To craft, you will need an Upgrade Bench and:

  • Block of Gold x4
  • Gold Ingot x4
  • Raw Porkchop

Craft Recipe for Totem of Piglin Protection


Do you like cheese? Now you can craft it from 3 buckets of milk:

Craft Recipe for Cheese


Use cheese to craft a sandwich.

Craft Recipe for Sandwich


Taste the Orange. This will restore you 8 units of hunger. It doesn't have a crafting recipe yet.

Orange Food

Apples and Enchanted Apples

Try to eat 18 new types of apples:

List of New Apples

Golden Apple (reference):

Golden Apple Reference

You can craft an apples from new materials:

  • Use apple and 8 ingots for craft apple

Craft Recipe Example for Apple

  • Use apple and 8 blocks for craft enchanted apple, requires Upgrade Bench

Craft Recipe Example for Enchanted Apple

Different apples have different effects and properties. You can rewind to the description of these types of apples: Citrine, Copper, Diamond, Emerald, Enderite, Iron, Lapis, Netherite, Onyx, Peridot, Prismarine, Quartz, Redstone, Rose Gold, Ruby, Sapphire, Soul, Steel and Amethyst.

Flint and Steels

Use Gold, Emerald, Diamond or Netherite to craft new Flint and Steels.

List of Flint and Steels

The power of fire is different:

Fire Options of Flint and Steels

Recipe example:

Craft Recipe for Flint and Steel

Durability of items:

  • Gold: 128 uses
  • Emerald: 150 uses
  • Diamond: 200 uses
  • Netherite: 250 uses

Cute Swords? Info! (OUTDATED)

Food Iron Swords

Food Swords that can be eaten and get bad effects.

List of Food Swords

Eat any sword and get the following effects:

  • Nausea (0:20)
  • Strength IV (2:10)
  • Slowness (0:35)
  • 8 points of food
Characteristics of Food Swords
  • Iron Potato Sword: 7 dmg, 400 uses
  • Iron Baked Potato Sword: 8 dmg, 450 uses
  • Iron Raw Beef Sword: 7 dmg, 400 uses
  • Iron Cooked Beef Sword: 8 dmg, 450 uses
  • Iron Carrot Sword: 7 dmg, 400 uses
  • Iron Cookie Sword: 7 dmg, 400 uses
  • Iron Sweet Berry Sword: 7 dmg, 400 uses
  • Iron Melon Sword: 7 dmg, 400 uses
  • Iron Fish Sword: 7 dmg, 400 uses, additional effect: Water Breathing (2:10)

Carrot and Potato swords can be used to breed pigs.

Craft recipe example for Food Swords:

Craft Recipe for Food Swords

Coocked beef and baked potato swords require smelting:

Smelting of Potato Sword

Item Repair Info! (OUTDATED)

How to Repair Tools?

Tools and Armors can be repaired with Anvil. Below you will see a lot of examples.

Repair Example for Emerald Battle Axe

Repair Example for Blaze Battle Axe

Repair Example for Lightning Battle Axe

Repair Example for Quartz Leviathan Axe

Repair Example for Blazed Quartz Hammer

Repair Example for Blazed Quartz Scythe

Repair Example for Netherrack Sword

Repair Example for Prismarine Sword

Repair Example for Emerald Quartz Sword

Repair Example for Iron Cookie Sword



  • Ruby Armor Texture design by Twitter: Glicthey @BemCyber | big changes made by me.
  • Aetherium Armor Texture design by Mcpedl: TheRealSpidey | small changes made by me.
  • Onyx Block Texture by Twitter Beez @itisbeez.
  • Magma, Slime, Glowstone Tools Textures from MoreVanillaTools | small changes made by me.
  • Lonsdaleite Block/Ore Texture design by the comunity of Mcpedl: SyKoSoFi | contribute here! | small changes made by me.
  • Leviathan Axe Decapitator | code idea by Me and Mcpedl: Gravel Studios.
  • Platinum Tools/Block Textures by Reddit: AppL Studios.
  • Titanium Block/Ingot Textures by Reddit: NeighborlyFedora.

How to Update Addons?

Updated on October 08

BugFix Update


  • Most Item colored names should display corectly now!
  • Most Items should be in the right category now!
  • Most Food Items should work on servers now!
Changelog for September 14 / Old Update

v5.9 Celestite Update!

  • New! Celestite! (Balanced pack only, OP pack discontinued)
  • Celestite Armorย 
  • Celestite Tools
  • Celestite Block
  • Celestite Budding Block
  • Celestite Geode formation (nether too)
  • Can be used as amethyst shard in most amethyst related recipes!
  • Celestite Shards are obtained by mining the cluster, just like vanilla Minecraft!
  • Celestite is very rare found in overworld in Celestite Geodes and nether (more common) | diamond like | good durability / damage
Changelog for August 18 / Old Update

Version v5.8r2:

  • Armor trims are here! (Balanced Pack Only)
  • Updated most of the armors from the balanced pack to support trims for now!
  • All vanilla trim templates and colors are supported by most armors if you find some that don't work let me know!
  • The mod items (gems/ingots) are not yet available as colors for armor trims and I didn't add any new trim templates! Vanilla templates are working for now!
  • 1.20 beta support!
Changelog for August 04 / Old Update

Version v5.8r1:

  • Tourmaline textures updated:
    • Tourmaline Boots
    • Tourmaline Chestplate
    • Tourmaline Leggings
    • Tourmaline Boots
    • Tourmaline Blocks
    • Tourmaline Items: Sword, Hoe, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel
  • Recipes/Food Items crash fixed hopefully!
  • 1.20 support!
Changelog for March 07 / Old Update

Version 5.7:

  • Lapis textures updated
  • Lapis and Diamond Lapis Armor textures updated
  • Lapis items textures updated
Changelog for December 25 / Old Update

Version 5.6:

Changelog for December 01 / Old Update

Version 5.5:

  • Updated Silver items/blocks/tools/armor textures
  • Updated the UI for Upgrade Bench, now it's compatible with Android / iOS. Offset fixed.

Fixed offset for Upgrade Bench

Changelog for November 02 / Old Update

Version 5.4:

  • Updated Silver items/blocks/tools/armor textures
  • Updated the UI for Upgrade Bench, now it's compatible with Android / iOS.

Download links
Download MoreTools BP v5.9.5
Download MoreTools RP v5.9.5
Download Gemstone Wandering Trader
Download Upgrade Bench UI
Supported versions
8 467
  1. static45 profile avatar static45
    Just added this add on to my world and now the word "using" is stuck on my screen. I would appreciate some help on how to fix this.
    1. TKs profile avatar TKs
      Tyr setting- video> Ui:change Pocket to Classic version like Java