Expansive Ores V2.0

This addon aims to add new ores, armors, tools, weapons, utility items, tables with custom UI, new shields, new enchantments, and effect rings. All of this will be added to your Minecraft bedrock world. I will update it as much as possible with many things and in the same way, I will let you give suggestions to improve the addon even more. I invite you to my Discord server, where you can comment on your ideas or do it privately on Discord.
- AlanizMC: for Textures, models.
- GAME OVER#7025: for Textures.
- TheGhost: for Textures.
- Vatonage: per base for enchantments function.
- You can use it with almost any addon, as this addon DOES NOT USE PLAYER.JSON, so it will be compatible with almost any addon, and you can easily put it at the end if you want.
Experimental Options🔮
For a better gaming experience, it is highly recommended that you activate all these experimental options.
Realms Version!!!
This update brings the wonderful possibility of adding this incredible addon to your realms. You just have to download the corresponding version, but first, you should know that the realm version will not have access to custom enchantments, at least for now. We will be working to add that option in future versions.
Update 1.9
In this update, the Blockyns were added, along with block-shaped entities from the addon that you can tame to have as pets. They can defend you and accompany you during your adventure. They appear in the caves, and if you manage to kill one, it is likely that they will release the gold of the addon. That is made.
Blockyns have many variants, depending on the gold that is embedded in it, the Blockyn will have more life, and the less useful the mineral is, the less life it will have. The order is as follows:
- Ruby/Sapphire = 90 HP
- Jade = 80 HP
- Onyx/Platinum = 70HP
- Rhodium = 65 HP
- Topaz = 60 HP
To tame the blockyns, you have to use iron or gold ingots, you will have a 10% chance of taming it, you can make it sit if you crouch and interact.
Update V1.8
- Links fixed
- Bug fixed when trying to import the addon's resources pack
- Gametest code was optimized
- Fixed bug with ax enchantment
- Bug fixed with the smelthin enchantment when chopping blocks from the addon
- Fixed bug that custon arrows sometimes gave vanilla arrows
- Lowered the radius of the plowing area with the furrowing enchantment
- Fixed bug with the smelthing enchantment when picking copper ore that only gave one while normally you could get 1 to 3 copper ores
Update 1.7
Salt Ore
Salt appears in your world from now on, in layer 0 until layer 45, and in the deepslate version it appears after layer -64 to -5.
This addon also allows you to cook some vanilla items that you normally wouldn't be able to without this addon, then you can also add salt to make the food even better.
Cooked Egg
The chicken egg is normally not consumable, but with this addon you can now use it as food when cooking it. This food will give you a total of 2 and a half bars of food.
Cooked Beetroot
Unlike normal beets, which only give you half a bar of food, which, when cooked, will give you a total of 2 and a half bars of food.
Cooked Carrot
The normal carrot, when consumed, gives you a total of 1 and a half bars of food, when cooked it will give you a total of 2 and a half bars of food.
Cooked Rotten Flesh
How do you know the rotten meat when you consume it? In addition to giving you 2 bars of food, it also gives you the effect of hunger, so it is not very convenient. Now if you cook this food you will be able to get rid of the effect of hunger when eating it, and apart from that, it will also give you a total of 3 and a half bars.
Salt Food
As I said before, this mineral will allow you to season your meals with salt, and that will give more bars to your hunger bar. To add salt to your food you just have to put it on the crafting table and add salt to the side, and that's it. Here, we leave you with an example so that you can guide yourself better. These salty foods give +2 bars more than the unsalted versions, for example, cooked beef gives a total of 4 bars, and now cooked beef with salt would give a total of 6 food bars.
Update 1.4
In this version 1.4, a total of 9 new bows and arrows were added that do more damage with a vanilla bow; a table to create the new bows was added; errors were fixed with the UI of the tables; from now on, it is recommended to put your game on Classic mode for a better gaming experience; improvements were also added to the uranium, jade and flourite armor models...
In this update, there are a total of 3 armors that received improvements compared to the previous version in terms of model and texture. They are the following:
We also added a new table that will be used to craft the new bows that this version of the addon adds.
You can also craft arrows for each bow on the crafting table in the equipment section. For the operation of the bows, it is required that they have arrows made from the materials for each bow.
In total, there are nine new bows made of different minerals added by the addon and an equal amount for arrows.
Here is an example video of how to use the bow. This applies to all bows added by the addon.
Update 1.3
Armors (Update)
This update of the addon improved the textures of the armor and added 3D models for each armor.
Rings Table
With this table, you can craft special rings that will give you infinite special effects if you have the item equipped in your 2nd hand.
The custom UI of the table of rings would be as follows, at the moment, there are only 6 rings that are craftable and each ring gives you an effect.
Here I leave an example of crafting for the rings; below I leave the crafting of the rings, and also in the section where notice of updates is given, I will put more in depth about the rings and their respective effects.
To craft this table, you must use the following materials on the crafting table:
Effect Rings
Amber Ring
This ring will give you the regeneration effect 2 when you put it in the secondary hand. If you are interested in recovering quickly, this is the ring you should use. It does not work in the main hand and is crafted as follows on the ring table:
Sapphire Ring
This ring will give you the effect of regeneration 2 when you put it in the secondary hand. If you want to move faster through the world, this is the ring you should use. It does not work in the main hand and is crafted the next way on the ring table:
Ruby Ring
This ring will give you the effect of force 2 when you put it in the secondary hand. If you are interested in killing hostile and peaceful entities more quickly, this is the ring you should use. It does not work in the main hand, and it is crafted in the following way on the ring table:
Jade Ring
This ring will give you the high jump 2 effect when you put it in the secondary hand. When you need to jump blocks higher or reach high places, this is the ring you should use. It does not work in the main hand, and it is crafted as follows at the ring table:
Flourite Ring
This ring will give you the effect of resistance to fire 2 when you put it in the secondary hand. To swim in lava and resist fire, this ring is the best option, more than anything in the nether!
Onyx Ring
This ring will give you the effect of night vision 2 when you put it on your secondary hand. If you are interested in looking clearly in dark places, this ring is the ideal one for you!
New Shields🛡️
New shields developed in gametest were added, which means that they are compatible with any addon. Some textures of addon items and bug fixes reported in Discord were also improved.
As I said before, a total of 10 new shields were added to the game developed with gametest of the following materials: Uranium, Jade, Amber, Flourite, Onyx, Topaz, Ruby, Sapphire, Rodio, Diamond, Netherite, Copper, Iron and Platinum.
-----Diamond Shield-----
-----Iron Shield-----
-----Copper Shield-----
-----Netherite Shield-----
-----Uranium Shield-----
-----Amber Shield-----
-----Jade Shield-----
-----Flourite Shield-----
-----Onyx Shield-----
-----Rodio Shield-----
-----Topaz Shield-----
-----Ruby Shield-----
-----Sapphire Shield-----
-----Platinum Shield-----
Pigman Ore
Found in the nether, these pigman zombies were infected with uranium and flourite minerals, increasing their resistance and damage. Thanks to the hardness of these ores, they are more dangerous than normal ones, and they will also give you the mineral they are made of if you manage to defeat them.
Zombie Ore
This entity appears around the world. These zombies had the bad luck to have an alteration in their system, causing flowers to grow in their bodies. The most incredible thing about this is that they adapted to the alteration, obtaining greater resistance and strength. If you manage to kill it, you can get their flowers, but be careful because they are much more resistant than a normal zombie.
Monster Ore
The mineral monsters are incredible and dangerous creatures that appear in the caves. If you manage to kill these monsters, you will get the ore that this hostile mob is made of. It has 2 types of attacks that do a lot of damage, we could even consider it a mini boss.
Custom Table👾
New tables were added that will serve for certain specific things, such as the copper table that will help remove the uranium radiation and the amber table that will serve to craft the tools for it.
Ores Generation
Here is an excel of the generation of each ore of the addon, some are generated in the nether and others in the normal world, others do not have a deepslate form and others only have a deepslate form.
Ores and Tools (Update)
Prismarine Ore
As I said before, this ore was added to facilitate the crafting of the trident table due to the difficulty of finding prismarine normally in survival.
This ore has a normal generation, that is, it is neither easy nor difficult to obtain. It is much better than rhodium, onyx and topaz ore in both damage and durability.
At the moment of breaking the ore of this mineral, you will obtain raw platinum, which you will have to cook to obtain its ingot.
This would be the second-best mineral to have for armor, it is one of the most resistant. Weapons made of this mineral will give poison when hitting other entities. This ore can only be mined with the following pickaxes: Amber Pickaxe, Flourite Pickaxe, Netherite Pickaxe, Uranium Pickaxe.
Undoubtedly the best mineral of all to make both tools and minerals, this armor has regeneration by having all the armor complete.
Another way to get the mineral will be through the trees, since trees will be generated all over the world that will have a little amber inside them.
When you find this type of tree with that crack, I recommend you break it since, in a period of 3 to 6 minutes, you will be able to remove the liquid amber that will be generated. The block should be seen in this state when it is with amber.
To extract the liquid amber, you must use a bucket and interact with the block. That way, you will fill the bucket with liquid amber.
Then, to finish this element, you take it to the oven, and it will come out amber. A curious fact is that you can use uranium to cook it, it lasts twice as long as normal coal.
This ore has a normal generation however it is much better than platinum and those that come after that ore.
This is one of the 3 best ores that are in the addon currently, you can find it in the nether you could say that it can be easy to obtain, but you will need very good pickaxes to obtain it.
This ore is one of the most common even, so it is better than stone and is similar to iron in damage and superior in durability, but not in mining, this mineral is also used to trade with an entity that adds the addon.
This ore is better than topaz, but it is not the best of all, but it is certainly a good option.
This ore is one of the best, but not the best, its tools are very competent and better than diamond even though in mining it is a bit inferior.
They say that ruby and sapphire are very similar gems.
This ore is generally common, but it is also better in durability and damage than stone and iron tools.
At the moment of breaking the rhodium ore, you will get the raw rhodium, which you will have to cook to get the rhodium ingot.
Hammers (3x3 Pickaxe Ore)
--Break Blocks--
Each hammer, pick and drill of this addon can break a certain amount of ores. In this image, I summarize what ores they can break.
The durability of the tools of each mineral varies according to its quality. Here is an image with all the information you need to know about the durability of each item.
I want to warn you that this could vary in each version of the addon so it never hurts to check it from time to time every time there is a big update of the addon.
This is the damage of each weapon and tool that is in the addon in the current version.
In the same way, this can vary throughout the updates, it would not hurt to review it from time to time. If you have any suggestions with the Addons you can tell me on my Discord server or in private.
Useful Items
This item will allow you to remove any type of block instantly, no matter how long it takes to break with a pickaxe, its only limitation is the bedrock and it can also break any custom block, whether or not it is from this addon.
Before crafting any of these drills, you will also need to craft the motor that will run the drill.
Once you have this item, you will have to combine the engine with the drill and the ore you want your drill to be. Here is an example.
Video example of the operation of these drills and their ability to break blocks, it should be clarified that these drills cannot break bedrock and in the case of breaking an ore that gives you an ore with embedded stone, these drills will take care of giving you the gem without the embedded stone.
Amber Amulet
This item will allow you to chase away all low level hostile mobs, such as: Zombie, Skeleton, Villager Zombie, Endermite, Hoglin, Husk, Magma Cube, Piglin, Silverfish, Spider.
Amber Totem
This item will allow you to increase your heart capacity by having it in your main or secondary hand every time you receive clear damage. This only has a 40% chance of obtaining an extra heart when receiving damage, these are lost if you die or take milk.
These apples are from some existing minerals, of exactly the following minerals: Amber, Ruby, Sapphire, Onyx, Topaz and Flourite.
All the apples are crafted with this format in the crafting table, in the same way the crafting will appear in the recipe book.
Some potions were also added that will give you existing effects in Minecraft.
Amber Potion
Jade Potion
Platinum Potion
Sapphire Potion
Ruby Potion
Onyx Potion
There is still a lot of information about the addon that I could not put on this page. If you want to know more about the addon, I invite you to join the Official Server of Expansive Ores, where you can ask everything you want about the addon as well as see progress, crafting, give suggestions, make collaborations, etc.
--Coming soon✔️--
In future updates new shields, enchantments, items with more skills, bows and similarly armor with effects that will serve you for your survival world will be added, all this will be added with gametest so that this addon is compatible with any addon, I also hope your suggestions about the addon, ways to improve it and all that, as I told you at the beginning, I invite you to my discord server to be more aware of the addon updates.
If you want to upload this addon in a review or upload it to an external page, you must use the link to ModBay, no direct links or creating your own links. If you don't comply, I will take action.
Updated on June 06
- Updated to support 1.20.80
Realms Version:
- Enchantments were removed in the version for realms due to compatibility problems
- Fixed the error of not being able to add the addon in a realm
Change List V1.9:
- Bug with bows fixed
- Fixed errors with the gametest
- Added Blockyns
- The addon was made compatible with version 1.20.5x
- Gametest codes were updated to a new format for 1.20.4x
- The addon was made compatible with current versions of minecraft bedrock
- Errors due to version incompatibility were fixed
- The models of the following armors have been improved: Uranium, Flourite and Jade
- Fixed errors with the table UI
- Now it is recommended to put the ui profile in classic mode for a better experience
- Added 9 new bows and 9 new arrows from different minerals
- Added a table to craft these bows added in this version
- Now compatible with 1.19.70 onwards
- Added ring table
- Added rings with effects
- Removed regeneration function on amber armor
- Improved the models and textures of armor, for example: Topaz, Sapphire, Ruby, Platinum, Amber, Onyx, etc.